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Everything posted by Outhere

  1. Post something on http://www.vpforums.org/
  2. Are you running the recorder program as administrator
  3. is the DMD right for the vpx tables outside of pinballx
  4. This is what i did - I do not use setdmd After I did this I deleted all the ROM entries and when you start a new game it just makes a new ROM entrie with all the correct settings 1) Setup the DMD for one VP table manually the way you want it. 2) Open the registry and locate Computer\HK_LOCALUSER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\default and delete that entry 2) In the registry, now locate Computer\HK_LOCALUSER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\<rom filename> for the table you manually setup and rename it to Computer\HK_LOCALUSER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\default All new tables will automatically pick up the Default settings http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=tutorials&article=136
  5. You can only see half the DMD
  6. as far as I know the DMD settings in pinballX are for when you are browsing tables so there's a either a video or still picture on your DMD, that has nothing to do with the DMD size settings.. If you run visual pinball vpx outside of pinballx what does the DMD do?
  7. turn this off --- AutoConfigure=True
  8. Turn off - Override Default Layout Set Button Assignments the same as vp9
  9. Not near my cab right now but I believe it was under options, than video in Fx3
  10. Fx2 works fine I have - Intel i7 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 If I run pinballx in fullscreen windowed an fx3 in full screen mode the videos freeze but with fx3 running in borderless window they do not...
  11. There should be no need to have a offset This is my setup 1920 1080 1360 768 2 0 0 1851 602 1395 211 0
  12. If I use borderless window in Fx3, The video does not freeze
  13. Post your ScreenRes.txt and your PinballX.ini
  14. Anbody else have this issue with the videos freezing. ---> Yes, I have not tried to fix it yet
  15. Post your ---> pinballx.ini file and log file
  16. This is what I have in the same=folder Just make a copy and rename Pinball FX2.xml Pinball FX2-.xml
  17. The same name that's in the data_steam folder STARWARS_RogueOne
  18. It's a steam thing https://www.gameex.i...-tables/?page=5 Open Steam client Choose Steam/Settings/Account Change Beta participation to the Steam Beta Update It asks for a restart, then the beta version will be installed.
  19. So when you pick an FX2 game does pinballX try to start it and then it comes back to the menu or what exactly is it doing or not doing
  20. Try this \ for VP9 and VP9PhysMod5 setup /play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"
  21. PinballX.ini log.txt
  22. http://steamcommunity.com/app/226980/discussions/0/558751813226965223/
  23. No matter which way I tried to launch FX2 from pinballx it gives you that same Error if you remove this "[TABLEFILE]" it takes you to the grid without the Error This work fine last week , But this week i started getting the Error Allow game launch
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