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Everything posted by Dal1980

  1. Did you manage to find an audio version of this? Seems Amazon shows a preview with no option to buy and tells me to use Audible which I installed on my iPhone for it to tell me that I can't purchase it through this app. :/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Kustom Kid, that's probably the best explanation of the use of some mirrors I've had. Doesn't explain the standard type I've seen that just use the sticks but then again these things were probably all chopped and changed around so much they may have just used a different game board inside a machine that used to be operation wolf. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Wow I just replied to a post from 5 years ago... Uh oh I'll have mods kicking my arse about bumping old threads lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. There's an option I seen in GameEx to capture snaps which I think includes videos. If you go through to the final screen just before you load the game, the options further down under play the game have the option to record I believe. It's automated I think and does take a bit of time but it could be just what you need to fill in the missing pieces Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Thanks, I missed that option completely
  6. Sorry fell asleep (it was 3:19am!!) Seems to be working... I had issues with something else the other day and re-installing it helped that so it may have fixed my crazy issue too. Regardless the information here has helped me set the right images now. Thanks guys
  7. Thanks guys! Really helpful, I'll try it out and let you know in the next couple of hours
  8. Thanks so much for your help bud! I appreciate it. Hope this helps other people like me in the future at least so maybe not such a waste (We tried everything lol)
  9. Eh! It works - didn't change a thing! all I done was reran the setup and it opened GameEx at the end of the install process. I thought I would have needed to setup the config files for emulators again but noticed that Nintentdo SNES was there... Opened it and hey presto - everything loaded in! WTF!?!
  10. Thanks - well I'll give that a whirl then
  11. 2 is my original SuperNES 6 is my NES Test Full Contents of EMU_2.map (theres them games!) EMU_6.map doesn't exist Other UMU_x.map files EMU_1.map EMU_3.map EMU_801.map What about uninstall - reinstall (is there a better version to use than the most current?)
  12. Ok Same thing happends as before except on a couple of tries I managed to get in to the menu Yay! Problem remains tho, no games and the options were: Play This Game Add To Favourites Rate this game Times Played: N/A Last Played: N/A I think it skipped a stage as selecting the emulator screen went straight through to as if I had selected a rom ? I got an error! (Not related) Looks like something to do with display issues but I was getting these the other day (randomly), I've since updated from nVidia 347.25 to 358.50 which is the latest for my Gigabyte GeForce GTX 560 Ti 900Mhz 1GB PCI-E HDMI (overclocked) graphics card (lol I keep that info on the side of my PC)
  13. Here's a link to YouTube 2min video but I got myself lost trying to show you my mame menu lol (can't hold the phone AND think at the same time it appears )
  14. Sure These logs don't really show a problem... maybe I could video it or something
  15. I've setup snes9x.exe which is a very simple install. I've gone through the GameEx GUI and navigated to SNES Test and pressed to enter into that screen. It let me in the first time and done exactly the same as before (no roms listed) then kicked me out after a few seconds and now i can't get back in to that screen. For the record I've reset the theme back to default - new to make sure there wasn't a theme issue going on.
  16. Nah - c:\emulators\myroms\supernes didn't work. There shouldn't be a problem with the path otherwise mame arcade games would load artwork (_Artwork) or their roms (_Roms\Mame166) I'll try a different emulator maybe
  17. I've spent some time setting up another front end (emulation station) to see if I could get it working in there. I've had to write a batch script so I can record issues with getting the commands to work (emulation station issue) but one things for certain the roms loaded as soon as I told it where they were located in emulation station. I can't understand why GameEx would have a problem with the path but I'll do that now for the sake of trying. Cheers PS: not sure if this is any use to anyone for bug reporting on Mame64's Internal MESS :: Batch file by Dal1980 V1.0 (28/10/2015):: Simple Batch file to use with mame64.exe for executing MESS roms:: and storing the output to a file shame.txt (same directory):: This file should be stored with mame64.exe:: Usage: shame {system} {path to roms} {filename}:: Example: shame snes "c:\mydirectory\myroms" "Game Name Here (ok).zip":: Please note: Remember to use quotes on around the last two parameters.:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------@ECHO off::lets get the directory and setup our BVMame Variable::i.e. this will be c:\mydirectory\mame64.exeSET BVMame=%~dp0%mame64.exeECHO Running "%BVMame%"IF %1.==. GOTO MissingParam1IF %2.==. GOTO MissingParam2IF %3.==. GOTO MissingParam3::Batch Variables (BV)SET BVsystem=%1SET BVrmpath=%2SET BVrfname=%3::lets remove double quoteSET BVsystem=%BVsystem:"=%SET BVrmpath=%BVrmpath:"=%SET BVrfname=%BVrfname:"=%::now remove single quotesSET BVsystem=%BVsystem:'=%SET BVrmpath=%BVrmpath:'=%SET BVrfname=%BVrfname:'=%::Above code removes " and ' from the passed params::below removes the end \ (backslash) if it has been includedIF "x%BVrmpath:~-1%"=="x\" ( SET BVrmpath=%BVrmpath:~0,-1%)::(THIS) Use these lines instead if the rom file name doesn't include the path (this would maybe be tested for in future versions)::ECHO %date% %time% Executing: %BVMame% %BVsystem% -rp "%BVrmpath%" -cart "%BVrmpath%\%BVrfname%" >>%~dp0%shame.txt::ECHO %date% %time% Executing: %BVMame% %BVsystem% -rp "%BVrmpath%" -cart "%BVrmpath%\%BVrfname%" 2>>%~dp0%shame.txt::ECHO Passed Params 1: %1 >>%~dp0%shame.txt::ECHO Passed Params 2: %2 >>%~dp0%shame.txt::ECHO Passed Params 3: %3 >>%~dp0%shame.txt::%BVMame% %BVsystem% -rp "%BVrmpath%" -cart "%BVrmpath%\%BVrfname%" 2>>%~dp0%shame.txt::(OR THIS) Use these lines instead if the rom file name has the full path (this would maybe be tested for in future versions)ECHO %date% %time% Executing: %BVMame% %BVsystem% -rp "%BVrmpath%" -cart "%BVrfname%" >>%~dp0%shame.txtECHO Passed Params 1: %1 >>%~dp0%shame.txtECHO Passed Params 2: %2 >>%~dp0%shame.txtECHO Passed Params 3: %3 >>%~dp0%shame.txt%BVMame% %BVsystem% -rp "%BVrmpath%" -cart "%BVrfname%" 2>>%~dp0%shame.txtECHO %date% %time% End of Entry >>%~dp0%shame.txtECHO ... >>%~dp0%shame.txtGOTO EndBatch::Error Handling Routine:MissingParam1 @ECHO . ~"&"~ . @ECHO ~# Batch file by Dal1980 V1.0 (28/10/2015) ~# @ECHO Simple Batch file to use with mame64.exe for executing MESS roms @ECHO and storing the output to a file shame.txt (same directory) @ECHO This file should be stored with mame64.exe @ECHO . . @ECHO --Usage------------------------------------------------------- @ECHO shame {system} "{path to roms}" "{filename}" @ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------- @ECHO . . @ECHO --Example----------------------------------------------------- @ECHO shame snes "c:\mydirectory\myroms" "Game Name Here (ok).zip" @ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------- @ECHO * Remember to use quotes on around the last two parameters * @ECHO ~# ~# @ECHO OFFGOTO EndBatch :MissingParam2 ECHO Missing Parameter for Path to RomsGOTO EndBatch :MissingParam3 ECHO Missing Parameter for Rom Cart FilenameGOTO EndBatch::End of Batch Marker:EndBatch
  18. Sorry nullPointer, I meant that the folder icon in gameEx, Windows explorer is fine. I don't know what to call these different screens. I might have had a clue if there was proper documentation to this programs UI.
  19. Thanks nullPointer I've just followed everything that gameEx suggested so C:\GameEx for GameEx and C:\Emulators for all the Emulators which I also included _Roms and _Artwork to keep everything nice a neat I cleared the cache files and started GameEx. No problems but when I tried to open Nintendo SNES folder to see there were any Roms, it entered and kicked me straight back out. I've left it a while before trying again while I worte this post... ... I've gone back to see that it has actually allowed me in to the folder except there's nothing in there. I can hear the click/tap of my menu selection changing but I can't see where it is and the menu with change view and back is missing too! There's just these details: All Games 8,149 Items 5 | 11 I tried to see if I could start a hidden game but when I pressed to start it (twice) it moved the screen back over to my Mame arcade Roms collection?! Very strange :s
  20. RedDog, I'm confident with the Mame64 commands as I've been working with another chat group to help me get this up and running Its apparently exactly the same as MESS but you address it as "mame64.exe" as they merged. I like having the mame emulator doing all of my stuff except N64 which apparently it doesn't hold up too well with. As far as donkey kong country goes.. I thought that was a pre-packed thing with GameEx (if I look in the demo folder I see them 4 titles there but with no Roms so I assume they are set to just "show" you the game). I have approximately 780 games sitting in my SuperNES folder, I find it strange that it would have identified for popular titles out of all of them. I can't show you a log of another one as the problem is that I can't get them on the list for GameEx to execute (this is my whole problem). My collection has 99% .zips and a dozen .srm files Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.2) [!].srm is one of them. Here's the rest of the srm files only Inside the zips I have (after checking few of them out) there is just 1 file named the same as the zip but with a smc extension (not srm!) I don't know what else to share but let me know if you want me to try anything. Cheers James
  21. Hi - Just thought (not sure if anyone has already suggested it or not)... We currently have a feature to update our Last played game so there is some communication going on between GameEx and the forum... how about we have a feature where we can sync out gameex.ini files so that we all don't need to keep posting it every time we ask a question, this would also help those keen to help the community as the neccessary (or certainly) core file will be there available for review. Cheers Dal
  22. I don't understand what would change if I did that. Where does GameEx read the list of files I have inside my Roms directory? Does it scan the directory itself or does it read from a db or xml file somewhere? The same thing has happened to my NES which I also use Mame64.exe to play. These both work if I address them in the command line (DOS)
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