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Everything posted by RIP-Felix

  1. I could think of quite a few ways to spend $8500. None of them include a glorified six pack of piss. What would I rather spend $8500 on? Hmm... 77" LG OLED77CXPUA ($3500) + Samsung HW-Q950T Dolby Atmos Soundbar ($1400) + PS5 ($500) & X-Box Series X ($500). That still leaves me $2600 (43x $60 games). I'd get a smattering of PS4, OG X-Box/360 games that is backwards compatible, I don't already own, & look interesting. Also some switch games I haven't bought because of ridiculous prices. With the remainder, a fair selection of retro titles from choice consoles. I think $8,500 would put a fair dent in the wishlist.
  2. You win this round...mother!
  3. Acording to one of the comments on youtube (I know...I know!): That seems too specific to be made up. It even has exclusives?! If that's true, then we now live in a world where ATARI is out done by Bud Light. Maybe you know it by its other name - "Yellow Snow." Yeah, that BUD LIGHT! #2020
  4. ATARI's mission statement: Over promise, under deliver! And by "under deliver", we mean "don't." To use only Woody's voicebox: "Reach for the sky"..."somebody poisoned the waterhole"
  5. My mom would not approve! That's the badge of honor they were going for I reckon. Is there something that I should know to get this? It doesn't say it's being given away, just $9.99. I mean, there's a free demo, but that can't be what you mean.
  6. Kinda hard to make out the text at the bottom, but I'm pretty sure it reads: "with a narrow field of view and a nauseating 30hz refresh rate, you will be agape with eye-gouging old 3D gameworlds that will have you blowing chunks! So what are you waiting for?" Strange marketing tactic?!
  7. I'm not sure which earn will arrive first. Your's or the AtariVCS'!
  8. Yeah, me too Han. Mom & Dad had the Atari, and my cousins too. We were penniless in the late 80s, so my earliest gaming memories are on the 2600 picking up games for $1 at the goodwill. Since my parents already had a bit of a game collection before I was born and games were so cheap at the goodwill, and my cousins had one, the 2600 was pretty much the staple console till I was 8 or 9. My friend had an NES and his parents rented a SNES once or twice when I stayed the night. I think we rented Street Fighter. The Genesis was the fist console that my mom actually bought specifically for us kids. Sometime around then I bought a Gameboy + 5 or 6 games from a friend for like $20. So until the N64/Playstation releases, that's pretty much it. So yeah, Atari 2600 had a good long run in my formative memory. EDIT: I was always fond of this one: I actually dubbed this to a walkman so I could listen to it on tape.
  9. Yup, that's the one. Those little demons after the bigger one splits are hard to hit. This game separated itself from others in the genre for me because of the demos erratic movement. They are hard to predict and their movment is dependent on yours. They attack attack and dodge you. The AI was wicked good for the time and the game is still fun! My mom's favorite game it is my favorite game - DEMON ATTACK!!!! MY dad likes MOON SWEEPER. MY Sister's favorite game is COSMIC ARK (my 2nd fav). Honorable mentions: LASER BLAST PITFALL! ADVENTURE RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK HALO 2600 And many more. The Atari 2600 is the only console my parents bought new for themselves. I played it growing up later, after they lost interest in video games. So it occupies that rare spot in gaming where my parents and I have nostalia for the same console. That's why it has firm place under my TV. It's definitely worth owning, if for no other game than DEMON ATTACK. It's addictive and you'll find yourself trying to get a higher score. Oh, and please don't emulate it (atari 2600), lag will ruin the experience. CRT is what you want and need for a 2600.
  10. I watched a review for the game. The single player campaign looks fun, but it's pretty short and feels like an after thought to the online multiplayer aspect. I get it, that's their cash cow, but I don't care as much about online experiences as I do about single player campaigns. Kinda poisoned my desire to get it.
  11. XArcade Tankstick with a rasberry pi preloaded and configured out of the box with officially licensed games and ATARI branding. I can see the appeal, so long as it's compatible with PC as a usb controller. You get more bang for your buck. For some reason however, I question how flexible the controller is to PC arcade users. The tanksticks allow you to customize the button scheme, which can be useful when certain keys cause issues.
  12. Never! I have am Atari RGB kit I've been putting off installing, because I'm lazy, but once I do I can upscale it in glorius 1080p via the OSSC to my modern TV. Why? DEMON ATTACK!
  13. Anyone who thinks that E.T. is the worst video game ever made hasn't played many video games! It's not even the close to the worst games on the 2600. IMO that dishonor goes to the pornographic "Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em". And this was before the ESRB rating system! ET Gets a bad rap for being rushed out and not living up to the hype, that's all. With a little refinement it could have been good game.
  14. Typical journalistic stance: "How do I maximize readership and engagement with an article about a highly anticipate novel - a sequel to one fans love? I'VE GOT IT! I'll call it unoriginal and criticize the author as being self serving and egotistical! That'll be sure to piss people off, get the article retweeted all over the internet, and generate thousands of replies!" Just another troll. I like the synopsis, it sound like it'll be fun. For one, I'm curious how the "Addictive" new feature of the OASIS affects Wade and Sam's relationship (probably some friction there). The new nemesis sounds like the threat is not only about control of the OASIS but the world itself. That raises the stakes. I like that there's a new egg, it's kind like my fan fiction about "legendary artifacts" which keep Parzival engauged in the OASIS instead of checking out of it and becoming a philantropist outside the OASIS only. Now I'm intrigued. That journalist can suck it.
  15. I have to say my first reaction to seeing the console was, "It's Huge. Like, it's really big!" Then, as I kept watching the tear down, no lie, I teared up a little bit! It's almost like SONY listened to the complaints about YLOD PS3's and BLOD PS4's. They have finally gotten rid of the stupid Heat spreader and gone with direct contact between heatsink and Die! Now, I have my doubts about liquid metal. In my own experience with the stuff, it dries out after a year and a half and the temps go way up. So unless they have a way to keep it from doing that, I don't really like this move. However, in the short therm it will defiantly be the best thermal contact you can have. And that Heatsink looks SICK! heatpipes and vapor chambers, hell yeah. That fan's a thick boy too! I just hope that all that heat mitigation isn't absolutely necessary, because there's no room for improvement! I mean, it's not like we can simply replace the thermal paste to improve thermals if the thing runs too hot. I mean, we might have to reapply liquid metal if it dries out, but they went with the best stuff to begin with.
  16. I'm interested in this too, though I haven't looked into it for my Tanksticks. I'll be eager to hear your results. It would be nice to play Tempest the right way. Or 720. Atari 2600 paddle games are another reason I'd like to do it. Just another project I've put off for way too long.
  17. So...this is one answer to the question, "what did you over the summer during the furlough?" Some people nit. Others play games. Hal does this: But this guy...is on another level!
  18. SHIPPING UPDATE 2: Thanks to trade winds out of Bentchulikabeotch the ship arrived ahead of schedule in San Fransisco! Unfortunately, the crew has contracted Covid-19 and the shipment is being quarantined for at least 28-days. We're very sorry for this delay and are committed to getting your packages out as soon as we can! SHIPPING UPDATE 3: Great news! The port has lifted the quarantine ahead of schedule! It's only been 27 months! There just one hiccup, the trucks were destroyed in a wildfire. But we're still committed to getting your packages out as soon as possible! Translation: SPECIAL OFFER: Don't miss this one time deal! For just another $299 we'll ship your VCS with ATARI branded earns! They're very stylish! SHIPPING UPDATE 4: We are so proud. I now have the privilege to inform you that everyone should be receiving their ATARI VCS orders in the next few weeks. As we speak backers have been receiving their ATARI VCS [ashes]. Already, the reception [outcry] has been overwhelming! Thank you all so much for your continued support and patience through this difficult time. I also get the privilege to inform you that this will be our final run of VCS units. All our efforts are now concentrated on the ATARI hotel! On to bigger and better things. Ta ta!
  19. The point is that they will not be able to sell your "Men Who Stare at Goats" bluray. No one will be able to buy/sale games, movie, and music in a garage sale. This is an assault on middle class wealth that never gets attention. For example, my video games collection is probably worth about $10,000 if I took the time to sell it all off. "Property" is very well defined and protected under law. There have been many legal precedents that form the property rights we enjoy. If something bad happened and I needed money, I could convert my property into money. Your kids are free to sell off your "Men Who Stare at Goats" bluray for food money. That's why it's better to buy a house and pay a mortgage than rent for $100/mo less. The asset is an investment that can appreciate and build wealth. Some property depreciates in value (cars) others appreciate (home), but if you rent either of those, any appreciation or depreciation only matters to the owner (which isn't you). In the dystopian future we're headed toward anyone who wants music, games, or movies will have no option but to "rent" it. Used media represents "loss" in the minds of those who stand to make billions more in profits by eliminating personal ownership. When you sell a physical anything, you are also creating a "used" market that you'll have to compete with. So don't sell ownership in the form of property at all. Imagine if you sold a house and the person who buys it has to pay you a cut when they sell it...and the next owner...and the next...in perpetuity! CHA-CHANGE $$$ But, that's not reasonable, nor is it legal. If however, you "rent" the house, then your tenants pay off the mortgage for you and you retain the ownership. All you have to worry about is collecting the $$$, and all those pesky landlord laws, and tax laws, and squatters, and dirty rotten middle class lowlifes that complain about not being able to afford rent this month because they lost their jobs due to the pandemic. "Tough luck, we all have to pay. I have a mortgage to pay off you know. It's not like the bank isn't going to collect this month!" - says the parasite ringing wealth out of the earners beneath them. You see kids, when the wealthy are happy they spend money. When they spend money, it supports small businesses. Small businesses employ mommy and daddy. And being employed made your parents so happy they had you! When the rich are happy, Everyone's happy! That's trickle down economics! Meanwhile, little Richie Rich overhears what's going on in his wealthy parents bedroom: "You have to pay me! How can I make it trickle down if you don't pay me?" "Oh I've been a bad boy, I've been evading the trickle tax." "I'm calling the IRS! You can't have the trickle, until you pay for the trickle." "Okay! Here, take your tax you trickle monster...just don't call the IRS! Anything but the IRS!" "Transaction complete. NOW DRINK MY TRICKLE! Yeah, you like it when it trickles down, don't you?" "Oh yeah, I like it when it trickles down. All the way down!" *************** I...um...may have been watching too much Voultar recently.
  20. Giving ATARI money for the VCS is like giving bum's money for food. You hope that's what they'll do with it, but all the evidence indicates otherwise. I forget, what's the definition of insanity again? Oh yeah, I remember now - Believing anything ATARI Says! Like I said: So go ahead and boot up your santa tracker...or do noting at all...because it's the same thing! WHAT? NO! IT'S CGI I TELL YOU! C...G...I
  21. This is partly what makes me not want to spend $600 on a series X. Why would I when I could spend it on a graphics card and get a superior experience on PC? And with MS porting may of it's most popular IPs to the PC (Halo MCC and Halo infinite coming to game pass) it's like they're throwing in the towel. Or maybe that's not it at all. Actually I think they see the future of gaming in subscription models and game pass is their end goal. It doesn't matter what hardware people are logging in on, as long as they're paying for access each month MS will be happy. Then they can finally get out of the expensive console market. They learned that lesson with the 360 - supporting the hardware can be REALLY expensive. Why do it, if you don't have to? SEGA made the jump long ago and has been doing fine as a publisher ever since. MS just wants to establish the platform and migrate users before fully committing. I guarantee you that If I averaged the amount of money I spent on games and consoles as a kid over the years, I spent WAY Less per month then they'll charge for a subscription. But you'll have access to more games and that might be worth it. It just kills me inside, because that is the death of personal ownership and the birth of video game slavery. Pay to play - that's the dystopian future MS and everyone else is feverishly working towards.
  22. IDK, I'm not really buying new games on console as much as I used to. PC & Retro gaming has kinda taken over for me. So long as new games supports my wired 360 controller and can be had on PC, I'm probably going that route. For one, it's almost always cheaper. Second, I can put the money saved into PC hardware. Most importantly I'm not tied down to the hardware. This is more important now that modern consoles run hot and BGA chips have become the industry standard. YLOD PS3, RROD XB360, BLOD PS4, and so on. I'm tired of it! On PC at least I have options for hardware solutions that do not tie me to an engineering disaster. And my game library is backwards compatible so long as it can be patched or hacked to work. Hell, I can and do still play Descent and Descent II on my PC! Anything past the 6th generation of consoles are dying right any left and emulation, backwards compatibility, porting to newer consoles, remasters, and etc. are the only way "modern" games are living on. Sooo...I will not be partaking in the XBSX or PS5. A Nintendo console is the only one I might consider ATM. As much as I hate Nintendo's marketing and pricing tactics, they do make solid games & consoles.
  23. As for the 4K release, I just checked IMDB and it says the 2020 remaster is a 4K Digital intermediate, which "could" mean they did a proper transfer from the original 35mm Negative. It didn't specify if it was made from the negative or a separation master, but the negative would be better if it hasn't faded. Technically speaking though, 35mm film has enough grain for an 8K release before there's no more information to be gained through digital intermediates. So I wonder why studios aren't looking to the future and just biting the bullet now. 8K is already around the corner, and 35mm stock was the industry standard before digital took over (which is why old movies look better in 4K than newer ones - film contains more information than digital cameras until recently could capture).
  24. Please someone go to the past and prevent this timeline. Thank you.
  25. The Elder Scrolls monopoly?
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