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Everything posted by dboyrecords

  1. While we are re-asking years later, I would still really LOVE to have 3 options in attract mode. 1. Random (current) 2. Alphabetical 3. Chronological by release date. My interest in my cabinet is pretty much in thirds. 1/3 playing it, 1/3 maintaining and updating and 1/3 just having it on in attract mode. Unfortunately, random like most music shuffles isn't very random and is pretty repetitive. In fact, if I were really dreaming I'd ask that random doesn't repeat until ALL on the list have been seen. Fingers crossed. Thanks for PBX either way!
  2. Pinballx Feature request: I would love 3 options in attract mode 1) random (current) 2) alphabetical 3) release date It would be awesome to watch the abbreviated history of pinball on my cab! Thx
  3. Okey dokey, thanks for the replies!
  4. Is there a flag I can wave or conch I should blow? Tomjuice, Tomjuice, Tomjuice... ;-)
  5. Thanks. I hate the thought of rotating, editing and rendering 194 videos but that may be the only way! What about a Launch after? Also, is there a way to add to rotate these parameters? lair vldp -fullscreen -x 1152 -y 864 -framefile "c:\Daphne\vldp_dl/lair/lair.txt"
  6. Can I run this png overlay while Daphne is running? In MAME I've used this format with custom lay files but that doesn't work for Daphne. I thought maybe a Launch Before or something? Thanks in advance
  7. In addition to multiple keyboards and multiple mice 2 screen mame support would be great... very natural in a pincab, you can look down or up
  8. Thanks, I'll check it out. I've simplified the setup and it's working well in mame but no mouse support in PBX is just a major roadblock.
  9. Anyone have a fix for mice/trackball working in PBX??? Still trying...
  10. Dear Tom, I see at least one previous request so I'm not the only one interested in trackball support... I'm adding joysticks and trackball to pincab. Multiple mice and multiple keyboard support please!! I'm begging! I've been working on this project for a long time primarily on my laptop never imagining this would be an obstacle/limitation in PBX. Now that it's all coming together it's all falling apart without the support... Please, please, please and thank you
  11. Dear Tom, I see at least one previous request so I'm not the only one interested in trackball support... I'm adding joysticks and trackball to pincab. Multiple mice and multiple keyboard support please!! I'm begging! I've been working on this project for a long time primarily on my laptop never imagining this would be an obstacle/limitation in PBX. Now that it's all coming together it's all falling apart without the support... Please, please, please and thank you
  12. After much google-ing it appears part of the problem is Windows 10 reordering usbs. I figured out a work around by ditching the wired keyboard, never again restarting ALWAYS shut down and unplug my wireless keyboard before starting up. Only ipac2 and trackball connected at startup. I'm bailing on spinner mice for the moment. All that aside, there doesn't seem to be mouse support at all in PBX. Is this true??
  13. Keyboard 1 is wired (something required num lock keys, can't remember, maybe I don't need it anymore) Keyboard 2 is wireless w/trackpad Ipac2 is joysticks and buttons Happ usb trackball 2 hacked mice used as spinners Zeb plunger not currently connected. Before adding the arcade stuff, PBX ran fine with 2 keyboards and zeb plunger (buttons connected to zeb)
  14. Well, I haven't given up but I'm about to. I can't assign any joysticks in settings wizard. I can assign UI_up in mame to keyboard 1 up, keyboard 2 up and keyboard 5 up but when i open same rom in PBX and hit configure it's just keyboard, keyboard, keyboard no numbers. I broke my zeb plunger so all buttons and joysticks are through ipac2 which I thought would simplify but no luck... Are multiple keyboards even possible in PBX?
  15. Thanks. Can either of those do the same 2 screen config like pbx? I've committed to the portrait layout with custom lay files with control panel, bezel and marquee all in one.
  16. Made a few changes but still no joy in PBX. Latest files attached... Am I spinning my wheels? Should I forget about mame in PBX and start looking at a diff FE? PinballX.ini controllerremap.cfg MAMEUI.ini
  17. I tried controllerremap in launch before, no luck
  18. Sorry, about being impatient... Just excited, didn't mean to be rude, thought maybe after 24 hours it had fallen far enough down to be forgotten. Thank you
  19. bump Things are working great in mameui, just PBX giving me trouble... Thanks in advance!
  20. thank you! log.txt PinballX.ini
  21. Hi, I'm adding joysticks, buttons, trackball and eventually spinners to my cabinet. I was using an old version of PBX and mame, rotation was fine but keyboards weren't. I updated both to the latest. I also setup controllerremap utility which made my wired keyboard 1, wireless keyboard 2, zeb plunger as 3 and ipac2 as 4 and trackball is mouse 3. I can set trackball in mame but it wont register in PBX. Any suggestions?
  22. Looking forward to trying this, thanks! The links to your modified pbx recorder and the one to the backglasses aren't working for me. Any help welcome...
  23. I'm repeating myself but I haven't asked in a long time. I'd still REALLY like to see more options in attract mode. PBX shuffle is as bad as my wife's iPod (same songs crop up more than statistically should) I would like to be able to choose from random, alphabetical or by date. The attract mode is one of my favorite parts of my cab (second to actually playing). Thanks!
  24. I went through all the windows updates didn't check nvidia specifically... Didn't think I needed to. And that's not the only error I get.
  25. Sadly, no improvement from 1.96
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