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Still confused in database manager table lists


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I have 2 questions:

1) Most of my vpx tables are listed under visual pinball database. For now I have no visual pinball tables only vpx so how do I correct this?

2) I am still confused on how to add tables to add to a custom list. Under settings and lists I created a custom list, but how do I add tables to it? I have read the read me file but I am still confused.


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8 hours ago, bha191 said:

1) Most of my vpx tables are listed under visual pinball database. For now I have no visual pinball tables only vpx so how do I correct this?

Not sure what you want to accomplish.

Visual pinball is the system you selected in settings.exe from pinballx.

Visual pinball will load your vpx tables.  VPX = visual pimball 10 (x=10)

8 hours ago, bha191 said:

2) I am still confused on how to add tables to add to a custom list. Under settings and lists I created a custom list, but how do I add tables to it? I have read the read me file but I am still confused.

System lists are a subset of a main system. When you create a system list for a system, you can select them in the main program by selecting it from "select databases".  Make sure that "hide custom databases" is unchecked. 


If you have selected the system list database file, you can add the tables to it, in the same way you add it for a normal system


I hope this make sense (and if so, i will update the documentation a bit to make it more clear"

Just a question from My side. Why do you want to use a system lists ?

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Here is what I want to do. Right now I have about 15 tables (all vpx for now) on my cabinet. As I add more tables when I load pinballx the wheel shows all my tables. If say I had 50 tables, can I avoid scrolling through all 50 tables and create sub category and just scroll through all my vpx tables by category? I do own all fx3 and Zaccaria tables (steam versions) and eventually want to add those. That is many tables on one wheel. I hope this makes sense and thanks for you patience.

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Custom list and filters are i deed to create smaller lists, but cannot be selectedfrom your system wheel, but from the menu list (see documentation)

Disadvantage of this, is that you are limited to have a list that can fit on your screen.

I wanted to create a new feature request today, as I wanted something similar like this and have an idea how Tom can properly create this.

Anyway, back to your question.

I have 1000+ vpx tables, also the steam version of fx3, zaccaria, the pinball arcade, pinball arcooda and pinball wicked (i think i miss 1 or 2 others as well)

All are seperated systems and can be choosen via the system wheel. And good part of PBX is that you can scroll to the next or previous alphabet letter with the magna buttons. So searching makes it easy if you know the exact table name. This is based on the description field in game list manager and Databasemanager.

You can off course categorize everything,  but from my own experience,  you will update your pinballx database oftern, due to updates and/or new releases.

If you categorize everything, it will be a hell of a job to keep all up to date and get them in the correct category 

Systems like fx3, zaccaria etc has less updates, but if they add new tables, you need to add them as well.

This doesn't answer your question, but hope it will make sense how to setup your software


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I guess I do not understand the wheel and joystick editor. All I can do is scroll in one direction. I can't advance to the next letter with magna save. When I go to joystick settings what do left, right, page/nudge left and page/nudge right do? I tried to map them but to no avail. I do see all my tables (vpx pinball wicked and pinball arcade). All I do not have is arcooda due to being $149. I do have FX on the Epic platform but do not know how to put this in the database manager.

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51 minutes ago, bha191 said:

I guess I do not understand the wheel and joystick editor. All I can do is scroll in one direction. I can't advance to the next letter with magna save. When I go to joystick settings what do left, right, page/nudge left and page/nudge right do? I tried to map them but to no avail. I do see all my tables (vpx pinball wicked and pinball arcade). All I do not have is arcooda due to being $149. I do have FX on the Epic platform but do not know how to put this in the database manager.

Can you attach your pinballx.ini and log.txt files again so we can see your current set up?. The ini file will really help here as we can see what buttons are and aren't mapped and see settings like if you have the systems list enabled and one touch launch (which could stop you seeing systems and list on table launch). It does sound like you are currently viewing the 'all tables' list, which is all tables of all systems.

The page left and right buttons in settings are normally mapped to your magna save buttons. These should advance the wheel by a letter in either direction. Left and right flipper buttons should be mapped to the left/right options in settings and should allow you to scroll either way in the wheel, one table at a time.

If your vpx system is working correctly with buttons please also post a screenshot of the button config there (preferences -> configure keys and nudge option) for comparison. Thanks

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10 hours ago, bha191 said:

I do have FX on the Epic platform but do not know how to put this in the database manager.

You do not add it to DBM, but you need to add it as system to PinballX (via settings.exe)
I wanted to make a manual for it how to set it up, but because of the ticketing part, I gave up.
Only during setup and launching of a table it costs me ticket to test if launch of table worked.

9 hours ago, bha191 said:

So I was able to get to lists and to show most played, recently added, last played and all tables.

Did you read the PinballX documentation? 
I think you missed the part of enabling system lists.


I know that people don't want to read manual but think it will help you a lot to setup PinballX :D .

Btw. I see in your settings file, that your left flipper joystick button is also mapped to 'launch a game'.
The joystick and key mappings are also described in the manual B) (page 4-23)


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