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Hi all,

Just wondering do these work or do you need to have Popper installed?

Tried dropping the packs in but they won't load up. Nailbusters site says you need  Popper installed and gives launch script instructions.

Can these be typed into Settings for FX3 via Game Manager for PinballX? I attempted it but my parameter line has the launch script in there, couldn't add a line below it?

I looked in the setup guides here but nothing mentioned. Has anyone got the Pup videos working in FX2/3 when using PinballX frontend?

Many thanks 


Puppacks are not handles bybthe frontend, but by the emulator. Vpx uses pinup player.  I thought that FXr uses doflinx to trigger the puppacks.



Managed to get usual Puppacks working for Future Pinball and VPX. I assumed FX3 would be just as easy, but afraid not.

Nailbusters site says need Popper installed and has scripts to add to ensure working

Looks like used pupdmdcontrol.exe and command lines to be added to popper....can these be added to settings in PinballX?

DOFLinx needed just for SSF

For example, looking at the Aliens one over at VPU. Looks like I have the requirements and ran the required BAT file. DMDext installed 

Was wondering if anyone got these working using PinballX?

7 minutes ago, Fiery Phoenix said:


Pretty sure that's just to mirror the dmd as an alternative to freezy dmdext.exe. So shouldn't be needed in PinballX. If it says otherwise somewhere then please post a link.

I can't help much otherwise (don't use FX3), but maybe check this if you haven't already - [New PuP-Pack Alert]FX3 SSF (Surround Sound Feedback) PuP-Packs - Pinup-Popper & PuP-Pack Releases - Virtual Pinball Universe (vpuniverse.com) (from a quick glance i don't see anything 'popper' specific)


I found this


It states

This new method of using your FX3/FX2 DMD with a REAL or virtual DMD using Poppers PuPDMD driver. Note: You need Popper Installed to Use This. (Will Not Work With Just Pinup Player)

So assuming you need Popper installed. This has the launch script amendments too.

I have followed the DMD size adjustment in FX3, even removed the animated backglass in case it was causing problems, but no puppack loads up


Pupdmd is only for dmd and even think that it is a modified version of freezy's dmd.

As I said before, puppacks are triggered from doflinx

See https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=40634

With freezy's dmdext, you can grab the dmd from memory and shows it on virtual or real dmd. See https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions?tab=readme-ov-file#pinball-fx3

Hope this makes sense


Yes and No.

No need for solenoids, but you need Doflinx to give fx3 backglass files, pup triggers and dof trickers.

If you dont use DOF toys or lights, you can still use ot for backglass images and puppacks (oh, and also for SSF)


No joy, think DOF is only needed for the SSF

Videos are triggered from the DMD it seems as per TerryReds YouTube clip (using 1 screen) I think it needs the launch scripts to be amended in the front end. The 1 screen was using .bat files to launch 

I'll keep plugging away. If come across an answer I'll post here 

1 hour ago, Fiery Phoenix said:

No joy, think DOF is only needed for the SSF

Looking at the links i think you're correct. I still think the pup stuff can work from PinballX for FX3 without the pupdmdcontrol thingy.

From [New PuP-Pack Alert]ALIENS (FX3 PuP-Pack) - Pinup-Popper & PuP-Pack Releases - Virtual Pinball Universe (vpuniverse.com)

There's this launch info;

cd /d "C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME"
start /min "" "dmdext.exe" mirror --source=pinballfx3 -q -d virtual --fx3-legacy --fps 60 --use-ini="c:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\DmdDevice.ini" --pinup PinUp\[GAMENAME]

Which would translate in PinballX as a 'Launch before' action (under settings for the system)

Launch Before Executable - dmdext.exe

Launch Before path - C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME (or whatever)

Launch Before Parameters - mirror --source=pinballfx3 -q -d virtual --fx3-legacy --fps 60 --use-ini="c:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\DmdDevice.ini" --pinup PinUp\[TABLEFILEWOEXT]  (i'm not sure in FX3 if the parameter would be TABLEFILEWOEXT, TABLEFILE or even DESCRIPTION)

You might need a launch after as well to kill dmdext when you exit a table? (not sure about that either!)

Hope that helps a bit...

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Cheers man

Wish I saw this earlie, been messing around to see if I could get it working on my desktop PC (no luck) 

I'll give this a go tomorrow for sure.

When it comes to typing out parameters in PinballX settings, I can just type that out in one long line....does it allow you to type more than one parameter below it?

5 hours ago, scutters said:

You might need a launch after as well to kill dmdext when you exit a table? (not sure about that either!)

Dmdext can have an extra parameter to close itself when host process is stopped


-q or --quit-when-done

No after launch script is needed 

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Fiery Phoenix said:

When it comes to typing out parameters in PinballX settings, I can just type that out in one long line....does it allow you to type more than one parameter below it?

Always tries out stuff outside pinballx. If that works implement within pinballx. Saves you a lot of time !

6 hours ago, Fiery Phoenix said:

When it comes to typing out parameters in PinballX settings, I can just type that out in one long line....does it allow you to type more than one parameter below it?

It'll fit on one line (copy and paste is easier though!).. it looks like the -q to quit on exit from Mikes tip is included already in the line so no need to worry about that.

  • Thanks 1

Morning all

Gave it a bash with that launch before parameter but no joy I am afraid. Attached my. ini in case it helps. But the external DMD never loaded up on the FX3 tables at all. Regardless of if it had a pup pack or not. Previously it did using this parameter for colour DMDs

mirror --source=pinballfx3 --virtual-stay-on-top --fps 60 --virtual-position 2225 890 660 175 --colorize ----pac-key f0ad135937ffa111c60b24d88ebb2e59 --quit-when-done

I tried adding the above after [TABLEFILEWOEXT] and the external DMD does load up, but no pup packs

Or do I put my PUPVIDEOS address before the brackets? I tried putting my vpinball/PinUPSystem/PUPVIDEOS address where the brackets are....checked my DMD.ext and states 

Error opening pinup output.ROM name must not be null. Tried adding a slash after PUPVIDEOS. Same error

Added ALIENS after the slash also but has same error




It looks like you copied an extra '-' at the start of the launch parameters, don't think that's the issue as dmdext is (mainly) working - there's just that pinup output error..

I guess you've copied the pup stuff to an 'aliens' folder?.. if that's the case it might be worth hardcoding that to test rather then using the TABLEFILEWOEXT bit.


mirror --source=pinballfx3 -q -d virtual --fx3-legacy --fps 60 --use-ini="C:\vPinball\VisualPinball\VPinMAME\DmdDevice.ini" --pinup "C:\vPinball\PinUPSystem\PUPVIDEOS\ALIENS"


mirror --source=pinballfx3 -q -d virtual --fx3-legacy --fps 60 --use-ini="C:\vPinball\VisualPinball\VPinMAME\DmdDevice.ini" --pinup PinUp\ALIENS



Cheers for reply

Tried both of the above parameters but same error opening pinup comment in log. Although DMD does now load up

Tried other FX3 pup packs not just Aliens and same issues

FX3 pup packs work fine when tested using PinUpPlayerTestPack

Checked dmddevice.ini and pinup, send frames to pinup shows true (knew would be ok as VPX pups work)

Log shows successfully loaded the dmddevice config, just the pinup output error firing.

Tried changing the launch .exe to pupdmdcontrol rather than DMDext, but still did not work


I think the error is actually being raised from pinup for dmdext to spit out, but why it needs a rom name for FX3 i don't know, maybe something has changed in later versions of pup/dmdext since the Aliens pack was posted?.

The only other thing i can suggest is to try adding -g ALIENS to the launch parameters to see if that helps (it shouldn't as it should be used to tell dmdext the gamename for FP not FX3), and make sure you're on the latest versions of dmdext & pinup.

If you still have issues then i guess it's time to raise a bug on github https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions/issues and hope freezy has a clue.

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