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Everything posted by RIP-Felix

  1. I was thinking I'd build it into my X-arcade Tanksticks. Just have HDMI out and perhaps some USB ports for controllers. Then I can plug it into any TV or dock it onto my arcade. Me too. Exploring the rabbit-hole-to-hell that is the YLOD.
  2. I've been following this...keep nerding out, it's being read. I just don't have much to add. I want one, but have been busy with other hardware mods and lately the PS3. I do intend to get one of these installed into my arcade cabinet at some point. I just like the idea of running an FPGA instead of paying the emulation lag tax. Although I put all that work into my GameEX vertscreen theme for my arcade. It'd be a shame to abandon it in favor of...well, let's just say they aren't placing a high priority on the frontend. It's just a big project, that I'm frankly putting off.
  3. RIP-Felix


    Actually you may be right about it being worth it alone for Tor in private browsing. Firefox doesn't do that...jealousy! I'm probably just set in my firefox ways. "you youngsters and you're hi falutin techno gizmos! Why, in my day you had to wind your toys up, not charge them!" You know...that sort of way!
  4. RIP-Felix


    Kinda cool that privacy tabs open a tor client. I would prefer to be paid cash money, but I understand this approach is a business opportunity for Brave to make a little on the side for themselves. After all, that's the idea of tokins. They have no value outside of your ecosystem, so all the real money is controlled by the owners/partners. In principal, I like the idea that they're essentially making a marketplace for users to bank/spend ad revenue. If I allow ads, I earn tokens that I can spend to support the websites I want, assuming they're "approved." Tip Bob at RetroRGB.com, donate tokens to Wikipedia, send a few Toms way :) The point is, I get a say, instead of websites and ads giants controlling who gets my personal ad revenue. You do not get my airtime for free anymore! I use HOSTS scripts, ublock origin, ghostery, HTTPS everywhere, DuckDuckGo.com and its privacy essentials toolbar for a reason. Because I know how valuable my privacy is. If I choose to watch ads, I want something in return. But I would prefer cash, not tokins! Close, but this idea will quickly devolve into a dumpster fire of greed. I'm calling it early! There's too much potential for abuse.
  5. It's actually pretty fun, but man those bastards home in fast! I can see this being pretty sweet with a spinner and 2 buttons. Fire and Thrust. The keyboard doesn't do it justice. I totally get that defender vibe. Pretty cool
  6. I'm still unconvinced. I see this as a glorified Atari Mini PC. Okay, they have a bets OS and Atari Platform they are hoping to make money off of, but I wouldn't be interested in that unless they had some killer 1st party games and a track record for producing them (like SEGA AM1/2). Instead the utility of the console seems to be in it's support for windows. Basically it's a miniPC. I would feel more comfortable building my own from off the shelf parts. I could get a better experience and have an upgrade path. Unless ATARI can offer more than a few old Atari2600 and arcade games, something pc emulation has been doing well for a long time now, then I don't see any reason to get a VCS - other than to look at it.
  7. Can you not install windows on this thing internally? Does it have to be on an external drive? If so, that's kinda a bummer. I like having a console be a self contained thing. Having a dongle that must be permanently attached in order to make the thing cool doesn't appeal to me. I'd prefer to install windows to the add-on m.2. That way I don't need to worry about the external drive being always connected, plugged in, getting bumped or lost. That and m.2 is nice to have on windows. It's speedy!
  8. I'm curious what level of emulation are we talking about with this thing? Your standard retropie: N64 is buggy and Dreamcast is too much. MicroPC territory: Dolphin, CEMU and PS2 are about the limit. Or Full on Laptop/moderate Desktop PC territory: Pretty much any emulator besides the ones that are notoriously difficult (PS3, XBOX, etc). If we're talking the MicroPC territory, with built-in wireless controllers, streaming services and etc, it could be pretty cool once users are able to adapt Retroarch, GameEX and ect. Didn't Han say it was going to be compatible with linux? If that's the case, then I imagine it should be pretty strait forward to figure out. I hope there aren't any problems with the Controller drivers. That's always been a problem with new platforms. It certainly looks cool. I just hope it's not too niche to get development support. I mean, retropi moved so quickly because of its popularity, whereas the more powerful and niche ODrioids took longer. So I guess we'll see.
  9. Tell me though, can it do this? Mine can! Na Nana BooBoo, stick your head in doo doo
  10. I like Trials games, but don't like spending money for them. Thanks for the tip!
  11. Yeah, I felt there was a bit too much narration in the first part of the book. I guess it makes sense, though. Cline has to retell some of the story from RPO for readers who skip the first book or who need a reminder. That's actually a common complaint I have about most sequels, so it's not really something I can get super picky about. However, I do think there is too much narrative in the beginning that makes it harder to get to the more compelling 1st person dialog. RPO was a good mix of the Narrative and 1st person, but if you remember there was alot of narrative setting up the contest, some of which was told in the 1st person by Halladay himself - which broke up the narration. The difference for me was that each of the first few chapters in RPO ended with a banger of a cliffhanger. They forced me deeper, I couldn't help but keep reading. Mixed in were narrative flashbacks about Halladay, Ogden morrow, or Wade's past. Usually just after a longer narrative section, though, the 1st person story kicked back in and broke up the less compelling, but necessary backstory sections. They didn't dominate or feel overly long. But I did feel there were a few times in RP2 where I did ask myself, "when are we going to get into the action?" That's the mark for an excessively long, or boring, narrative section. I want to re-read the book just to see if they were unnecessarily long (like they felt), if they could have been broken up/shortened, or if they really needed to be there. Or maybe it's one of those books that's better on subsequent reads.
  12. Looks like a paper weight ATM. They mentioned something about a "different experience" when using the blutooth controller vs USB. I hope that isn't double speak for significant variable lag. If it's bad enough for developers to mention it, then you know it's bad. The other thing is the state of the ATARI store. I would consider that a wishing fountain at this point. You can throw your money in hoping, but don't expect to it to come true. Here's to hoping they can actually overcome greed and put in the work it takes to make a good product that earns customers. We want to return to the old ATARI mother we remember, but all the evidence so far say's she's been replaced by this:
  13. So I finished the audiobook. No spoilers, but I will say that he went BIG. Perhaps a bit over the top. Overall, I wasn't riveted like I was for RPO. It definitely wasn't binge worthy. I will be listening again to pickup what I spaced out on before, but I found myself spacing out instead of being completely absorbed in the story. I do like it, it's a fitting continuation of the series. I can see at least one spinoff book (perhaps short story) coming. The main story could be continued too. However, considering the "prize", I don't see there being anything more ambitious in store for a third novel. He'll have to hunker down and actually write good fiction, instead of relying on contests and prizes to keep the listener waiting to find out what it is.
  14. Was I the only one that thought the movie was about fast zombies? I actually just read the book, which is when I finally learned they were vampires! Lol! Explains why sunlight kills them, man I'm dense....haha!
  15. I saw on the news that one guy admitted he was in line at a brick and mortar wallmart just to resell it for $800 and make a quick $200 profit. There needs to be a law to prevent this type of extortion. I don't see how it's not a clear case of price gouging, but aparantly bot-buying and what that guy was doing is not illegal. So stores can't turn them over to the cops even if they expose themselves when asking for refunds. Stores have quantity limits per customer so they can at least refuse to honor refund requests in excess of the limit. This doesn't punish the guy who needed a quick $200, but the bot scalpers will be stuck with all the rest and have to pay the bill. This is probably one reason MS continues their stupidly confusing naming scheme. It also makes searching for roms on the internet more difficult.
  16. Me neither, I'll confess I didn't even know about it until I read ready player one.
  17. I'll pass. I'd have to figure out how to NTSC mod a PAL pinball cab so I can play at full speed. I don't suppose North America & Japan have 12% more gravity than Europe? EDIT: Oops! Forgive my stupid cat brain...lol. I wasn't very good at physics! Wait for it:
  18. Wallmart was to have stock at 9pm ET today . Waited using the navy master clock, was logged in, shipping and payment info updated, ready to go. I clicked refresh at the stroke of 9pM ET and...to cart (click)...loads, errors...Try again, loads, errors, try again...went on like that until I got the out of stock alert, having never being able to add it to my cart. Same with the XBox series X, which I was also trying to add in another tab. I'd say it was over in less than 1 minute, but who am I kidding...it was over before I even logged in. I guess my high speed internet, zero lag monitor, gaming PC, and mouse are no match for the trigger finger of binary algorithms. There never was a chance. The bots are faster and more tenacious than us mere mortals. The only advantage we coporials had was waiting in line outside a brick and mortar. Alas, the coronavirus took that away.
  19. In all seriousness, it "sounds" like they are trying to get it out before Christmas. I do hope that you backers are satisfied with the product. I'm sure it will be crap, but the community will figure out how to make it cool. Still, I'd check the easter egg in the bundled Adventure. I wouldn't put it past ATARI to have removed Warren Robinett's name!
  20. Started listening today and I'm enjoying it! if you see spoiler quotes from me, assume I will ruin the book for you. Don't open the spoiler unless you want the spoiler!
  21. In order of likeliness: You Finish reading war and peace. You achieve a perfect game of pac-man. You travel to Nepal, begin your journey on the path to enlightenment, and then actually achieve nirvana. Donald Trump has an epiphany, becomes a successful climate change philanthropist, and gets re-elected president in 2024 running as a democrat. ATARI VCS arrives at your front door (not in an earn)
  22. I like how they teased everyone with pictures of consoles being assembled then pallets ready to ship...knowing that we would assume those boxes were full of ready to ship final product! That's intentionally misleading, if the joysticks weren't even assembled yet! The only reason to do that is to try and appease investors so they wouldn't sue. So what was in the boxes? Obviously they weren't backer units. F**king liars! Man, I'd be so pissed if I had any money vested. They owe you more than a constant conveyor belt of placation and lies. This group of ATARI owners deserve to be sued into bankruptcy. The best thing than can happen to the ATARI brand is to be sold. It needs new ownership, one that respects it's value, it's fans, and is experienced in the gaming industry.
  23. I finally got around to jail-breaking mine a few years ago. It's still an emulation beast and XBMC monster! Initially I was indifferent to the XBSX and PS5, but I have been converted. Many of my OG XBOX games will work and the 360 list is pretty good. I skipped the 360 generation entirely and the games are dirt cheap now, so this is looking like a good deal. There are some blarring omissions, like Dino crisis 3 and jet set radio future, but that's what my OG XB is for. The reason I skipped the 360 was the RROD issues. I've looked into trying to get a later model 360, but decided the series x was the better value. It may not have perfect compatibility, but it's impressive and there's a good list to get my feet wet. I actually really want a PS5 now too, for the PS4 backwards compatibility. It's the biggest selling feature IMO. I have 2 working CECHA01 model "Fat" PS3s. These are fully backwards compatible and in good shape. The second is my backup! Both are well cared for and will not be experiencing a YLOD if I can help it (and I can)! So with 2 consoles I'll have the entire PlayStation ecosystem! And with the XBSX, I'll have access to a good chunk of the XB ecosystem. That's alot of games for just 3 consoles! Even though there aren't very many SX and PS5 games yet, they have a large back catalog to explore.
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