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Everything posted by helpman

  1. I'll try romcenter thanks
  2. oh well, sorry again, I didn't noticed about rom managers... last time I tried clrmame it messed my roms badly now I prefer looking in the wikipedia... it's less intrusive
  3. sorry frequency! I didn't say how I got the rom, I just googled for the game title to know if it was model2 and why it wasn't supported in model2... wikipedia was where I found out it's model3, nothing to do with roms In fact I already had it, I just though it was model 2 and as it didn't show in model2 I though I didn't have it I didn't know about supermodel, will give it a try. I guess the reason for being unplayable is supermodel itself, veing version 0.2 I'm pretty sure it still has a long way to improve the emulation and system requirements... model2 emulator is already on version 1.0 and works really well EDITED: tried star wars trilogy on my laptop with intel gma4500hd... choppy wouldbe great ROFL... looks like a slideshow, but I know why hansolo77 wants it (not mentioning his nick LOL), the graphics and sound are gorgeous reminds me of those old days playing Tie Fighter on my old computer
  4. I just tried some on my laptop... Intel dual pentium 2,16ghz, 3gb ram, intel gma 4500hd with 64 dedicated ram... dead or alive works great, full speed at 60 fps battle arena toshinden, full speed 60 fps daytona rally, also full speed 60 fps wave race full speed, 60 fps... all of them with no problem on textures or geometry. I don't have the star wars trilogy to try it, but I hope with the new video card I'll be able to play the same games on the arcade too edited: just curious... the star wars trilogy rom, I placed it on the roms folder... but it doesn't show on the mode2 emulator rom list? a quick google about it, and I get several results about star wars trilogy to be a model 3 rom ?
  5. I just checked those files too, but I'm pretty sure it has something with vplauncher. Just before updating the vpinball emulator and the new tables I had an old pack with vpinball, don't remember now which version, but a really old one, with some tables. it worked without launcher/wrapper fine, although it was not very clean looking. I have the tables on the same place, pinmame and roms too, vpinball on the same folder... just instead of calling for vpinball.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" -play it calls vplaun61.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" which I already tried inside a .bat file out of gameex and works fine. press ESC, everything closes tidy and fast. that's why I'm narrowing it to a conflict with gameex listening for the ESC key and the launcher itself listening to the same key to close the emulator... anyway, it's 2 AM here, I'll try to get some sleep and tomorrow morning I'll try setting a different exit key for the launcher and test it.
  6. it's ok model2 runs more or less on my latop with intel gma 9500hd, and it's a poor poor integrated card with 64 mb dedicated memory and only partially compatible with opengl 2.0... games runsmore or less fine, just textures have no color, just black and white. it's a funny effect the computer on my arcade is a Dell Optiplex Gx280 (pentium 4 2.8ghz with 1gb ram) and it has an intel xtreme integrated card with 8mb memory... so any card will be better than that LOL (I already upgraded the ram to 4gb too) I'm on a budget here, and all my arcade is being built with the cheapest parts I could find, so if it even manages to run the games at full screen that'll be something LOL... after all, there're not many mame games using model 2, and even being "not very playable", model2 will get better results than mame alone I want the card mainly for future pinball too
  7. I just want to know if somebody had the same problem and how to fix it, so I want help, yeah. Thanks for asking so kindly about my intentions. My guess right now (after pondering about it sometime) is that both the vplauncher and gameex are mapping ESC key to close the program, Gameex gets it before and closes the launched program, in this case the launcher, so the editor stays open. Again, I guess Gameex will get focus if the emulator (or the launcher in this case) is closed, so tomorrow I'll try that, change the launcher exit key so it's not the same as the one gameex's waiting and try to close vpinball using the launcher's exit key, hoping gameex will get focus again. You know, I'm asking for help. but meanwhile I'm pondering about what can I do to fix it too... it's just easier if somebody had the same problem and posts how to fix it before I try whatever in a trial-error way You won't hear me complaining about gameex, it's a great frontend. Otherwise I wouldn't have paid for it, would I?
  8. Hi there! I was wondering about creating sublists for mame, as even removing clones and duplicates the list is HUGE... So, my idea is to classify them not by genre, but as "game-alike", so every game looking like Blood Bros or Cabal would be in one list, every soccer game on another one, fighting games on another, top view racing games, cockpit view ones... and so on... so whenever I feel like "hey, let's play super pang! or... maybe try another explode-bubble-bumping game I would have all of them there at hand. But the task is SO huge! Mi point is: can you share the lists? This way one person could start a list, upload it somewhere, and let somebody else pick it and add some more games. Something like shared online documents, a wiki list or whatever.... ...and I bet it won't work this way, because the recommended games on the game details screen doesn't work like that (already suggested) but when using those lists gameex should filter them with the rom list you have on mame so it'll only display available items. Gameex should display a thumbnail for each list too, so you can get a quick peek of what that list's about. I'm asking for it here as I don't know if it's already possible. If not, I'll jump to suggestion thread to post it there
  9. Suggestion: Add an option on the input settings to map a key/button or combo to add a rom to favorites so you can add them fast and easilly from the rom list
  10. Yeah, it's the same one, an intel xtreme graphics or intel gma 900, not sure which one right now. I don't care about it, as I've ordered an ati x1300 128mb that will help fix those problems (I hope so!) Today I got the 4gb ddr2 ram I bought from ebay. The computer had 4 slots used with 256mb each, so 1gb... and now it has 4 slots with 1gb each Gameex runs way better now :D Now I just need the graphic card (which is on it's way to spain from england) and I'll be a really happy gamer Even now, the zinc games work great with the integrated card, so I'm hoping for the best
  11. Hi there! It's not a bug, just something with my setup, I bet it's something with vplauncher 6.1
  12. Yeah, zinc's working surprisingly fine considering my video card lol
  13. It's ok, I'll have to... but I always have some weird problems NOW: tried model2 under gameex... emulator crashes and back to gameex. Tried the emulator alone and it kinda works... but characters appears in black&white! it's weird, like playing with chromed characters Maybe that's because my graphic card sucks, but... well, the games are playable I can run it in a window. Even maximise it... as long as I keep it in a window, it works. If I try to set it in full screen... crash and back to desktop. weeeeeird
  14. Just a quick note... I already tried the same configuration options on my cabinet... and works GREAT. It has an old intel xtreme integrated graphics card (with 8mb ram!) and zinc games are really playable! But as nothing is perfect... inside mame, I can't see the zinc game's list. And I can't find any option in gameex setup wizard to enable it. Where's my list? aaargh! EDITED: silly me! I was looking for zinc list under mame settings but it was on the features menu... now it's there, all shiny and fluffy
  15. and here I am again... this time the problem comes with vpinball. I'm using vplaunch 6.1 to run vpinball915, so far so good, but when I closed gameex... there were a bunch of vpinball editors open. one for every table I run. When I press ESC the control and focus is given back to gameex, but it looks like the table editor is not closed, so every new table opens a new editor... any idea about how to fix this? thanks!
  16. So my zinc nightmare is over! (ok, made it run, and I'll need to check the mapping on my arcade, but that's a minor hassle) So I decided to try also MODEL2... What a NICE emulator compared to zinc! even has some gui that lets you configure controllers and other options... or not? Well, not in my computer! I can see a really clean interface, click on EMULATOR, then OPTIONS... nothing happens. weeeeird. But I guess I can change that on the ini file. Ok, at least I'll try to set the controller mapping... I click then on GAME, configure controls... aaaaand NOTHING! I tried loading a game BEFORE setting controls, and now the controls popup appears (yeah!) but the controller input settings are only for that game! It's a pain in the... if I need to set every game on my arcade to play them Also the full screen resolution and the autoset to fullscreen seems to be set as 640x480 and not auto fullscreen on every game, even with a modified .ini file. is there any way to make the controller settings and video settings global so they use the same on every game?
  17. Finally! As it loaded fine without the cfg file I supposed it had something to do with it. Replaced all paths inside the cfg files so they were absolutes, not relatives, and it works! @frequency tried that too. as the batch file or gameex first enters the emulator folder to run the command line it works both with absolute path or just the cfg file if it's on the emulator folder. just in case anybody have the same problem, ZINC.CFG
  18. Thank you for your time trying to help me Well, it's WEIRD. I don't know if that's how it's supposed to work, but... well... the line to execute zinc on the bat file: The DEAD OR ALIVE ++ rom filename is "doapp.zip" so I have no clue why the command line shows that, or if that's how it's supposed to work :? The standalone .bat file I have says the same though: deadoralive++.bat I'll try to remove the path from the command line in gameex... EDITED: removed the path to the rom, still flash in black then nothing. Removed the use config option... and now it works! it's weird, I don't know how to setup zinc if I can't set the cfg file on the command line! If I use only as command line "zinc.exe [romfile]" it works! Now I'm gonna try to delete all options on the internal zinc options of gameex so it run mame's games based on psx, and let you know... EDITED AGAIN Removing all options on the zinc menu also launches the games. Now... how can I map my arcade controller buttons if I can't choose a cfg file? I need to remap 2 joysticks
  19. Hi there! The roms are not numbered and have the right name (that's why they run fine with zincgui) and zipped, not rared. The map file is the default one gameex uses for zinc. I had a look at the .bat files that work fine when I run then alone, and they have just a line inside. Although my roms have the proper name, for dead or alive ++ the only line inside it is something like "zinc.exe 68". I just don't know why that does work,zincgui works, but not the zinc option to run games on mame list nor the standalone zinc emulation on other emulated games.
  20. just changed that setting, still the same. screen flashes in black, then goes back to gameex.
  21. forget that, don't know why, but now it works fine. now about zinc... I know mame can play most if not all of the games zinc plays, but... Now the core is a pentium IV 2,8ghz, 1gb ram, integrated intel extreme graphic card (8mb video ram) Those games are choppy at best, and really pixelated. I'm waiting for an ati x1300 128mb pci-e 16x card and 4 gb ddr2 ram that I bought from ebay to improve this a bit. Still don't know if those games will be playable with that setting, but on my laptop (with intel gma 4500hd) they are choppy on mame and works great with zinc (using zingui, I couldn't make it work in any other way), so I though I might try to make it run with gameex... I'm going to have a look at that zinc tutorial nullpoint mentioned, just in case, but I'm lost here EDITED: checked the link. Already visited that, and tried all that. Only way to make games work, via ZINCGUI or via some .bat files somebody posted on another thread.
  22. thanks, nullpointer! I'll have a look now I'm worried about a weird issue... tried to install some tables for visual pinball, now gameex takes AGES to load, and when I exit to desktop (retroos) only mouse pointer appears. turboshell won't show at all (ctrl+t), even ctrl+alt+supr produces nothing... it0s sooo weird...
  23. here they are... As I can't upload cfg files, zinc cfg file is here: renderer.cfg log.txt GameEx.ini
  24. just tried the .bat files on this topic http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/5091-setting-up-zinc-as-an-emulator/?p=34966&hl=%20zinc%20%20brian%20%20hoffman#entry34966 and the .bat files alone works fine. If I setup the zinc emulator in gameex as in that topic, I get the same result too. Black screen for a moment, then goes back to gameex
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