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Everything posted by Riffman81

  1. Thanks, Tom & Adultery for the update! Great work as always!
  2. Thanks DazzleHP, got it working! Thanks again for the help. Consider this topic resolved.
  3. In the download section, it's the Offline Game Manual Viewer Install - 12MB - Download
  4. Yeah, I tried that the first time around with no luck. Manuals and other .PDF files still don't show... Should the "gs" file go in my program files? Thanks for trying to help
  5. Thanks! This was basically me just freshing things up for my cab a bit.. final touches so to speak. I plan on doing my own theme when "real life" stuff slows down enough for me to have the time to do it. I'll grab those PSDs and see what else I come up with. Thanks again. EDIT: So, I grabed the PSD file and made a few changes. I'm pretty happy with the results. I plan on doing a whole set of alternate baks for this theme and I'll post them all when done for anyone that wants them. Below are some samples, so you can see kind of what I'm shooting for overall.
  6. Crylen knows this is by far my favorite theme for my arcade cab. To give my cab a little more of that "retro feel", I've altered some of the backgrounds of this theme, adding iconic charachters for such systems as NES, SNES, etc. Nothing major, and I left the original background images intact. Still have more to do but figured I'd post these for anyone wanting to use them. I'll get to work on doing the rest of the Console Systems and may do a whole new set of baks at some point if Crylen would be ok with me using the theme as a base. EDIT: See updated post below
  7. Forgive me for being "noobish" here. Yesterday I purchased a new 2TB drive for my gaming PC and wanted to do an offline install of GameEX. All is well with GameEX and all emulators are up and running with no problems. The only problem I have is where to extract the .PDF Viewer files. In the download section it said to extract the contents to your GameEX directory? Last time I installed GameEX, I did an online install, so everything downloaded automatically. I just need to know where to place the files in the archive on my HDD. OS is Windows 7 if that matters. Thanks!
  8. I'm running InstantSheller on my Windows 7 machine without problems. Are you sure you have the program pointing to the GameEx.exe file? Could you post your GameEx config so I could have a look? Thanks.
  9. And if the previous solutions don't cut it for you, you can always use CLRMamaePro or ROMLister to cleanup/rebuild your ROM set using the No-Intro naming convention. All you need is an up to date .dat file from the No-Intro site for the ROM set you wish to properly name. Just throwing that out there to you as another option. Happy gaming!
  10. I've had a similar "bug" issue with a few themes where the BG image will disappear upon entering the ROM/Game selection screen. I have to exit back out to the emulator selection screen and then re-enter the ROM selection screen, upon doing this a few times, the background theme/image will reappear. Usually happen when I power on my PC. Any idea's? EDIT: My issue has nothing to do with the "Change View" option. The BG theme just seems to randomly disappear and reappear. Happens with The Console Wars and Aeon Inspirat themes.
  11. Awesome Crylen!!! Thanks so much for doing this!
  12. Cool thanks for the info! No rush on the backgrounds., take your time. I'll take a look at the theme editor later tonight and see what I'm getting into.
  13. Thanks Draco
  14. Thanks Tom!!
  15. Forgive me if this has been asked before, I tried searching and didn't find a clear answer. My question is: Does GameEx allow cover snaps for ebooks... kind of like the snaps for emulated console/MAME games?? I have a complete set of Nintendo Power Magazines in .pdf format and would love to throw them on my GameEx powered arcade cab.. I believe there is around 220+ in all and would love to see the covers while I'm scrolling through the collection.
  16. Either way would be fine with me. I wouldn't mind just a all-in-one CPS background, or you can do the three seperate ones. Whatever you think would be best. I plan on doing my own theme when I get some down time and figure out how to use the GameEx theme editor... I haven't really messed around with it at all so I'm not sure where to begin, but I'm great with photoshop and have made countless SNES covers over at the coverproject for many years. I've made themes for Maximus Arcade as well back when I was using that. Any pointers on where to start? Is there a certain default GameEx theme to use as a base?
  17. I believe I have my CPS Emulators setup with all my other emus, and MAME seperate from those. If you could make backgrounds for the CPS emulators that would be great, if not I'll stick with the generic emubak I've been using. Just noticed I saw backgrounds for everything almost except the CPS emulators. No big deal just wanted to ask as I'm using this theme on my second arcade cab. Hope this made sense... I'm still new to Game Ex.
  18. This is one of my favorite themes for Game Ex. You did a really nice job!! By chance will you be doing theme backgrounds for the Capcom CPS arcade systems in the near furure? Or am I just over looking them...
  19. Yes. NRage 2.0 was the plugin I was thinking of. Is it working for you?
  20. The plugin In question is included with Project64 2.0. I'm not near my Game Ex setup at the moment, so I don't have the name. I'll post back when I get home and am able to find out. Have you tried all the input plugins DJ Infinity?
  21. I have no issues using the D pad on my 360 controller. Try a different Input plugin.
  22. Sure thing. My Command line looks like this: Project64.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"
  23. Just tried out Project64 2.0 on my GameEx setup. Seems the new command line does require "quotes" other then that, nothing different as far as getting the emu to work within the FE.
  24. Consider this resolved. I was able to get the emu running. Not sure what was wrong, but when I did a fresh install of the emu. It started right up with no errors. Thanks for all your help guys!
  25. Thanks for the responce nullPointer. I put that "1" in my command line because I believe I read that it had to be there... I believe I saw that posted in another thread here when setting up nullDC. I'll reset everything and post back, following the recomendations you posted above. Are those the only two things I need to change in my nullDC config? I believe all my disc images are .cdi will this matter or is there a setting I need to change? nullDC ran fin under Maximus Arcade, didn't require any changes to the nullDC config... I'll look and see what commandline MA was using, although I doubt it'll help.
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