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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. GameEx will try to identify the game based on it's filename. Then, if the logo exists for the game, it will download it from Emumovies.com, place it in the Logo folder you have listed in your configuration, and rename it to match the filename of the game. So, 1942's filename is 1942.zip. GameEx will find that logo, name it 1942.png, and place it in the Logo folder. I beleive all of the logos will be png as they need to support transparency. I assume we are talking about using Mame in GameEx Arcade. The process for emulators works in a similar fashion with some minor differences on how it accomplishes it. One item of note: Unless you are a subscriber to Emumovies.com, I believe the download limit is 250 megs per day. Alternately, you can grab the MAME System Pack. It is 19GB of glorious assets for Mame (Most everything you may need I believe). It takes a while though.
  2. I received mine yesterday. I was only able to hook it up and test it a bit, but it worked pretty well.
  3. The original XBoxOne controllers work with a proprietary wireless dongle. I have this setup. XBoxOne S controllers are bluetooth and should work with any compatible dongle (I assume it is v4.something) I recall there being some issue with Xpadder and Windows 10, maybe with one of the upgrades. Anyway, I don't not use Xpadder, so I did not may that much attention (and I could be mistaken of course).
  4. A small bug I noticed today in both GameEx and GameEx Arcade. I think it may even have been reported sometime before (though I did not find it when I searched).
  5. @Tom Speirs I came across this bug again as I was working on my own setup. Just wanted to give it a bump. The concise explanation can be found on my first April 17 post above. Thanks.
  6. Not even sure what that is. Please provide a link. If it is somehow an alpha for GameEx Evolution, uninstall it and delete the install file. It not appropriate for you to use. And please don't reinstall unless you plan to troubleshoot on your own or someone suggests a reinstall be done. You essentially threw out most of the troubleshooting we did above. We donate our time to help people and it is a bummer when it feels like someone tosses aside our efforts.
  7. Your rom set is only a partial set and probably no CHDs, but it is still pretty good size. Hopefully it is a good 197 group. I do have confidence that the Mame0197 64bit on the GameEx site is correct. The Mame config in the Setup Wizard does look fine. Everything appears to be pointing to the right place. Try this test. Go into GameEx and try running a classic Mame Game...something like Dig Dug, Donkey Kong, or Galaga (I assume you have one of these). Running a game will update a file in the GameEx\DATA folder called runitgame.bat. If the game fails to run inside GameEx, then exit GameEx and try running runitgame.bat by double-clicking it. If runitgame.bat fails to run outside GameEx, then we know it is not specifically a GameEx issue and would likely mean there is likely a Mame/Rom version mismatch, bad roms, or a bad Mame install. I suggest using classic games to start with is because those games are seldom altered anymore. They have been tweaked and updated so much that there isn't much left to fix as the Mame devteam releases new Mame versions. Some of them will work across many, many versions of Mame.
  8. Sorry, but I would prefer to confirm that you probably have a valid set: How much space does the rom folder take up? For example, a full 0193 set without CHD (Compressed Hard Drive) is about 60GB How many files are in the folder? a full 0193 set is around 35,000 files Do you know if you have CHDs or not? If you are, the space would be 600GB to 700GB (or more) Also, if your rom set is now .0197, are you also now using Mame0197? If not, please grab this official one, update the Setup Wizard, update the Game List in GameEx, and test again. ...and BTW, after you successfully update the Mame game list, there may only be several thousand games listed. There are A-LOT of non-working or partially working games.
  9. @tknow Your config says that your rom path is F:\GAME EX\ROMS\MAME - Update ROMs (v0.143 to v0.144). This file format indicates it is an upgrade pack for .143 to .144 and not an actual romset. Unless your folder is mislabeled, I am not even sure if this can be made to work. I am not very familiar with the format of update packs. Thurm or Adultry may be able to say. It might be good enough for testing though. After looking over your config, I'd like to make a few other suggestions: I suggest not installing your emulator assets on your desktop or any asset directories to the GameEx folder. Use something like this for example: c:\Emulation\Emulators\Mame\Mame144 c:\Emulation\Emulators\NES\Nestopia f:\Emulation\Roms\Mame f:\Emulation\Roms\NES c:\Emulation\Assets\Mame\Snaps c:\Emulation\Assets\NES\Snaps There are several ways to organize roms and assets, but this is similar to how I do it. Different people have different ways. Do what works for you. I would also take the 'GAME EX FILES' out of the path since the emulators are not actually part of GameEx, but that is purely preferential.
  10. And just to clarify tthurman's post a bit... ...the gameex.ini can be found in the GameEx\CONFIG folder. It contains your GameEx setup config... ...and the log.txt is found in your GameEx\LOG folder. It will show info about your setup and (hopefully) error messages that will help diagnose the problem. If you could attach both files to a reply post, it is a good place to start. One other thing. It is important that the version of your romset matches the version of your mame. If there is a mismatch, that will lead to some or all games not showing up in the GameEx game list.
  11. Sorry this happened to you. It happens occasionally, I would almost say rarely, but I really don't know. I also cannot say why. Look for the UpgradeBackup.ini in your config folder. It is a copy of your GameEx.ini when the last update occurred. Make a copy of your GameEx.ini and UpgradeBackup.ini to be safe. Then either replace the contents of the GameEx.ini with the contents of the UpgradeBackup.ini or rename the files...whatever you prefer. Then review the Setup Wizard to see which is best to keep. A new UpgradeBackup.ini will be generated if you don't have one there BTW. I keep backups of my GameEx.ini, CustomInput.ini, and CustomMenu.ini as well as the theme I use. If I ever have to rebuild or transfer to another PC, those are the ones that are the time savers to have.
  12. For the best compatibility, you really should. Version miss-match can lead to games not working or not showing up in your GameEx mame list. In my opinion, there is no reason to grab a later version of Mame if you are not upgrading your roms as well. It also makes troubleshooting more difficult since we generally assume that the versions match. EDIT: One more thing. When 'upgrading' rom versions, don't just copy over new roms into your existing set. Either 'get' a new full set or use clrmamepro to upgrade your existing set. (and no worries if you thought copying upgrade sets into your existing set was the right way to go...at one time I thought that was the proper way to do it as well)
  13. Now just hold on one minute...I bet that no good loch ness monsta is behind this whole thing!!! Don't anyone else give em nothin!!! Not even a dolla!!!
  14. Thank you good sir. Great that it works with other controllers as well.
  15. The memory test tool that is build into Windows is fine. See here. I will also use memtest86 free version. Be sure to run them for at least several hours, overnight if you really want to be thorough. Also consider reseating or mixing your sticks.
  16. The log says this: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. This is the same PC that we were discussing in the other thread, isn't it? The one that might need a RAM upgrade? You should probably do some memory tests. Maybe it's not the amount of RAM or a memory leak that is giving you problems; perhaps one of the sticks is not working properly. The log also talks about some plugins having to be turned off due to exceptions(QuickLaunch & LCD/LED). If the crashing is a consistent, reproducible issue, you may want to disable your plugins to see if you can get some stability...and then add them back in one at a time.
  17. I recall now that you reported similar behavior in April, but there really wasn't a resolution was there. It just started working again. It appears to be stalling at "Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame". I see from the log you waited 4 minutes before manually shutting it down. Have you just let it run until it crashes or times out (an hour, two hours, all night...ok all night is a bit extreme I admit). However, maybe a Windows crash dialogue will appear or the log.txt will register more information. I don't know what "Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame" is myself. Maybe someone else will come along who does know. My other thought was that you might be running out of RAM. I see that you have 6GB installed which is OK, but not great for a basic Windows 10 machine. As I sit here typing on my recently booted Windows 10 Home box, it is using 5.7 of my 16 GB. If you also have other programs sucking up the RAM or one that has a memory leak, maybe it's causing the machine to hit the page file a lot. Since it takes weeks for the PC to get into that state, you might consider looking over the CPU/RAM/etc usage in the task manager (or other monitoring program) to see if anything there is weird at the time. It's just something to consider if we can't come up with any other ideas.
  18. Quick shot in the dark: Have you checked for security programs asking to allow GameEx access to the internet? Every time there is an update, my anti-virus asks me. I know that some programs are unable to continue until I give it the OK. Disable HideOS (if you have it running) and then either run GameEx in windowed mode or Alt-Tab back to desktop to make sure there isn't a hidden dialogue box waiting for you.
  19. BTW, if all else fails (or maybe even before), if you still have the GameEx 14.82 install file, you could try to install over the existing install. Occasionally that is known to fix an issue that can't be pinned down via normal troubleshooting.
  20. Ah, that's it. I did not realize it worked that way until now. I had -nobezel in my command line for a really long time and somehow it got removed. Thanks man!
  21. This parameter isn't turning bezels off when it is set to Dont Use Bezel. Could someone confirm? If Advanced Mame Settings > Use Bezel is set to Dont Use Bezel, bezels are still used. The runitgame.bat file also does not reflect the -nobezel or -nouse_bezel parameter. If -nobezel is added to Advanced Mame Settings > MAME Options, the game does launch without using a bezel. The docs for .194 indicate that bezels are on by default. It appears that GameEx is just not adding the parameter to the runitgame.bat file when a bezel is not wanted.
  22. I tested a similar setup on my 15.32 rig and It worked fine. I know you have 14.82, but this is what I have. I am not sure if it is even triggering the hook. You may want to try testing with a single video file that you know already works through GameEx such as a video snap from a game. Also confirm that each of the games in the favorite category is launching properly. Another thing to check is to see if any plugins are interfering by disabling them all and then bringing them back one by one or in groups..
  23. I believe the black screen is actually a feature that a was added in the last 8 months or so. If you have an image file called Launching.png or Launching.jpg in the MEDIA folder of the theme you are using, GameEx will display that image while the emulator loads. If you have no image, it is a black screen instead. It is to make the launch process a little nicer looking. I can't comment on the licensing. You may want to message Tom privately on that one.
  24. Thanks for the update. For fairly new tech, the impact is still pretty good. I cannot wait to see how it changes/advances over the next few years.
  25. My video snaps are playing fine since the last two updates, but the rig I do most of my testing on is also pretty solid. You might try installing/reinstalling the LAV Filters. How good is your rig? Would you post your log.txt file from the LOG folder?
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