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Everything posted by keithhov

  1. RESOLVED!! 6.36 is back to quick exits to wheel menu, quick exit back to windows, tables even seem to load a few seconds faster. Definitely time for me to click donation link....20 bucks a year is a small price to pay the amount of time I spend with pinballx. Thanks to all.
  2. Tried 6.33, no change in slow exit, backglass and vpm hung on screen when I got back to wheel menu.
  3. ya i just tried 10.8.1 for the heck of it because I know its different......will try 6.31 soon
  4. 6.31 is actually slightly slower then 6.29, backglass and dmd hang on screen for about 3 seconds when exiting a table, then black screen for about 6 seconds, then back to wheel. I tried a fresh installation of pinballx, no luck, tried BGFX versions of vpx, tried 10.8.1, tried older versions of pinmame, all no luck. Thanks log.txt PinballX.ini
  5. still slow exits with 6.31 unfortunately.
  6. installed 2.29....no change in slow exits,,,tested with bfgx version of vpx,, no change. Stumped.. ....6.11 speedy exits. If I run vpx by itself tables exit quickly to file menu.
  7. installed 6.23... still get the black screen for about 7 seconds when I exit a table before i get back to the wheel menu.....tried a new installation of vpx in a different folder....same results unfortunately. log.txt PinballX.ini
  8. installed 6.21... still get the black screen for about 7 seconds when I exit a table before i get back to the wheel menu.....have tried different versions of VPX... no luck unfortunately
  9. 10.8 v2037 seems to work fine by itself....played fish tales for a few mins in 4k, steady 144 frames......2037 seems to work fine with pinballx version 6.11, exit takes me back to wheel menu instantly..........installed pinballx 6.20 and I am back to slow exits...not horrible but about 6 to 7 seconds of black screen then wheel menu..... tried both fullscreen hack options. I do get a error when installing 6.20 around C++, I don't get the error when installing 6.11. Might trying to manually reinstall C++ if one of you experts thinks it could be part of the problem.
  10. Yeah I realize 1995 is a bit behind, I seem to be able to play all newer releases, especially VPW tables in full with no limitations that I am aware of. I will try 2037 tonight and see how it interacts with pinballx 6.11 and 6.20.... I kinda think windows builds/nvida drivers are causing most of the problems but that's purely a guess.
  11. I too had exit problems with all the most recent versions of pbx and vpx/pinmame.. For now I am using 10.80 rev 1995 and pbx 6.11(something newer might work but I had 6.11 installer handy) and everything is working perfectly. Between new versions of windows builds, vpx betas and more there are just so many variables right now , very confident it will all be back to normal sooner than later.
  12. Thanks scutters... I think i finally have it all figured out. When I tried Mikes registry steps above, windows still was making my primary playfield monitor number 3...and that was causing all types of problems,, windows,vpx and pinballx monitor numbers didn't match up consistenlty....I have kinda noticed that in the past but everything worked so I didn't really care. I could only get my playfield to be callled monitor 1 if I swapped display ports on the video card and then deleted configuration and connection in windows registry(thanks Mike) after reboot finally all 3 monitors were the correct number and windows monitor number matched up with VPX and PinballX. After rebooting a few times to make sure all the monitor numbers stuck, I installed 6.20 pinballx.... unfortunately, I still get the long exit of about 8-10 seconds of a black screen before I get back to the main menu. This is with the most recent public version of 24H2, latest pinballx and latest nvidia drivers. Fingers crossed all my monitor numbers stick as my cabinet turns off and on automatically each day. Maybe I will try a different installation of VPX on my cabinet to see if that exits quicky like it used to.
  13. I did try to change VPinballX.ini file display 0 to 1, no luck unfortunately. I think I am just a weird spot with beta VPXs, nvidia drivers and windows being windows.... oddest thing is vpx,, I save it to play on monitor 1,,,,nope plays on monitor 2....sometimes....sometimes monitor 3, just all over the place. Also contributing was the B2S settings you mentioned as well, I am at least in a spot where I have some hope.... I imagine a few driver updates and windows updates it will be back to normal. I'll report back here if I find any big culprit.
  14. ya i agree with Mike that the windows update really messed up my monitor configuration.... i did make some progress swapping cables but its still not right....VPX won't save playfield to the correct monitor no matter what I try....only way I can get it to work its to manual set display to =1 in individual table ini files... pain the ass to do for 200 tables,,, plus its very likely something will change and I have to do it all over again. I might try his registry hack above......I am usually down for a few hours of troubleshooting but just hopeful a windows update/nvidia driver update gets things a bit back to normal.
  15. I did windows system recovery in hopes that it would take me back to windows version 23, I didn't think it would and it did not. It did put my windows back a few days to where I was using pinballx version 6.11, tables exited quickly again. I updated to 6.20, slow exits again. So sticking with 6.11 for now on cabinet. 6.20 works fine on pc with older nvida drivers....I updated newest nvidia drivers, tested 6.20, exits a little slower. Quick thoughts are Mike is correct above in that pinballx exits a little slower after updating windows to 23H2. I imagine it will all get fixed between newer nvidia drivers and some tweaks by Tom if needed down the road, I am fine closing this topic unless you feel otherwise. Thanks
  16. ya i did all that......trying system recovery to see if it will take me back to older versions of windows just for now....Im thinking windows update to 24H and latest nvidia drivers are liking each other.
  17. I generally have versions that are about 3 months old,,..I dont have much time to troubleshoot right now.....one thing is clear though,, the recent windows update messed things up big time for me......I can't get vpx to push playfield to the correct monitor no matter what one I select in video settings....I have to manually move cables in back of video card.....once I get everything working.....if I reboot windows doesnt even turn on my main monitor....weirdest thing ever.....super confused....throwing in the towel until the weekend.
  18. i unchecked some options setting up the B2s screen res file and saved new display locations.... not seeing the created directx lines in log file now but still getting the 10 second delay exiting.......i exit,,,goes to a dark black screen for about a second......then goes to a slightly lighter darkblack screen for about 8 or 9 seconds, then back to the main menu as it should....just weird.
  19. new log attached....seeing "Created DirectX BackGlass Window" and " Created DirectX DMD Window" after hitting exit button..... not seeing those created directx lines on my PC set up? I did reinstall b2s server when troubleshooting a few days ago when I was have problems with windows renumbering my displays..... log.txt
  20. Exiting tables takes about 10 seconds longer than it used to on my 3 screen cabinet setup. A few days ago a windows11 update messed up my monitor numbers, I had tables launching on my backglass monitor and dmds all over the place, normally I can just change some settings in nvidia but this time the only fix was to actually swap cables inputs on my video card, eventually I got everything back to normal, but now when I exit tables in pinballx it takes a much longer time to get back to the main menu.. I exit, and I stay on a black screen for about 10 seconds then back to the table select menu,,,,not a huge issue but just a bit annoying. I did reinstall latest version, I tested latest version on a different PC but I don't have the long exit issue. Files attached. log.txt PinballX.ini
  21. I think I finaally figured it out.... NVIDA control panel.....adjust video settings.....even thought I had this disabled for my ASUS monitor, it was enabled with either the backglass monitor or DMD display monitor...... and windows often reports a different number monitor then what nvidia reports.... so just a lot of confusion on what monitor is what in windows opposed to vpx/NVIDIA and also in vpinballx.....I have generally been aware of this but am just used to it and after a few minutes or trial I get playfield, DMD, backglass on correct monitor. either way I just set color adjustments to be made by video player, instead of NVIDIA for all displays and after cycling through a bunch of tables, all videos seem to play correctly...... FINALLY!! Thanks for the help
  22. I generally don't have any frame rate issues.....a few titles I have to turn down some reflections to maintain 144 frames.. I also use vertical sync and get steady 144 with no noticeable lag.... frame pacing on my cabinet causes microstuddering even with overdrive disabled, frame pacing on my traditional PC works great. I can't go to HDMI on playfield cabinet, if you use HDMI your maxed out at 120 frames,,,, the main reason I upgraded to the asus 43 inch is to get 144 frames. There just seems to be some type of dynamic brightness or contrast overide kicking in on videos on occasion... I am just trying to narrow it down if it's being causes by nvidia settings(I do have gamma correction disabled) or the asus monitor...... I haven't dug into to deep because its a minor annoyance. Thanks for the tips/suggestions.
  23. Playfield monitor is Asus ROG XG43UQ Strix 43" 4K UHD Gaming LCD Monitor, 144Hz, FreeSync Premium Pro Asus ROGXG43UQ Backglass monitor is just a standard 4k 32 inch samsung monitor hdmi, the ASUS 43 is a really good playfield monitor after some tweaking,,,once i turned off or down all the fancy stuff. 1.4 display port....... Tested a bit more and can only reproduce the issue on the asus, so I am pretty certain its some type of brightness/contrast override,,, fortunately actual tables look great and consistent.
  24. updated to latest version of pinballx, upated nvidia drivers,,, verified all HDR settings off in windows and on monitor,,,,ASCR disabled on monitor, dynamic dimming disabled on monitor... If I force my main display to backglass monitor, the video brigtness seems very consistent on the backglass monitor,, when I put it back to my main monitor playfield, it seems some type of monitor setting tries to kick in...looks like some kinda contrast adjustment makes the videos bright occasionally ..... Pretty sure it's just my monitor opposed to codec issue or pinballx... I don't want to mess with monitor settings too much as tables look great in VPX. I am good closing topic again.
  25. I do have a complex monitor with all type of adaptive/dynamic settings.... I think I have most of it turned off....fearful of changing those settings as I have spent hours dialing it in for perfect table brightness....I will update to latest version of pinballx... and check windows HDR settings...ill post back on here if I notice any changes. Thanks,
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