The script can be placed anywhere. I keep it in C:\PinballX\Scripts
The config file is extracted into the obs-studio root. Then, the path to your profiles would be obs-studio\config\obs-studio\basic\profiles
the FP recorder is a mod of gtxjoe's recorder for VP. He packages ffmpeg with his distribution. The default location would be the same folder as where the script is located. In other words ffmpeg.exe would be located in path: script_dir\ffmpeg\bin
Open a command prompt, navigate to the obs executable and start a portable instance.
obs64 --portable
accept the license and you should be good to go.
Like everything related to pinball software, I set all executables to start as adminstrator - obs, this compiled script executable, ffmpeg, etc.
Snapshots - I don't really use that feature. I can't think why it would not work. If nothing else PinballX has built-in snapshot support, but I guess you'd have to do the renaming of image files.