Ok, some tips about this "harder than it looks" classic game:
- While you may feel the pressure of time, usually you will find that ample time is given to get that frog to his home. Keep this in mind, rushing will get you killed pretty quickly.
- at all costs, try to plug the far left slot with a frog. It is the most difficult to get to, so get the hardest one out of the way first
- the fifth and tenth are the hardest to finish. The fourth row of racecars are the challenge. So try and position yourself just below the racecars, leap side to side, then leap upwards quickly by the racecars when the big transport trucks leave a big open gap. It's tough to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, ur laughing.
- get into the habit of landing on the turtle s backs squarely to allow side to side movement if necessary.
- use the diving turtles when they are in the midst of resurfacing, NOT when they are heading under water.