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Everything posted by RIP-Felix

  1. Caring deeply and not voting are the same thing if all you have are bad choices. If all you have are the choice between two evils, choose neither, lest you be guilty of choosing evil! Which brings me to another peeve: "Choose the lesser of two evils" #illusionOFchoice
  2. People who say, "you can't understand because"... "You don't have kids." "Your not married "You haven't had a close relative/spouse/child die" Basically those who don't give other people enough credit. Every normal human can empathize. We all have the same emotional range and can "imagine" how we would feel, then offer support. If you don't want to hear it, then politely redirect the conversation. Don't be a dick about it!
  3. Guilty Gender based double standards. YES! ...and this (Hyperbole) :
  4. Every time I look at myself in the mirror I ruminate over all the pizza and beer that got me to this point. Then I remind myself, technically I'm using the calories I stored while eating it. So it's kind of like having pizza now... sorta...okay not really But I have lost ~40lbs and feel better about how I look, even though I have more to go. The complements help! ...but that's not what this thread is about. It's about pet peeves and annoying things, like this:
  5. That's cool. I like how you integrated it into the credit counter so you have to defeat simon to get more credits to play Mame games. An intriguing idea to create that sense of accomplishment for going as far as possible on a single credit. That value is lost by unlimited credits at the push of a button. The only thing is that I'd like it selectable as a stand alone game and have some sort of animation to display onscreen to provide feedback about the simon game while running. A neat solution however.
  6. ...Which reminds me of another pet peeve. Chewing with your mouth open!
  7. PFUDOR... Warning, you can't unsee this or get the tune out of your head. It will annoy you to no end, especially if your daughter learns there is an android game!!!
  8. "Going out of business Sale!" on signs for stores that are still around years later. Other annoying marketing frenzies include "Liquidation Sale", "Everything must go", "Up to 70% Off!" "SALE, SALE, SALE!!!"
  9. Well, if you're not cheating, you're not trying. And at least if you fail to quit vaping, it's better than failing to quit smoking. It's still cheating
  10. In sports This: And this:
  11. Is it frozen?
  12. Bump
  13. Nicotine is a powerful poison. The amount in cigarettes and vapor is very small. Researchers use the concentrated form as a nerotoxin in study's and it is highly restricted, because it's deadly in small amounts. Even in the tiny doses you get from smoking/vaping it messes with your endocrine balance. Other neurochemicals must increase/decrease to compensate for the effect of the foreign substance and this becomes the new normal. Your body will alert you when levels get low and you need to provide more of the substance. The second you stop, your body has to compensate back to a natural state. Since it's been awhile, it takes a while. The interim time sucks, because your chemical balance is out of wack. That's withdrawal and chemical dependence, AKA addiction. Get past that, and it's all psychological from there. Smoking vs vaping: Vaping cuts out the exotic oxygen molecules (Free radicals) released by burning plant matter. Free radicals are known carcinogens and mutagens. They lead to COPD through a know pathway involving elastase, an enzyme that helps protect tissues in the body. Smoking is know to release thousands of harmful chemicals, many of which have unknown effects on the body, but hundreds of those chemicals are know carcinogens. So vaping is certainly better for you than smoking. Nicotine is not good for you, it's still a poison. The long term affects of it by itself, without the smoke, is less clear than the mounds of data surrounding cigarette smoke. However, certainly neither is better for you than breathing air alone. The idea that Vaping is "addiction without consequence" is exactly the type of tobacco propaganda we have seen since the 50's. It sounds good, seems to have an air of believability and evidence backing the claim, but is entirely unfounded. We don't know until thousands or tens of thousands of people start dying and the common tread linking them together is nicotine. Only time will tell. The same thing goes with Marijuana smoking/vaping, except that THC is not a deadly poison like nicotine is. You take the chance on your own. Just don't be fooled into thinking it's safe. Chemicals entering your body have an effect, what consequences they have long term is nearly always unknown. If you've cut the smoking, great. You have removed many of the negative health consequences. All of them? No one knows. However, it's cheating. You are still chemically dependent on the nicotine. You haven't progressed to just psychological addiction, which unfortunately never goes away. I haven't smoked for 10 years and I still have that inner Philip Morris appear: "It's a cold day, wouldn't a smoke be nice right now." Me: "No it wouldn't you little piss ant, it make me smell bad, feel bad, ruins my health and positive self image. I'd like to be a part of my kids life and have as long a life as possible. Sell your death elsewhere!" That sounds doable. I love tacos, mixing greens and aromatics in is easy with tacos. Beans are exceptionally great for keeping blood sugar spikes down, due to the soluble dietary fiber and starches. Your symbiotic bacteria break down the larger polysaccharides (complex sugars) into smaller ones you can digest, but it takes longer. And as a result you get sustained energy without the crash or cardiovascular consequences. You are feeding Gas producing bacteria however, so there is that byproduct (Gas). However, that decreases the more often you eat complex carbohydrates - which encourage the right balance of gut microflora. That's the secret to all day energy and warding off type II diabetes. Keep up the great work. The health rewards alone will help you sustain momentum, but a good support team is priceless. Glad to hear the gal is onboard.
  14. Your chances of heart attack, stroke and sudden death lower day 1 you quit smoking. Boosted too are your lung function and immune system. So every day you don't smoke is a win! Stroke and CVD can be further mitigated by Diet and Exercise (Diet more so...vegetables baby). Loose excess weight, anything more than 30 lbs of normal for your height/weight (6ft male is 165. So 165-195 is the range), Lastly, decrease stress. Besides that, it's genetics game. As for the long term stuff like COPD and Lung cancer, only time will tell. Regardless, you're doing great. Keep up the daily grind. Remember to tell that inner Philip Morris where to shove it!
  15. #17 (5:18) - Lacero - By Andy Weir (The author of "The Martin"). A READY PLAYER ONE Fan Fiction short story. #'s18-20 (5:41) - Did you know that Cline hid an Easter egg in the Book? This was news to me. He gave away a Dolorean to the winner! That's just awesome. And "The Stacks" is an atari 2600 game made for the contest! I'm gonna have to get a copy and put on my arcade cabinet. ...There are all kings of neat facts in that video. SPOILERS TOO! #101 is my favorite!
  16. Rumors are Cline is writing a sequel to ready player one, well I guess they are not rumors anymore since Cline himself confirmed it. I'm looking forward to it! It's always nice to have things to look forward to, goals to attain, and just plain old life to be lived.
  17. Interesting. Sounds like it's a matter of choosing the right emulator and settings. I like that the build he's using auto-selects the right emu/config to get the games running right. I wonder if they have a naming convention requirement for roms, so it correctly auto-selects.
  18. What are your pet peeves? I was just watching a YouTube video and came across one my least favorite figures of speech. Arghhh. It catches my attention every time, and I can no longer stand it. I try to be patient. It's an irrational pet peeve of mine. Just say "um..." or "uhhh..." or another word whisper used to stall while you collect your train of thought. I just can't stand this particular one. It's redundant, circular, and assassin. Am I alone here, just being a jerk, or does this bother anyone else? Maybe I'm just getting a bit of that cantankerous "hay you kids! GET OFF MY LAWN!" attitude (AKA getting old). IDK, to me it's like the fake valley girl accent, "Like, Oh My God! I totally need a Manny/petty." Stop, just stop.
  19. I use Project 64 and most of the games I play are pretty good. Even when I didn't have a beefy PC, N64 has been pretty solid for a long time. Jet force Gemini and Banjo Kazooie have some messed up sprites, but nothing major. No slowdowns or crashes. It was one of thoes systems that I thought a Pi should be able to handle, but aparantly they don't have very much in the GPU. I'd consider using an intel NUC, if they weren't so expensive.
  20. I just mean in general, I prefer Will Wheaton's Narration over Scott Brick, who was my favorite narrator before listening to Will Wheaton. I don't know if Brick did a narration of RP1, but I'd be interested to listen to it.
  21. Most appropriate review. I couldn't have put it better. I remember thinking that while watching...no, suffering through...the movie. Skip the movie, read the book. Or do what I did and listen to it on audible. It's narrated by Will Wheaton (you know, Wesly crusher from TNG!) I have to say, I like Will Wheaton's narration better than Scott Brick. Both are great.
  22. Does the XU4 handle N64 emulation well? Last I read there wasn't a solution in this form factor that can handle it flawlessly, like proper computer can. I really want to make a miniNES/SNES that can also do N64 emulation. It's blatently missing on my other pi builds - NEStalgia (a 3D printed case + Pi3B) and SNEStalgia (a SNES classic edition hack).
  23. There is this case too, if anyone is interested. I made my own using a 3D printer, but this is of better build quality. But it doesn't have working cartridges like mine, so take that!
  24. I saw ender's game, but still haven't read the book. I guess I judged the book by the movie, and since I found it mediocre, I've avoided the book. IMO Ender's Game (the movie) was WAY better than RP1. I fear that people will judge READY PLAYER ONE (the book) by the movie and never give the book a chance. That would be a real shame.
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