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Everything posted by keithhov

  1. The controller itself is not listed in the device manager, the wireless adapter for the controller is listed in network adapters. I have no issues with the controller, it works great. Works fine with visual pinball, just not if launched with pinballx. I might try and go back to the 360 controller and see if that works like it did in the past. Running out of options, for some reason it looks like the xone controller through the wireless adapter and pinballx don't like each other. Thanks for the help and suggestions.
  2. Yeah it didn't help. Sounds correct with the stealing focus thing. Tried just about everything I can think of, no luck. If you have any additional feedback I will try it. If not maybe this is something that can be corrected in the future.
  3. The log file isn't complete because its crashing I assume. I am not having an issue with the controller it works fine. The 360 controller worked fine with pinballx and pinmame. I upgraded to the the xone controller and that's when I started having problems. Basically everything runs fine if I don't have the controller on. Once the controller is on, pinballx attempts to load the table, which it does, just underneath the loading screen. You can here the table and even hear the flippers, its just covered by the loading screen. If you try to hit the windows key to bring the table to the forefront, pinballx crashes. Thanks for the help. I am trying to do a full uninstall, is there anything in the registry or any other folders that I should clear out before reinstalling?
  4. I am using an xbox one controller through the official wireless usb adapter. I have attatched the 2 files. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall but it did not help. log.txt PinballX.ini
  5. Pinballx gets stuck on the loading screen for all tables. The tables fully load but the loading screen stays on top. This ONLY happens when I have a controller plugged in, once its unplugged it works normally. Will attach log file soon. I am running pinballx 2.12 as an administrator , windows 10.
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