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Everything posted by GimmeClassics

  1. Thank you nullPointer! I will definitely look into this utility HiToText. From what I've read it doesn't sound too easy, but it has a lot of potential! But then again > If I have questions there is this great forum to share my thoughts!
  2. I have two questions about GameEx showing highscores of MAME-games. I use a compiled version of MAME (no nag screens and highscore support) and when I select a MAME-game in GameEX I have the option to show highscores of that game. Very cool! 1) Is there a possibility for GameEx to show more highscores. For example. Donkey Kong shows the default first five highscore positions. I would like GameEx to show more positions. Is there a plug-in for either Mame or GameEx to accomplish this? 2) When I choose GameEx to show the highscore of a MAME-game a popup-image is shown with the highscores of the selected game. Is it possible for GameEx to not show a popup-image but showing the highscores in the image2-location (in the same way for example a cabinet or marquee picture is shown)? This would look way better Thanks!
  3. Thank you nullpointer. In the mean time i have found a link to a dutch webshop: https://m.bol.com/nl/p/ready-player-one/1001004010986954/
  4. Sounds like a story I would really enjoy reading ! Where can you buy this ebook? Is there also a hard copy? Thanks!
  5. I wonder what will really happen to Twin Galaxies...

  6. Thank you Draco, I'm really excited and hope you're right about more control over what theme-elements display and when. Hope to hear from you or the community when there is any news about the new theme editor. Good luck to Tom and Headkaze: I can't waint for the results
  7. Hi Draco. I guess I have to be patient . But I think I'm not the only one who would love to hear a preview every now and then of some of the upcoming changes of the new theme editor... What I would like to know > what is the argument / benefit of GameEx showing a video as image2-object in the menu's prior to the 'gamelist-menu' and showing a picture as image2-object in the 'gamelist-menu'. I think you can create better constructed themes when GameEx always shows a picture as image2-object and a video as image1-object. I would love to hear the communities opinion about this Thanks!
  8. Quoting Tom Speirs: "...Ben and I (mostly Ben) are working on a new theme and rendering engine" When I bought GameEx I first concentrated on setting up Mame. I than searched for a nice theme. Although there are a lot of nice themes outthere, none of them really fit my wishes. So, I suppose I have to make a theme myself . Because this is quite hard to learn (for me) I would really like to know what in general will be the changes of the new theme and rendering engine Tom and Ben are working on. To give an example > I would really like to know if there will be changes in the "flaw" I ran into when using a theme: My future goal is using GameEx on a custom made cabinet. The "Maximum Arcade Theme" (showing a cabinet) is quite nice but there are a few flaws > GameEx cannot always show a marquee-picture as image2-object. In the gamelist-menu GameEx does show a marquee-picture as image2-object but in the menus prior to the gamelist-menu GameEx shows a video as image2-object Why can GameEx not always show a picture as image2-object and a video as image1-object, regardless of the menu you're in....? I've submitted the above in the "Feature & Enhancement requests-topic" so I'm aware that this may only change as a future adjustment. But perhaps this will already change with the new theme and rendering engine Tom and Ben are working on? Would love to hear what will be the changes...! Maybe Tom / Ben or somebody else can give me some examples of what will change with the new theme and rendering engine? Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi dougan. Getting rid of the nagscreen - when starting a mame-game - is possible by using a compiled version of mame
  10. That is fantastic. Very professional looking! Thanks for sharing. I think i will never be able to create something like that ...
  11. Nestopia is closing by pressing alt+x Closing nestopia within gameex using this keycombo still shows the desktop Changing the advanced setting in gameex (with the setup wizard) for closing nestopia to the key combo alt+x also doesn't help. I hope there is another solution. Apart from this: with a future build cabinet in mind, the goal is that any emulator within gameex can be closed by one and the same button. Hope to hear another solution for closing nestopia in the correct way (without showing the desktop).
  12. In the meantime > Draco: what emulator are you using for NES-games? Perhaps you could give me a list of emulators you're using ? Would really help me out I think. A veteran like yourself uses emulators that work well I think
  13. Hi Draco. I didn't locate the nestopia.cfg but I did find nestopia.xml When I open this in a tex-editor I find the following: <preferences> <appearance> <icon-style>nes</icon-style> <menu-desktop> <custom-color>0x00EFCA18</custom-color> <use-custom-color>no</use-custom-color> </menu-desktop> <menu-fullscreen> <custom-color>0x00EFCA18</custom-color> <use-custom-color>no</use-custom-color> </menu-fullscreen> </appearance> <application> <allow-multiple-instances>no</allow-multiple-instances> <autostart>yes</autostart> <confirm-exit>no</confirm-exit> <confirm-reset>no</confirm-reset> <exit-power-off>no</exit-power-off> <favored-system>nes-ntsc</favored-system> <favored-system-always-ask>no</favored-system-always-ask> <priority>normal</priority> <run-background>no</run-background> <start-fullscreen>yes</start-fullscreen> <suppress-warnings>no</suppress-warnings> </application> <save> <cheats>yes</cheats> <launcher>yes</launcher> <logfile>yes</logfile> <netplay-list>yes</netplay-list> <settings>yes</settings> <window-launcher>no</window-launcher> <window-main>no</window-main> </save> </preferences> It's alreay stating to start fullscreen but GameEx is nevertheless showing my desktop when I close a NES-game I've been playing....?
  14. Hi Freqeuncy > unfortunately this didn't work. I've set the variable "Show desktop" to false using the Setup Wizard (advanced emulator config) It didn't have any effect. GameEx is stilling showing my desktop when I close a NES-game I've been playing..... Any other suggestions?
  15. I've tried setting the variable "show desktop" to false of the < [Console] Nintendo NES (Nestopia).ini - file > located in ..\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS\IMPORT-EXPORT\ Unfortunately this didn't help Can anybody help me out?
  16. There is a variable in the "Console Nintendo NES (Nestopia).ini" called "show desktop" When I'm home again I will try to set this variable to false > My question: how do I get Game-Ex or Nestopia to read this ini-file. Do I have to import this changed file using the Setup Wizard? Putting this config-file in the main NES-folder doesn't work. Hope to hear from you.
  17. Hi gamepimp, so you have a monitor build in your CP? How do you get a monitor with the size of a CP-panel? Do you perhaps have a picture of your CP or of any CP using a build in monitor? Thanks!
  18. Thanks for the info ClassicGMR! I'm still learning I guess > this forum teaches me a lot!
  19. I guess Xbox and Playstation have that solution. But with the classic consoles (NES, SNES, Atari, Amiga etc) this isn't possible right?
  20. Hi Draco, here all my config-files. Couldn't upload it any sooner because I was at work. I hope you (or somebody) can help me out. Thanks! GameEx.ini log.txt Console Nintendo NES (Nestopia).ini
  21. I agree for most part, but the classic-console-controlers like NES, SNES, Sega and others like Amiga, Atari cannot be used by playing on a cab right? So therefore, I was wondering why you would show a picture of the controller in the CP, when playing these games on a cab. Not to critisize anything, just wondering what could be the value of using such pictures
  22. I was just wondering: why do you want to have console controller pics in the CP of your cab? I presume you're only using arcade sticks when playing games on your cab...? Just wondering...?
  23. Hi Draco, sorry: should have done that in the first place... Here you go, here are my config files. Couldn't find my nestopia-config: where can I find this? (I wasn't allowed to upload nestopia.txt) Thanks! GameEx.ini log.txt
  24. Hi, i have two questions about nestopia: 1) i have enabled exiting nestopia and return to gameEx by pressing escape once but before returning to gameEx it shows the Windows desktop. How can i prevent this? 2) how can i save a game(state) without using nestopias menu bar? I ask this because i want to use it in a custom cab and would like to be able to save a game with a default button. A button which i can use with every emulator to save a game. Is this possible? Thanks in advance!
  25. Hi hansolo, could you perhaps tell me for which consoles you use MESS? Of course others are also welcome to give there experience with MESS... Thanks!
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