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I've just upgraded PinballX to 6.30. The DMD display works perfectly in PinballX, but when I select and launch a VPX table, the DMD display is stuck on the last frame displayed in PinballX before the switch.

On the other hand, if I load a table directly into VPX, without using PinballX, I have no problem - the DMD works perfectly.
Everything worked perfectly before, there may have been a parameter that was skipped during the migration, but I'm not sure where to look. I can't see anything wrong with the log either.

My DMD is an up-to-date ZeDMD.

Thanks for your help,



How about using the zedmd through xdmd and not via dmddevice.dll?

Will that work for you ?

Tom added zedmd drivers to xdmd and works pretty well (except if you use zedmd wifi, which need dmddevice.dll)

Can you also post your xdmd.log as well for Tom?


I installed version 6.32, no change.
I tested the launch of the two tables you'll find in the log file with the command directly in a prompt and it worked fine.
I'm attaching the new log file and also the xdmd.log file

log.txt XDMDlog.txt


Please upgrade to version 6.36 (latest) and try again - please post updated copies of your pinballx.ini and log.txt  files if issue is ongoing after upgrade. Thanks!


I installed version 6.37 in a hurry - not a lot of time available yesterday - and now ZeDMD doesn't work at all, neither in PinballX nor in the launched tables. However, it continues to work correctly when I launch a table directly in VPX. I haven't had time to dig into the settings to see if there's anything to reactivate, I'll do that tonight.

PinballX.ini log.txt XDMDlog.txt


sorry my bad, i increased the timeout. Please try 6.38. it should say in the log if it is timeing out and disabling xdmd.

Also i i dont think your problem is due to recent updates or can you confirm it is working in a previous version?



I've just tried 6.38, still no change. I can see in the log the closing of XDMD, without timeout.

I can confirm that it worked fine before, but it's been a long time since I updated my configuration, and I did a global update of all components. The version that worked before I upgraded to 6.30 was 6.07.

log.txt XDMDlog.txt


Can you post your dmddevice.log from your visual pinball directory (that should tell youbwhy the dmd isn't working in vpx when you launch from pinballxX), and from the pinballx directory ?


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