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[ATTN TOM] GameEx Arcade Edition game search works with keyboard only, controller buttons & trackball move cursor on the keys only vertically


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I'm new about this, I approached GameEx Arcade just on last few months, so I could be doing a silly question.

When I try to select the letters from the GameEx Arcade Edition game search on screen virtual keyboard, the selection cursor moves only vertically and not horizontally independently by using the Lef/Right controller buttons or by using the trackball horizontal movement I do. The keyboard cursors keys work right instead and I can easily select a game.

Both the controller left/right buttons and mouse movements works great in games and in other GameEx Arcade Edition selections (they scroll the items as if the were up/down buttons)

Anybody out of here knows why this happens?

Have a great day.



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When I use the keyboard, I can navigate the virtual keyboard using the Up/Down and Left/Right keys on the keyboard. You do not mention what kind of controller you are using to navigate, but it could be something as simple/difficult as changing your key assignments.

I say simple/difficult as you may have to use a third-party app to translate joystic/gamepad input to keypad to make this work (x360ce, Joy2Key, Xpadder are popular depending upon the gamepad controller you are using).

If you are using an arcade control panel, then it may be as simple as assigning Left/Right key inputs for the navigation.

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Hi Draco1962,

first of all, thank you for taking care of my issue.

Yes, I can easily navigate the virtual keyboard with the cursors keys of the real keyboard, but I'm building my cabinet and I use the very same buttons of the controllers that work great for the GameEx menus navigation. Meanings that when handling GameEx Arcade Edition menus the left/right joystick direction behave exactly as the up/down ones. Instead, when using the GameEx Arcade Edition search virtual keyboard the up/down joystick direction behave right, but the  left/right joystick direction do nothing.

I hope I sufficiently clarified the issue to you.

Please excuse me, but English is not my primary language, and maybe I use a wrong grammar formalism.

Have a great day.


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Your English is fine. Would you mind attaching copies of your gameex.ini and log.txt files so we can take a look?

Also, what are you using for your control panel? Any interface?


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Hi Draco 1962,

hooops! I just realized that I missed to say you about the controller in my last message, sorry.

My buttons controllers are made around 2 boards model CY 822A, even if the boards are marked CY 822B (maybe was it just a PCB revision???).

I attached the 2 files you required.

Thank you very much for your time spent on this issue.

Have a nice day.


log.txt GameEx.ini

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I don't know much about how the controllers work. I have an X-Arcade Tankstick which I assume has one controller for both player stick, trackball, and buttons.

Is it a correct assumption that you are using one controller for each player's stick and buttons?

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  • Draco1962 changed the title to [ATTN TOM] GameEx Arcade Edition game search works with keyboard only, controller buttons & trackball move cursor on the keys only vertically

Please also attach a copy of your custominput.ini file from your \GameEx Arcade Edition\CONFIG path/

I am elevating this to Tom's attention as I have an Xbox One Controller that I use for testing from my laptop occasionally and it is not working. It worked briefly allowing me to scroll up and down and select, but now not working at all. Keyboard controls work fine as reported. 

Attaching copies of my support files:


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Yes, you are right. My setup use two controllers, one for each group of stick and related buttons, I also have one PS2 mouse for the trackball and one USB mouse board that I modified to handle 2 industrial CNC  knobs based on quadrature optical encoders. Everything work great excerpt into the search session of GameEx.
In the GameEx.ini file that I attached in the previous message the mouse is not enabled, but I also tried it and the result was the same. That is, the Mouse Y axis works right in the virtual GameEx search keyboard, while the mouse X axis doesn't work at all.

Again, have a great sunday.


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53 minutes ago, Pmax65 said:

Yes, you are right. My setup use two controllers, one for each group of stick and related buttons, I also have one PS2 mouse for the trackball and one USB mouse board that I modified to handle 2 industrial CNC  knobs based on quadrature optical encoders. Everything work great excerpt into the search session of GameEx.
In the GameEx.ini file that I attached in the previous message the mouse is not enabled, but I also tried it and the result was the same. That is, the Mouse Y axis works right in the virtual GameEx search keyboard, while the mouse X axis doesn't work at all.

Again, have a great sunday.


The custominput.ini is an additional file that contains controller setup information not found in the gameex.ini file. Please attach that as well.

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  • 2 months later...
1 minute ago, zoopcrewkid said:

Just curious was there ever a solution to this issue? I ran into the same issue on a new build.

Not that I am aware of.

Please attach copies of your gameex.ini and log.txt files from when the issue occurred in addition to your custominput.ini file.

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