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Everything posted by imagamejunky

  1. You got me Tom. Holy crap. I'm glad this is a joke!
  2. I saw that video today. Awesome idea. I drew up some sketches for a very similar design a few months back. I should have known someone would beat me to it. It needs force feedback contactors and a shaker motor for sure. I need to vent... GREEDY Zen Studios is requiring us FX2 steam pinball players/supporters to re-purchase all of the tables all over again. I'm frickin pissed! I've purchased almost every single table on steam. Seriously. I'm only missing 2. They are releasing the same exact tables for VR but they want us to fork over for them all over again. Grrrrrr Junky
  3. Oculus Rift Release!

    Yes yes yes

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  4. As I'm sure many of you know today is a big day in the video game nerd community with the release of the consumer version Oculus Rift and the newest software. One of my favorite new VR games is Technolust. I've been playing with the betas for a while. I started making some walkthrough videos. I thought I would share it here with my gameex/pinballx buddies. Here's a link to one of my videos showing Technolust. I will have more videos to follow. Junky
  5. Those new dll's fixed the problem. Perfect. Thanks Tom Junky
  6. Tom. Replacing the 2 xdmd dll's that you posted did not fix the problem. In fact these 2 dll's cause pinballx to crash each time I try to exit the frontend (and the dmd and led's stay on). Any thing else to try? Thanks Junky
  7. I won't be able to try until saturday Tom. Thanks. From what I saw the other day, 2.13 was correctly loading and exiting tables and b2s backglasses as well as all of the media files within the front end. Thank you. Junky
  8. It just occurred to me that these are the keys that are mapped in MY pinballx.ini. Yours may be different. Sorry for the confusion. junky
  9. I temporarily fixed this by running PinDMD-CLR.exe upon the exit of pinballx. This works, however it was not needed before this latest 2.13 update. Junky
  10. Thanks for the reply. I already have file matching turned off. I figured out what is happening although I don't know why. The b2stablesettings.xml in my tables folder that is read when a VP table loads has the configuration for that table stored as the rom is named (example, afm instead of attack from mars). This is where this problem lies. PinballX is looking for a table configuration inside this xml file that is named the same as the actual table (example, groni-attack from mars-vpx). While pinballx is running and the b2s backglass is showing I can right click on this backglass and choose to hide the grill. Then save and close. Upon opening my b2stablesettings.xml I can now see that there are both configurations present. The original rom name AND the table name. Tom, Is there a way to force Pinballx to look for the table rom name in the b2s.xml? If not, we are going to have to go through all of our tables in the pinballx frontend and re-save all of our settings for each backglass. Thanks Junky
  11. If you press U while playing a table that was loaded from the pinballx frontend then you should see a screenshot of your backglass in the "screen grabs backglass" folder in the media folder for that pinball software (i.e. visual pinball x). Then you have to cut and paste it like I said before. On your next load of pinballx you should see this new backglass in the front end. Junky
  12. Hi guys. Today I tried the setting for running B2S backglasses in PinballX. I expected it to run quickly like it does when loading a table. This is not the case. It takes a couple seconds to load the backglass. Any ideas? Furthermore, each of my backglasses are reverted back to default settings. For example the grill is showing. I know I can click on the backglass and change each one. My question is why is this happening? Shouldn't the saved settings be showing up? I don't have multiple copies of each backglass so I know PinballX is loading the backglasses that have the settings saved. I'm confused here. Junky
  13. Hi Tom and others. As the title says, after updating to 2.13 PinballX no longer closes the running DMD/PinDMD2 upon exiting the frontend. I didn't change anything in the settings. Please advise when you can. Junky
  14. Not sure if you are aware. While playing a table from PinballX you can press "o" to save a screenshot of the playfield and you can press "u" to save a screenshot of the backglass. Then you need to cut/paste these screen grabs from your screen grab media folders and put them in the correct media folders (i.e. backglass images). Hope this helps. Junky
  15. Solved. But I have no idea how... I tried 2 different direct.b2s backglasses that I found. Neither would close from PBX. So then I tried re-downloading the ooplayer 1.3 table. Problem solved. I don't get it. I literally changed NOTHING. Just another copy of the same table and BAM, all fixed. WTF!! I appreciate your input guys. Junky
  16. Here you go. I don't see any problems. Hopefully you will. Thanks man PinballX.ini Visual Pinball Favs.xml
  17. Hi guys. I can't figure this one out. I'm having a new problem with a single VP table (South Park). For some reason when I exit out of the table and return to the main PBX screen the B2S backglass will not close. Even after I completely close PBX and return to my desktop, the backglass remains. This is an issue with PBX because the backglass WILL close correctly if I play this table directly from VP. There used to be a kill B2S script somewhere that could be run through PBX, but I can't find it. I've been searching. I already have every exe set to run as admin. And I've also verified that all of the DLL's are unblocked. The truth is I haven't been playing much VP for a while. I've been focusing on VPX. So I can't say how long this has been going on. I'm assuming something changed in PBX in one of the updates. What's really strange though is that South Park is the only offending table. I'm running PBX 2.12 by the way. Please help. Thanks Junky log.txt
  18. If you give more details then others may be able to help you. What exactly is it doing? What pin software are you running from pbx? Did you run the setup after installing the update? On the last step you can click the verify tab. What is the result? Did you change anything? Junky
  19. Hi. When I press the exit button while playing FX2 I am shown the normal PBX pause menu which includes the "resume game" option. Is there a way to enable this feature? It doesn't work for me. I can only exit the table from this menu. Also, would it be possible to be given the choice of starting a single player game or a multi-player (head to head) game? The script loads the single player automatically. Thanks Junky
  20. What's up Austin! I enjoy your channel very much. I was wondering when you were gonna put up a video about gameex and pinballx. I knew you would eventually. You've been posting some great vids with some new frontends that I haven't tried yet. In my opinion Pinballx is just fantastic. Especially now that it runs FX2 so smoothly (good job Tom). Junky
  21. That's quick Tom! I want to run all of my OSs on a pci ssd. Maximum fast boot up. Junky
  22. That's super cool! I've never seen that video before. TZ was the last pin that I sold when I liquidated my collection a while back. I've regretted selling it ever since. Just a fantastic game. Thanks for sharing. Junky
  23. Wish I would have read your thread earlier.. This may upset you but I feel I should comment. My 4 player cabinet build has a 4790k and a gtx970. It didn't perform as well as it should have with my DK2. It wasn't running all the demos/games at the full 75fps which is absolutely necessary. I'm currently running the DK2 with great success on my racing sim build. It has a 5820k and 2 gtx980s in SLI. Oculus demos/games are not currently optimized for SLI. However I believe it's definitely helping. I, like many people haven't tried the CV1 yet so I can't comment on how well it will run on a single 970. I'm thinking that with your new build you may want to try a second 970 in sli if you aren't happy with the performance. Just trying to help. Junky
  24. You will have 3 different pitch variables to think about. The slope of the screen, the slope of the glass, and the height of the adjustable pinball machine leveling feet which will change the first 2 in the perspective of the player. Junky
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