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Everything posted by rablack97

  1. do you have a dmdext taskkill file launching at table close> if not make a bat or ahk file and add that to your launch at close for fx3, dmdext has an issue closing completely out, force closing it might solve your probblem.
  2. rablack97

    DMD & FX3

    This has always been an issue when adding dmdext to a front end. The process doesn't close out, and when you reopen it again, NADA. just add this to a txt taskkill /F /IM dmdext.exe and change the extension to .bat use that file as your launch after...you can do the same with autohotkey, which is what i used i even added a slight pause then ran the taskill command again, to ensure it was closed out. If you want to avoid FX3 breaking your setup, just back up your fx3 folder in steam, or make the folder read only.
  3. Yeah man these guys do this in their spare time for the community. Regardless of how we feel we have to be respectful to their efforts, we've lost some great devs to other pieces of software in this hobby due to complaining and misuse of their gift. Tom listens and makes changes that make sense for his software. If he put everyone's changes in no way anyone could keep up with it all. I can honestly say I've used every function in PBX , I cannot say the same about popper there is so much you can do with it, and half of it I probably won't use. However you will spend more time in configuration and creating themes wheels and wheel bars making videos etc vs actually playing the tables. Both are fun to do....some folks want an easy way to play all their tables some folks want to ability to build the front end around the tables. Options and evolution of the hobby is what we as users need to help preserve so it will continue to grow.
  4. You have to understand the diferences between popper and PBX. Tom has done a great job of keeping the software user friendly, a good looking front end that is easy to setup. He's also done a great job of controlling certain functionalities to avoid bloat. Both have pros and cons. PBX is for the folks that want a predefined front end that works. It's not fair to compare the two as the intent was to give users options for front ends not to compete. Bashing someones software that you are getting for free, and have not spent one second developing is not cool. Maybe offer code, offer valid suggestions without the bashing. I use both and both have features the other does not have. So it's a users choice. I also have both running all emulators no issues Popper is for users that want ultimate flexibility and there is a learning curve, database and SQL knowledge is required if you want to take advantage of all of the features. So if you want to spend more time playing and have a nice front end PBX is the way to go. If you want to spent more time enhancing the bling around the emulators popper is an option. Be courteous to the devs without them we would have nothing...make a suggestion then make a choice based on your application. No one is forcing you to use either or.
  5. Sorry @Tom Speirs video removed.
  6. Starter tutorial for hiding windows 10 http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,153529.0.html
  7. post one of your videos that your trying to import.
  8. By chance what foler are you putting your videos in Also for fx2 and fx3 if you want videos to play during gameplay you have to be in borderless window mode in fx2/fx3 I don't use the topper folder / function at all. Game manager In vpx, go to backglass and hit s to bring up the settings make sure dmd is visible, place your videos in the DMD VIDEOS folder. see if that works.
  9. just a check that sometimes gets missed. are you using videos during table selection? Also if you want to see which is the culprit try rolling back the PBX versions until the issue stops or try a still image and see if that shows consistently. It could be your codecs or the video files your using for the DMD videos.
  10. did you unblock the dll's?
  11. I think the recommended setting for cabs is desktop programs.
  12. What version of windows are you on? Place it on your desktop and click it and remove the (1). If that doesn't work import it as suggested. here is the link. https://support.displaylink.com/knowledgebase/articles/736116-windows-display-properties-identify-numbers-are Try this file, might of been due to this line being missing Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 Monitor Persistence.reg
  13. The issue is your screen registry settings are hosed Monitor Persistence.reg use this file to clear your monitor registry settings, shutdown, unplug all monitors, plug in your playfield reboot, set that as your default screen, shutdown, plug in backglass, reboot, positiion that screen, next to playfied, shutdown , plug in 3rd screen reboot, position that next to back glass monitor. Once you do that you should be able to assign your screens correctly in your pbx settings manager.
  14. The b2s's for FX3 do not work for me, and I have heard do not work for others. In my case the game freezes and or the backglass ends up on the playfield. So me personally, I use the animated backglasses created by the community here. I understand for your concern for your link, hence why it was removed. That is your link to distribute as you please. Glad you are not upset and look forward to your future releases, i am a fan and will be using in my cabinet for sure. Thank you again for all of your contributions to the community.
  15. Out of respect for your request I have removed the links. However no need to get upset, the issue is your still posting in an FX2 thread, maybe start an FX3 thread if your going to continue your work that everyone appreciates. I am a fan of your work and the work of Namsan and Bloodydrake per your quote "I know, there are already excellent BG videos out there by bloodydrake and Namsan". Currently you are the only one actively making these fantastic BG's, and it is fantastic news that you are continuing the work. I had reached out to you over a month ago to help with revamping the BG's for FX3 and your just now getting back to me with a response, so i too thought you were done. So apologies if your were offended, it was not the intent. The community appreciates and respects your work.
  16. Unless @Tom Speirs add this functionality. You will have to make a work around. Use a program like audacity to record the audio from the video file, then take that file and put that as your table sound, that way when the you come to that table the table sound will play the audio for the video in your dmd. At present the predence is if there is a table sound that will play, if no table sound then play startup sound.
  17. You can't, the media import only looks at table names and tries to find matches, it will not go out and find no DMD backglasses. What i do is hide the dmd with the b2s settings and then take a screenshot using the specified hotkey in my case printscreen and set the destination folder to the PBX backglass media folder. That wil take a perfect backglass image with no dmd. This is for VPX.
  18. Well, could you explain more as to why you you wouldn't use the ambient audio, table audio, and startup audio? With those 3 choices available, not sure why you would want DMD video audio playing through all of that, unless you plan on keeping table audio empty. As a test try removing all of your table audio files and then see if the dmd video audio plays, there might be a a precedence of table audio first.
  19. This is great news, hopefully they don't break Doflinx with this big update.
  20. one user mentioned he's about 700 strong so you have plenty to download before you hit that number and not all tables are worth keeping. Hoarding tables makes no sense really, while I admire the users collection, imaging scrolling through 700 plus tables, you will lose interest in playing just trying to scroll through all of them.
  21. If you add the tables them via the game manager, it should sort for you.
  22. https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/20800-read-this-first-before-posting-a-question/
  23. That's an R3+++ setup issue, I have both running fine on my rig. R3+++ was a bit of a pain to get going, but it took tweaking the DOF global files and making sure all .dll's and .exe for DOF were unblocked.
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