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Everything posted by Dal1980

  1. It's Mame64.exe as listing in my Paths. I can run the games via CLI but I am unable to tell GameEx where my games are
  2. Sorry I meant to include - knew I'd miss something
  3. Haha pretty cool! This doesn't have anything to do with the standard method I'm on about but it's a great demo on how mirrors can create cool effects. Maybe the arcade machines had heat issues which is why they are at the top looking down? Just a thought
  4. Oh, thanks for setting me straight 😊 I was close lol So why did they do this?
  5. Hi Guys I know tha theming is a "suck it n see" approach but I have sucked it and I didn't see I'm trying to get the background colour to change on the main menu screen on gameEx. I've been using the Theme Editor (2.25) to setup some pages. Not matter what I do I can't shift the standard blue (Default theme backgound) and I've exhausted all background images in the Theme Editor. I don't know where it pull it from but I have got all the images I can squeeze out filled in. Please see photo of menu attached (couldn't screen grab as it just came out black). Here's the contents of my theme folder Here's my Theme.ini contents On a different note, what's the difference between "Layout" and "Start" on the Object Browser (Layout seems to be the one that Start screen uses which is just backwards as far as I can tell)? Cheers Dal
  6. Hi guys, stupid question but I've been looking through the threads on everyone's cab setups and something flashed in my mind about some of the arcade machines I spent time with down the 'cades'. Did some of them not have their CRT's facing up from underneith with mirrors to project an image at the player(s)? If so two questions come from that, why does it look like no-ones done that in their setup? And What was the advantages of having this type of system over straight-on CRT viewing? Cheers Dal
  7. I bought 3 AMD computers (new) from a PC shop that had an online store. Good prices but entered into the world of black market chips. Found out that these 3 computers, only 1 had a genuine chip as the other two chips where bridged to make them appear to be better which subsequently made them run so hot the systems kept shutting off. Anyway, my other bad experience was using ATI graphix cards when I went through 3 different cards which I kept having to go swap at the store. ATI wasn't very helpful! Then I heard AMD partnered with ATI... Best news ever for me, it meant that both of them were a lot easier to avoid! 😆 My last build was Intel and I won't use anything other than nVidia since I got my fingers burnt. Intel is very good and I enjoy the power of my i7
  8. Dizzy was awesome, played them on my spectrum 48k and it was one of those games that you could always go back to... Come on! 3 lives and an egg that somersault around a hard pointy landscape... That just doesn't sound like a sensible idea and with only 3 lives I learnt to hate the space bar!
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