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Wheel Images

Upload/Download Wheel Images here.

50 files

  1. MegaBalls Wheel Images for Pinball FX2 / FX3 / FX / M

    MegaBalls Wheel Images for all ZEN Pinball Games.
    Download the new ZIP file (last download).
    Template and system wheels are included.
    Updated to 25/02/2025


       (11 reviews)



  2. Pinball M Megaballs

    Megaballs for Pinball M


       (2 reviews)



  3. Megaballs Pinball FX New Tables

    Megaballs for 3 new Zen Tables (Noir, Sky Pirates and Mummy).
    Megaballs for 2 New SW Tables (Collectibles and Mandalorian).
    Megaballs for Pinball FX System.


       (1 review)



  4. Pinball FX Wheels - Animated Backglass Style

    Animated Pinball FX wheel images based on @DDH's animated backglass files (https://github.com/DOFLinx/B2S-Back-Glasses).
    The images here are compressed apngs for reduced file size and overhead in use (the source uncompressed files are available at https://github.com/DOFLinx/AnimatedFXWheelImages)
    For more information on the backglass files see https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=53500&hl=
    Big thanks to @DDH!
    These images are similar to the visual pinball wheel images (https://forums.gameex.com/forums/files/file/2521-visual-pinball-wheel-images-animated-backglass-style/) except that these are in apng format rather than gif (but are sized the same, 800x600). See that post for a video of how they look in use and for an underlay to use in PinballX in cabinet mode.
    Wheel images are included here for the following FX tables;
    0 FX Logo
    1 Civil War
    2 Star Wars Masters of the Force
    4 South Park Super Sweet
    5 Fear Itself
    6 Star Wars Starfighter Assault
    7 Thor
    10 Star Wars Han Solo
    12 Star Wars A New Hope
    17 The Avengers
    20 Excalibur
    21 Ghost Rider
    22 Deadpool
    23 Pasha
    24 Star Wars Return of the Jedi
    27 Biolab
    28 Star Was Darth Vader
    29 Adventure Land
    30 Doctor Strange
    31 Rome
    33 Sorcerers Lair
    36 Super League Football
    38 Fantastic Four
    40 CastleStorm
    43 Star Wars Episode The Empire Strikes Back
    45 Blade
    46 Spider-Man
    47 Star Wars The Clone Wars
    48 Captain America
    49 Moon Knight
    50 Guardians of the Galaxy
    53 Boba Fett
    55 South Park Butters Very Own
    56 World War Hulk
    58 Star Wars Droids
    59 X-Men
    60 The Infinity Gauntlet
    65 Iron Man
    66 Secrets of the Deep
    67 Epic Quest
    71 Wolverine
    73 Venom
    75 Wild West Rampage
    77 Star Wars Rebels
    78 Avengers Age of Ultron
    79 Ant-Man
    80 Son Of Zeus
    87 Alien IsolationPinball
    88 Star Wars The Force Awakens
    89 Star Wars Might of the First Order
    93 Women of Power A Force
    94 Women of Power Champions
    95 Jaws
    96 ET
    97 Back To The Future
    98 Star Wars Rogue One
    100 Jurassic Park
    101 Jurassic World
    102 Jurassic Park Mayhem
    103 Star Wars Last Jedi
    104 Star Wars Ahch To Island
    105 Star Wars Solo
    106 Star Wars Calrissian Chronicles
    107 Star Wars Battle Of Mimban
    108 Fish Tales
    109 Medieval Madness
    110 Junk Yard
    111 Getaway
    112 Curse of the Mummy
    113 Sky Pirates
    117 Theatre Of Magic
    118 Black Rose
    119 Attack From Mars
    120 Party Zone
    121 The Champion Pub
    122 Safe Cracker
    123 Pinball Noir
    124 White Water
    125 Red And Ted RoadShow
    126 Hurricane
    127 Cirqus Voltaire
    127 World Cup Soccer
    128 No Good Gofers
    129 Space Station
    130 Monster Bash
    131 Creature from the Black Lagoon
    132 Tales of the Arabian Nights
    133 Indiana Jones
    134 FunHouse
    135 Dr Dude
    136 Star Wars The Mandalorian
    137 Star Wars Classic Collectibles
    138 My Little Pony
    139 Kung Fu Panda
    140 Trolls
    141 How to Train Your Dragon
    145 Garfield
    146 Peanuts Snoopy
    147 Wrath of the Elder Gods
    148 Bride of PinBot
    149 Swords of Fury
    150 Homeworld Journey to Hiigara
    151 Brothers in Arms
    152 Borderlands Vault Hunter
    153 Kong
    154 World War Z
    155 Grimm Tales
    156 Addams Family
    158 Godzilla
    160 Godzilla vs Kong
    161 Crypt of the Necrodancer
    162 Twilight Zone
    163 Star Trek the Next Generation
    164 Vernes Mysterious Island
    165 Samiurais Vengence
    166 Star Trek Kelvin Timeline
    167 Xena
    168 Whirlwind
    169 Star Trek Discovery
    170 Battlestar Galactica
    172 Star Trek Deep Space Nine
    173 Terraforming Mars
    177 Knight Rider
    178 Exploding Kittens
    179 Gloomhaven
    181 Charlie Brown Christmas
    184 Princess Bride
    186 Pacific Rim
    187 Goat Simulator
    188 Banzai Run
    189 EarthShaker
    190 Black Knight 2000


       (0 reviews)



  5. Animated Company Logos

    These are an improved version of DMD style company logo animations (originally posted https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/24176-animated-system-logos-wheels) along with some neon type animations to cover other years / manufacturers.
    Png files included are animated pngs.  Note that the previews are on a white background, these files look better where they are intended to be used, on the dark semi transparent Additional Detail area of PinballX.
    Files included (ALT is used to indicate alternatives for the main version of a file, remove the ALT part to use it in PinballX);
    DMD Style
    Alvin G.gif
    Bally (1991-).gif
    Bally (1991-)ALT.gif                    * Alternative Bally animation, could be renamed and used for games listed as Midway
    Barnstorm Games.gif                * Not a 'real' DMD animation. Improvised.
    Data East (1991-).gif
    Data East (1991-)ALT1.gif        * Alternative DE animation, rename to use
    Data East (1991-)ALT2.gif        * Alternative DE animation, rename to use
    Farsight Studios.gif                  * Not a 'real' DMD animation. Improvised.
    Form Slingers.gif                      * Not a 'real' DMD animation. Improvised.
    Gottlieb (1992-).gif
    Gottlieb (1992-)ALT1.gif           * Alternative Gottlieb Premier animation, also used as as Premier
    JP Salas.gif                                  * Not a 'real' DMD animation. Improvised.
    Inder (1993-).gif                        * Not a 'real' DMD animation. Improvised.
    Midway (1991-).gif                    * Not a 'real' DMD animation. Improvised.
    Original.gif                                 * Not a 'real' DMD animation. Improvised.
    Premier.gif                                * Duplicate of Gottlieb (1992-)ALT1.gif
    Sega (1981-).gif
    SegaALT1 (1981-).gif                 * Alternative Sega animation, rename to use
    SegaALT2 (1981-).gif                 * Alternative Sega animation, rename to use
    Spinball S.A.L..gif
    Spooky Pinball.gif                     * Not a 'real' DMD animation. Improvised.
    Stern (1999-2010).gif
    Stern (2011-2016).gif
    Technetium Games.gif            * based on ftp dmd video
    Williams (1991-).gif
    Williams (1991-)ALT.gif            * Alternative Williams animation, rename to use
    Zen Studios.gif
    Neon Effect (pre DMD)
    Allied Leisure.apng
    Astro Games.apng
    AutomaticosALT.apng    * Talleres del Llobregat
    Bally (-1990).apng
    Bally Midway.apng
    Bally Wulff.apng
    Bell Games.apng
    Bill Port.apng
    Chicago Coin.apng
    Christian.apng      * Christian Automatic / Christian Tabart
    CIC Play.apng
    Data East (-1990).apng
    Epic Games.apng
    Epic Pinball.apng
    Game Plan.apng
    Gottlieb (-1979).apng
    Gottlieb (1980-1991).apng
    Grand Products.apng
    Iberomatic S.A..apng
    Inder (-1985).apng
    Inder (1986-1992).apng
    Jac van Ham.apng
    Jersey Jack Pinball.apng
    Juegos Populares.apng
    MAC S.A..apng
    Maresa (-1975).apng
    Maresa (1976-).apng
    Midway (-1990).apng
    No Image.apng
    No Image.png
    Nuova Bell Games.apng
    Rally (-1965)
    Rally (1966-)
    Recreativos Franco.apng
    Sega (-1980).apng
    Sport Matic.apng
    Stern (-1980).apng
    Stern (1981-1998).apng
    Taito do Brasil.apng
    Universal de Desarrollos Electronicos.apng       *  same as Unidesa
    Williams (-1990).apng
    Other (matching display type of era / tables)
    American Pinball.gif
    Dutch Pinball.gif
    Magic Pixel.apng
    Malzbie Games.apng
    Mr Game.gif
    Pinball Fantasies.gif
    Stern (2017-).apng
    These files should be placed in your PinballX\Media\Company Logos folder. The files are named to display the animations only for years ranges in the brackets, but can be renamed to display for all years if that is preferred. 
    As always with these things keep the ones you want, delete what you don't!.
    To display the animations in PinballX make sure you're up to date and have Show Additional Detail enabled under General settings in Settings.exe.
    If you display company logos as wheel overlay images (Settings.exe->Generel Settings->Wheel Overlay Images option) the gif images will not display correctly in the wheel. Copy a static png logo image with same file/company name as the gif back to the company logos folder (that file will be used for the overlay, with the gif displayed in Additional Detail area), or disable the wheel overlay option.
    The animations need PinballX V4.84 or later to work. If the logo's aren't being used / picked up by PinballX please check your database table entry Manufacturer name, the company name should match the name of the file, if it doesn't change the name of file or update the manufacturer info for those table(s).


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  6. Pinball M Tarcisio Style Wheels

    Tarcisio Style Wheels for Zen Studio's Pinball M


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  7. Visual Pinball Wheel Images - Animated Backglass Style

    Backglasses are there to attract you to the table, the PinballX wheel serves the same purpose - the wheel images in this pack combine the two, backglass animated wheels
    All images are 800*600 as the 4:3 ratio seems to the best general fit amongst the different backglass size ratios and i wanted the size of the image to be consistent so they occupy the same space as each other on screen in PinballX. Over 1000 images in this pack, all in GIF format regardless of whether or not the backglass is actually animated or not (most are). Gif format is limited to 256 colour so file sizes are kept low (>1000 wheels for <300MB )
    Also available to download is a simple full screen underlay image which you can use with the gif images as is, or as a template if you want. To use it make sure you set 'Underlay image type' to 'Fill screen' in PinballX Display Settings and then place the underlay in the PinballX\Media\Images folder (for use as a global underlay) or rename it to match your Visual Pinball system name and place it in PinballX\Media\System Underlays to use as an underlay for one system.
    Examples can be see in the previews, and in use look like this using the underlay;
    If you have a table with no backglass gif and want to keep everything with the same look and feel then so long as you have a backglass video you can build you own on https://ezgif.com/, or you could just use a static backglass image (as .png or .gif) if you want. Either way i'd recommend keeping to the 4:3 size ratio.
    Note for members with GameEx subscriptions - the images have also been uploaded to the FTP (under PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Wheel Images). On the FTP they are named as 'tablename[backglass style].gif' for easy identification and file import via PinballX Database Manager.
    Thanks - Rajo Joey and other media contributors, i'm not a table collector like some so most of the images in the pack use the content of backglass videos i did not record and i couldn't have made them without theirs. Of course, biggest thanks  to all the Backglass creators @wildman, @hauntfreaks,  Blacksad, @nestorgian, @HiRez00, @stefanaustria,  @chucky87, @editoy , @32assassin + all the others (sorry if i missed you out, drop me a message and i'll add you!). 


       (1 review)



  8. Spinning Ball Animated Wheel Images

    Note - This is a not a pack of pre-built wheel images
    These are two apps that will allow you to easily build animated wheel images (.apng format) for all your tables, either as rotating plain, neon text (as seen in preview images above) or convert existing images to spinning spheres with options to bulk build all your existing tables or single file build for any tables you add later. No more searching for a wheel for the latest table release - just build your own!.
    The apps do not overwrite your existing wheel images. New images are created in a separate ('Made') folder where you can view them before deciding if you want to use them (at which stage you can backup existing wheel images if you wish and then copy the new wheel images across)
    The apps are 64bit only. They will not run on a 32bit OS (sorry!).  They also needs .Net 4.5 to run.  You should only use the images produced by this app PinballX  with version 4.84 and later. Install
    No installer as such, just download the file and extract the contents to a folder somewhere and then run TextToSpinball.exe or ImageToSpinball.exe
    Using the Applications
    Hopefully the app is straightforward, but just in case;
    Text To Spinball

    Input Text Area
    Set the text to be converted to a spinning ball if building a single animation, with some options for formatting. Format options are used for both bulk and single animations.
    Output Image Font
    Select a font to use. You can have different fonts for different systems if you wish (or if you have time specific fonts for individual tables). I tend to go for 'chunky' fonts like compacta, or a small caps font like mech effects 2. 
    Output Image Type and Format
    Set the resolution required and number of frames for animations. To produce a static single frame png image set Rotation Frames to 1. Larger resolutions may not necessarily look better (because of the animation and short time each frame is shown), but will increase file sizes (as will increasing the frame count). Then set the animation type required plain text front, front and back or neon.
    For neon you can also set to use a colour or leave it as Auto which will pick a colour based on the text being animated (rainbow colours as the PinballX wheel is rotated), and from v1.1 also choose if you want to 'fill' the letters with dark transparency (useful if not being used with underlays in PinballX)
    Overlay APng in Image - use this option to overlay the animation on top of an existing static image file. The static image will then be the background for the completed apng (the static image can be larger than the animation size and can be placed at x,y co-ordinates)
    Frame Timing
    Speed up or slowdown the animation as you wish. The variate timing option will offer a degree of randomness (0-50%) if you want to vary the speed of wheel image animations (variation is by animation not frame to frame, so that the wheels will 'spin' in PinballX at slightly different speeds).
    Image Compression
    Compress output images using pingo compression. Use the default auto option unless you need more compression to lower file sizes or less compression because artefacts are seen in output images.  If using manual compression note that 1 is maximum compression, 100 is minimum.
    Overwrite Existing Files - If unchecked then existing files (in the 'Made') will not be overwritten and will save processing time in bulk mode if no output options are changed and you are just creating wheels for new tables.
    Bulk Build Apngs - Select either a text file or a PinballX database xml file to process. If database xml is chosen wheel images will be created using text of the Table Description filed and named as the Table Name field, for txt files the text and file name will be the same single line from the file. Using xml as source allows you to copy the processed wheels to your databases' Wheel Images folder with no need to import individually (backup existing wheel image first!).
    Use Esc key to stop processing if needed.
    Open Made Folder - Opens the output folder. 
    Build APng - Single animation build using text for as entered in in Input Text area.
    Image To Spinball
    This application is mainly intended for use converting logo type images to spinning animations.

    A lot of the options are very similar to Text To Spinball.
    Exceptions are;
    Source Image 
    Select an image to convert. 
    For images with transparent backgrounds you can also select to 'auto pad' the image ensuring a transparent margin is present around the image (to help prevent warping around the top and bottom of the source image in the ball image, and wrapping the start and end of the image together as it rotates without having a gap. For images with solid backgrounds best results can be achieved be ensuring a tileable background is used (to prevent a visible seam during rotation) and by using a square canvas.
    Output Image Type and Format
    Underlay Colour - Select a solid colour for use as a background colour in the output ball.
    Use Suggested Underlay Colour - Intended for bulk build of apngs where a complementary RYB underlay colour is auto selected based on the dominant colours in the source image
    Rotation Axis - Control the angle of rotation for output images
    Add Light Overlay - Adds light/shadow highlights to sphere image produced.    Full Sphere - Applies the light/shadow to transparent areas as well.  
    Add Tarcisio Overlay - Adds Tarcisio style overlay around the sphere images. Thanks to Rajo Joey for the template used.
    Add Extra Overlay - You can select this to add an image as an extra overlay (top level) on the output image. Options allow for placement of the overlay location on the output image. Full control of the overlay location can be done by manually adjusting the overlay image using a canvas size of 1000*1000, the placement and sizing of the overlay will then be respected relative to the output resolution from that.
    Bulk Build Apngs - Select image files rather than from database or text files.
    Example outputs
    Source Image

    With 250*250 resolution set
    Non Tarcisio 
    General Usage Tips
    Some files are used by both applications - don't run ImageToSpinball and TextToSpinball at the same time! Only use the wheel images produced by this app with PinballX 4.84 or later Refine / test your settings using single image output before running a bulk build. When bulk processing the app is likely to use 100% CPU so best to just let it run when you're not trying to do something else. Depending on CPU you can expect to process one or two wheels a minute. Different output types produce different file sizes, neon images are the largest. Different fonts also produce different file sizes. You may need to tweak combinations of output resolution, frame count and compression settings to a find file size range that suits your font and output type. Configuration options are saved on exit and restored on next use so any new wheels you make will match the style of ones you made last time. If you want to preview any of the 'Made' files before adding them to PinballX then right click to 'open with' and choose any modern browser like Edge or Chrome, or use MNGer Although intended for use as wheel images you can use apng files for other media areas in PinballX (Topper etc), and with the release of PinballX Database Manager you can also convert them to mp4 format during the import (which will reduce file sizes) if being used in other media areas. The images will likely look stretched into an egg shape though if your defined screen area is not square. Sample PinballX Underlay and Overlay images for use with these wheel images are provided in the support thread.  If the apngs produced by these apps do not play back correctly in GameEx apps then try building them with the compression option turned off (and then try alternate compression methods e.g. https://tinypng.com/). Any Issues
    Please  attach the Log_TextToSpinBall.txt and Config_TextToSpinBall.ini files or Log_ImageToSpinBall.txt and Config_ImageToSpinBall.ini from the apps folder with a description of any issue.
    Other Notes
    The application uses PixelMap, Magick.Net, ColorPicker, apngasm and Pingo libraries, my thanks to their authors. Please visit their sites and support their work!
    Feel free to distribute any wheels made with the app as you wish, please don't distribute the app itself - for support reasons just include a link to this page instead, thanks.


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    1 comment


  9. Pinball FX Docklet Wheels

    These are the docklet wheels for pinball FX, named in such a way that they are compatible with my launcher script


       (1 review)



  10. Pinball FX Tarcisio Wheels

    Tarcisio Style wheels for Pinball FX named as the names my pinball FX Launcher uses


       (1 review)



  11. Simple Pinball Deluxe Reloaded Wheels

    just some Simple Pinball Deluxe Reloaded Wheels based on extracted pinball tables images from the game


       (1 review)



  12. Bingo Game Room Tarcisio Wheels (complete set)

    Hi guys these are the Bingo Game Room Tarcisio Wheels, it is the complete set as of 3/12/2022 and contains 79 wheels


       (0 reviews)



  13. Bingo Game Room Docklet Wheels (Complete Set)

    Hi guys these are the Bingo Game Room Docklet Wheels, it is the complete set as of 3/12/2022 and contains 79 wheels


       (0 reviews)



  14. Bingo Game Room Logos (Complete Set)

    Hi guys these are the Bingo Game Room Logos / Wheels, it is the complete set as of 3/12/2022 and contains 79 wheels


       (0 reviews)



  15. 1212 Megaballs Visual Pinball 2022

    I update this file for petition of some users.
    1212 Megaballs for Visual Pinball + System Megaball + PSD
    Actualizo esta descarga por petición de algunos usuarios
    1212 Megaballs para Visual Pinball + System Megaball + PSD


       (2 reviews)



  16. wheel images bingo game room

    imagenes para los Wheel de bingo game room
    pack 1 
    15 imagenes


       (0 reviews)



  17. complete pinball arcade wheel (100 tables include stern)

    i found this nowhere!
    some wheels are found in forums  some are made by myself


       (1 review)



  18. Pinball HD Collection Megaballs

    Megaballs for Pinball HD Collection.


       (0 reviews)



  19. Megaballs 2020

    - 556 Megaballs for Visual Pinball (or other sistems)
    - 99 Megaballs for Exclusive Future Pinball Tables
    - 20 Sistem Megaballs as .png for PinballX and as .ico to customize folders
    Screenshots only some new Megaballs


       (2 reviews)



  20. System Logos Animated

    Well, since I really liked the animated logos of manufacturers that scutters have made, I decided to do the same or something similar with the system logos.
    These system logos are exclusively exclusive to the Details Area, when PinballX allows different images for the Details Area and the Systems Menu.
    In the systems menu, Megaballs or MegaDocklets or even Nuke Wheels are better.
    Megaballs or MegaDocklets do not look good in the Details Area due to their circular shape.
    Nuke Wheels look good both in the Details Area. like in the Systems Menu, but when converted to .gif to make them animated, they lose quality and can also show flaws in the animations, those flaws are much appreciated when PinballX extends them to show them in the Systems Menu, however, by reducing them for the Deralles Area, they are priceless.
    My idea is to use the Nuke Wheels, either static or animated in the Details Area and the Megaballs or MegaDocklets in the Systems Menu, but PinballX still doesn't allow this.
    PinballX at the moment, shows the images that you put in System Logos, both in the details area and in the Systems Menu.
    I hope that some update of PinballX allows us to put as - system -.png in the Wheel Images folder of each system, the image that we want to see in the Systems Menu, as we do with the rest of the files, Backglass, Playfield, DMD, Audio or Topper.
    Bueno, pues como me ha gustado mucho como quedan los logos animados de fabricantes que ha hecho scutters, he decidido hacer lo mismo o algo similar con los logos de sistemas.
    Estos logotipos del sistema están exclusivamente exclusivos para el Área de Detalles, cuando PinballX permita imágenes distintas para el Área de Detalles y el Menú de Sistemas.
    En el menú de sistemas, quedan mejor las Megaballs o MegaDocklets o incluso los Nuke Wheels.
    Las Megaballs o MegaDocklets no quedan bien en el Área de Detalles por su forma circular.
    Los Nuke Wheels quedan bien tanto en el Área de Detalles. como en el Menú de Sistemas, pero al convertirse a .gif para hacerlos animados, pierden calidad y también pueden mostrar fallos en las animaciones, esos fallos se aprecian mucho cuando PinballX los amplía para mostrarlos en el Menú de Sistemas, sin embargo, al reducirlos para el Área de Deralles, son inapreciables.
    Mi idea es usar los Nuke Wheels, ya sea estático o animado en el Área de Detalles y las Megaballs o MegaDocklets en el Menú de sistemas, pero PinballX todavía no permite hacer esto.
    PinballX de momento, muestra las imágenes que pongas en System Logos, tanto en el área de detalles como en el Menú de Sistemas.
    Espero que alguna actualización de PinballX nos permita poner como - system -.png en la carpeta Wheel Images de cada sistema, la imagen que queremos ver en el Menú de Sistemas, tal como hacemos con el resto de archivos, Backglass, Playfield, DMD, Audio o Topper.


       (0 reviews)




    Mini Pack including OBAOBA, big Shot and genie (FP Alternative) and The getaway II Sexy Backglass Edit: Addedded Barracora FP; Star Trek Vault Edition: 3 Version: Original, PRO e Premium, Fiepower FP e Back To the Future FP Original 2013


       (0 reviews)



  22. MegaBalls Visual Pinball / Future Pinball / TPA

    More than 450 MegaBalls for Visual Pinball, Future Pinball or Pinball Arcade.
    First delivery with the tables that I use in Visual Pinball.
    Will be added tables that I do not use, exclusive tables of Future Pinball, tables that have left recently in TPA, etc.
    Más de 450 MegaBalls para Visual Pinball, Future Pinball o Pinball Arcade.
    Primera entrega con las mesas que yo uso en Visual Pinball.
    Se añadirán mesas que yo no uso, mesas exlusivas de Future Pinball, mesas que han salido hace poco en TPA, etc.


       (8 reviews)



  23. MegaBalls for Systems

    Sistems MegaBalls.


       (2 reviews)



  24. MegaBalls Pro Pinball

    Pro Pinball MegaBalls


       (0 reviews)



  25. MegaBalls Extra Original Future Pinball

    88 MegaBalls, most of them for original tables exclusive to Future Pinball.
    88 MegaBalls, la mayoría de ellas para mesas originales exclusivas de Future Pinball.


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