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Everything posted by gtxjoe

  1. Just tested today's 6pm beta version and it is not working for me. If I launch PinballX, it starts to display the first table but display and audio freezes for about 10 seconds, DMD monitor is black, and then it resumes (TAF in this case). I can then cycle through tables but no pinMame DMD works. I do get the PinballX video for Abracadabra (no ROM or DMD image avail) and my static DMD image for T2 (dmd image in Media folder). Tables with DMD rom selected just show a frozen image of the previous DMD image or Pinballx video. If I launch PBX on a non DMD game first, like Abracadabra it comes up fine with Pinballx video, then when I switch to TAF with DMD ROM selected, it freezes for 10 sec, no pinmame dmd and then resumes with same behavior described. vp cabinet.dll. 3 monitor cab with 180 tables. win7 x64. My DMD monitor is landscape orientation, so I have to set ROL=1 if that matters. I reduced it to 5 tables to troubleshoot. No FP tables, but I have a second VP system setup with the T2 table only 19:16:18.0 7/17/2014: PinballX - Version 1.8619:16:18.0 7/17/2014: Loading Settings19:16:18.0 7/17/2014: Launching Startup Program: ledset.bat19:16:18.0 7/17/2014: C:\PinballX\LEDWizMod\ledset.bat 19:16:18.1 7/17/2014: Initialize Component19:16:18.2 7/17/2014: Initialize Display19:16:18.2 7/17/2014: Loading PlugIns19:16:18.3 7/17/2014: Created DirectX BackGlass Window19:16:18.4 7/17/2014: Created DirectX DMD Window19:16:18.5 7/17/2014: Hiding Cursor19:16:18.5 7/17/2014: Hiding Taskbar19:16:18.6 7/17/2014: Load Game List19:16:18.6 7/17/2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball19:16:18.6 7/17/2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball DX719:16:18.6 7/17/2014: Finding and matching artwork and videos19:16:18.7 7/17/2014: Loading Game Statistics and Scores19:16:19.7 7/17/2014: Initialize Audio19:16:19.8 7/17/2014: Set Keyboard Controls19:16:19.8 7/17/2014: Initialize Joystick19:16:19.9 7/17/2014: No Joysticks Attached19:16:19.9 7/17/2014: Started19:16:31.1 7/17/2014: Launch System19:16:31.1 7/17/2014: Waiting for threads19:16:31.1 7/17/2014: Disposing display19:16:32.9 7/17/2014: C:\Visual Pinball\VPinball.exe /play -"C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\The Addams Family Gold_VP92_FS_Updated_Jan_1_2014.vpt"19:16:33.0 7/17/2014: C:\PinballX\vpauto.exe 19:16:38.3 7/17/2014: Found PinMAME ROM: pinball.nv19:16:46.9 7/17/2014: Hidden Visual Pinball Editor Window19:17:31.6 7/17/2014: Exit System Control Pressed19:17:34.9 7/17/2014: C:\PinballX\LEDWizMod\ledset.bat 19:17:35.1 7/17/2014: Created DirectX BackGlass Window19:17:35.1 7/17/2014: Created DirectX DMD Window19:17:52.2 7/17/2014: Exiting19:17:52.2 7/17/2014: Showing Taskbar19:17:52.2 7/17/2014: Unhiding Mouse Cursor19:17:52.2 7/17/2014: Launching Exit Program: ledoff.bat19:17:52.2 7/17/2014: C:\PinballX\LEDWizMod\ledoff.bat 19:17:52.2 7/17/2014: Disposing Plugins19:17:52.2 7/17/2014: Saving Settings19:17:52.2 7/17/2014: Waiting for Online Thread xml file <menu> <game name="AbraCaDabra_FS_B2S"> <description>Abra Ca Dabra (Gottlieb 1975)</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer>Gottlieb</manufacturer> <year>1975</year> <type>EM</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> <game name="TAF VP91X FS 2.0.1"> <description>Addams Family (Bally 1992)</description> <rom>afv_l4</rom> <manufacturer>Williams</manufacturer> <year>1992</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> <game name="The Addams Family Gold_VP92_FS_Updated_Jan_1_2014"> <description>Addams Family Gold (Bally 1992)</description> <rom>afv_l4</rom> <manufacturer>Bally</manufacturer> <year>1992</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> <game name="WCS94_VP91x_v1.2FS"> <description>World Cup Soccer 94 (Bally 1994)</description> <rom>wcs_f62</rom> <manufacturer>Midway</manufacturer> <year>1994</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> <game name="zzMedieval-Madness_VP91x_2.4.3FS"> <description>zzMedieval Madness 2.4 (Williams 1997)</description> <rom>mm_109</rom> <manufacturer>Williams</manufacturer> <year>1997</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game></menu>
  2. Both should be in PinballX Media folder, so alongside it.
  3. Looks like you go to Start->Shark007 Codecs->Settings Application 32bit and under Misc tab, check "LAV tray icons OFF"
  4. Real pinball cabinets come in 2 sizes: Standard and Widebody. 39" is about as big as you can to fit in standard size cabinet 46" for the wide body. Yes you can always build a custom size and use any size playfield you want.
  5. It would still be nice to have PinballX monitor for these VP crashes and close out the popup dialog, so Pinballx menu resumes control. I have attached the vp dx9test13 screenshot. For a VP9.2.1 crash the windows dialog title is "Visual Pinball 9.2.1" Thanks log.txt PinballX.ini
  6. I agree. I would like to actually have both a "Start/Play Game" key and the existing "Select" key. I have a Start button and a Menu button.
  7. gtxjoe

    1.75-1.76 issue

    Randr - did this properly shutdown LEDwiz also? Or do you still need the ledoff.bat at exit? VP recently added a Press and hold the exit key for 2 seconds (Esc or "Exit Game" assigned key) feature to exit table and VP. Might be useful if this issue is not solved completely http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?s=8580edb108d90498329da7a09a4032f1&showtopic=27210&hl=
  8. I should add I only tried from the PinballX menu. Are you having the issues in Pinballx menu or in-game? I can try in-game after work
  9. gtxjoe

    1.75 release

    Wish I had a Windows tablet
  10. VP Instructions working for me. Running 1.75. Test about 12 tables starting with B. Instructions displayed on Backglass monitor. Flipper navigates to next instruction card. They are all swf files in my setup. win7 x64
  11. You should be able to do that as a 2 monitor setup. Here is a is 46" playfield with 46" rotated backglass/dmd project http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=14734&page=1
  12. What you are trying to do is supported already. There are plenty of 2 monitor virtual pinball cab setups. The backglasses are usually designed for both 2 monitor or 3 monitor setups. The 2 monitor version has space for the dmd image and has virtual speakers to fill in the area like this:
  13. gtxjoe

    version 1.73 ?

    The problem is that the PinballX.net website - Forum links takes people directly to the PinballX subforum, Now that the PinballX news has been moved out of the PinballX subforums, it looks like it disappeared. Probably a good idea to change the pinballx.net links to takes us to the GameEx toplevel menu where the New forums are obvious, or add a sticky at the top of the PinballX - General
  14. FTP site - go to pinballx.net and click on the "Free Artwork and Videos" link
  15. Worked great. No problems launching, exiting, switching tables from web portal Tested on ipad using safari Tested on old android phone also Feedback: The Pinballx gamer card is too big to be used as signature on vpforums.org. Vpforums limits images to 600x100. Gamer card is 433x163. No prob with vpuniverse or gameex. Maybe offer an alternate smaller game card Ipad username/email login: It is trying to capitalize first letter and also auto correction triggered. I don't think I have seen that before on a login field before Enhancement: Would be nice to see option to exit Pinballx front end also
  16. Looks like a cool feature. I will install tonight. Just to be clear, do I need to install from the beta link above? Assuming it is not included in the recent official 1.73 release.
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