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31st January, 2011 - GameEx 11.52

Bug fixing release:

Fixes remove brackets from MAME games.

Fixes web browser issue some users had.

Fixes for latest MAME release which added a lot of new games.

Improves/fixes lag with YouTube videos.

Hopefully fixes crash after viewing videos some user experienced. Please report.


I am happy to report that my adult and zinc games are back to where they belong.only thing not working is the mahjong filter,but that really is not that big a deal :)


Thanks, Tom! Also updating now. Updating the game list is taking longer like it used to, had noticed before it zipped through in 30 seconds or less

Mesk: Index Finger + Delete Key = Mahjong Filter :P


Nice! This is great, also does this include my updated/fixed problems with the Emulator list? If not I will repackage it for you as some have updated again.

Mesk: Index Finger + Delete Key = Mahjong Filter :P

this only deletes from the gameex list right?it doesnt actually delete the rom from the HDD does it?

  On 2/1/2011 at 12:37 AM, Stilkdog said:

Nice! This is great, also does this include my updated/fixed problems with the Emulator list? If not I will repackage it for you as some have updated again.

Yes I believe it did include the two updated emulator configs. Thanks for that.


I noticed that the excluded ROMs list still does not show up in the advanced config under Advanced MAME settings. Also, many games that I had excluded (hit Delete + Enter in GameEx) previously are now showing up in my list again.

  On 2/1/2011 at 2:04 AM, TSpeirs said:

Yes I believe it did include the two updated emulator configs. Thanks for that.

OK cool, I'll then just update what needs updating then.

  On 1/31/2011 at 10:23 PM, TSpeirs said:

Fixes for latest MAME release which added a lot of new games.

Where's a good place to go to see details on the new games that were added with the latest MAME release? I tried the MAME website and mameworld and couldn't find anything.



Not sure if it's a bug or my fault configuring GameEx, but with the new version the following happens.

Suppose I have a list of games, for example:


Game A

Game B

Game C


I select Game C (just to say so), go to the title screen, run the game and then return to the title screen. With backspace or the corresponding button in my joypad I go back to the game list...

And I found Game B selected.

In short, if I browse through menus without launching a game, all is good. But... if I run a game and then return to the game list, the game just above the one I ran is selected (the previous one, I mean).

Any suggestion? Here is my ini file, just in case.



Hi Tom,

Damm, again problems with this new update :

1. My radio favorite list was again updated with the DEFAULT radio list, so before I had my favorites with 10 stations, and after the update, I have again also all default radio stations...grrrr...

2. Joystick movements are now working in web pages, BUT I am now not able to use the "B" Button to return to Gameex. Also the ESC key does not work...grrr...dammm...so I have to kill gameex in Task Manager...

So I would NOT recommend to update at the moment, sorry...

So my golden rule still exists : BEFORE You update, make an Image of Your c: partition...



  On 2/5/2011 at 10:16 PM, ranzo said:

Hi Tom,

Damm, again problems with this new update :

1. My radio favorite list was again updated with the DEFAULT radio list, so before I had my favorites with 10 stations, and after the update, I have again also all default radio stations...grrrr...

2. Joystick movements are now working in web pages, BUT I am now not able to use the "B" Button to return to Gameex. Also the ESC key does not work...grrr...dammm...so I have to kill gameex in Task Manager...

So I would NOT recommend to update at the moment, sorry...

So my golden rule still exists : BEFORE You update, make an Image of Your c: partition...




Yes, regressions happen. On a different note imaging your OS drive may be a bit excessive for a simple software update. I would personally think installing the previous version would suffice.

It may be a simple fix, lets see what Tom says on the matter.

Yours truly

Brian Hoffman

  On 2/5/2011 at 10:16 PM, ranzo said:

Hi Tom,

Damm, again problems with this new update :

1. My radio favorite list was again updated with the DEFAULT radio list, so before I had my favorites with 10 stations, and after the update, I have again also all default radio stations...grrrr...

2. Joystick movements are now working in web pages, BUT I am now not able to use the "B" Button to return to Gameex. Also the ESC key does not work...grrr...dammm...so I have to kill gameex in Task Manager...

So I would NOT recommend to update at the moment, sorry...

So my golden rule still exists : BEFORE You update, make an Image of Your c: partition...



Perhaps your settings got overwritten? First thing I would try is restoring your settings by renaming the GameEx.UpgradeBackup.ini file to GameEx.ini to resort back to what it was before the upgrade. These files can be found in the CONFIG directory of your GameEx install directory. Back up your GameEx.ini file just in case. If that doesn't work then we can go from there.


Thanks Frequency, will check that, but I have my doubts that it will fix the problem of not returning to Gameex from the browser...



  On 2/6/2011 at 10:26 AM, ranzo said:

Thanks Frequency, will check that, but I have my doubts that it will fix the problem of not returning to Gameex from the browser...



That is fixed for the next release.

  On 2/5/2011 at 10:16 PM, ranzo said:

Hi Tom,

Damm, again problems with this new update :

1. My radio favorite list was again updated with the DEFAULT radio list, so before I had my favorites with 10 stations, and after the update, I have again also all default radio stations...grrrr...

2. Joystick movements are now working in web pages, BUT I am now not able to use the "B" Button to return to Gameex. Also the ESC key does not work...grrr...dammm...so I have to kill gameex in Task Manager...

So I would NOT recommend to update at the moment, sorry...

So my golden rule still exists : BEFORE You update, make an Image of Your c: partition...



As I said 2 is fixed for the next release. I get things fixed pretty quickly, configuration settings are backed up and issues normally effect certain users so I dont really think we need to scare people off updating.

Does 1 happen consistently with every update?


I don't mean to beat a dead horse with what I am about to say - ok, maybe a little. I understand that when something doesn't work right, it is easy to get a bit flustered and react without really thinking before posting one's frustration.

I guess what is bugging me is the over-reactions and under-accomodating that I am seeing as of late. Comments about "before updating make an image of your C: partition" are an example of over-reaction that are also potentially damaging in attracting new users to this fine product. It is obvious from the other posts that this is not affecting everyone. It is obvious that the author (Tom) is very much engaged in the success of this software and very active in fixing bugs and providing frequent enhancements.

An example of under-accomodating would be complain about a feature not working or not working 100%, and, having been a frequent user in the forums, having to be asked to provide copies of log files and not providing complete feedback to the mods as to whether or not suggested workarounds remedied the issue.

I guess it touches a raw nerve with me. Perhaps the quick turnaround in bug fixes and frequency of updates has spoiled some more than others. I appreciate the contributions many make here and this is not to take away from them. Unfortunately, some of the comments do take away from them. Be mindful of how you post. Perception is reality for most people.


Hi Drago,

I think Your post is a direct reaction to my post, so I have to give You a response :

Just to be sure that everybody know the conditions :

1. I am a long GameEx fan

2. I wrote a complete MAME Installation guide including Gameex to support that Front-End

3. I am also trying to help people working with gameex

OK, lets start :

I do not have a problem if a new version is coming out and maybe a feature is not working or is not working as expected. This is really not a problem, this is just an issue. It will get a problem when I have TO KILL the task "GAMEEX" just to get back into the system : Many will not have a keyboard attached to the system, because they have a complete MAME arcade machine...and when I have a party and would like to show people some features and if I am not able to go back to gameex, it will be a problem :

1. Take the whole arcade machine out of position, ca 1 meter away from the wall

2. Disconnect the keyboard interface, which is attached to the Joysticks

3. Attach a normal keyboard

4. Go into Task Manager and kill the task

5. TRY to start gameex again, but my experience is that its always crashing

6. This means that I have to reboot the whole system again

So as You can see, it will take a lot of steps and time to get my system back into a functioning system. This is why I say to be carefull when updating and always have a backup in place. This is a normal behaviour in every IT environment and should not be a problem. Many of us put in so much time to get the right configuration of their system...hours and hours...and I do not want to waste all my time just to upgrade to a newer version and then things are getting wired. Also, do You know the word "stable" and "unstable" version ? Do You always apply at once a fix to Your Operating system without waiting ? These are just normal thoughts and must not be undestood as an attack to a very nice and ggod system as Gameex it is...and by the way : An imag eof a c: drive where only the OS and gameex is installed is about 3,5 GB and it takes me 3 minutes to replay my image...

So peace and lets wait for some fixes...



Ranzo - My post wasn't meant to call anyone out in particular, and your comment that was referenced was just one of the latest. I appreciate your contributions as you have done a fine job in providing help to those who are new to the frontend.

Perhaps I should not have quoted you directly. I did not want this to turn into any sort of a pissing contest in the forum. That being said, I will be honest and state that I did not appreciate the way you responded to the issues you encountered. As you noted, it is common sense to have a backup of your settings. I routinely do so but occasionally forget, as I assume you must have prior to updating last. The way you worded your response to the errors you encountered was less than flattering of the effort Tom has put in to trying to make things right and could be perceived negatively towards the program. I know the difference between stable and unstable versions. Thus far, I have not encountered anything in this release that would have me classify this latest release as unstable.

As for your cab issues, have you considered networking it and using an RDP connection? Even if a direct connection to the router is not possible, wireless NICs work very well as Network over Powerline ethernet connectors. I have RDP sessions setup on every PC in my home network so I don't have to always have to use a keyboard at that machine to do maintenance work. Makes it a lot less hassle.



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