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Can you attach you pinballx\log\log.txt file as well, maybe two copies - one when pinballx starts and one when it doesn't.


Lomg time ago that I setup teensy with dof for pbx.

Just some basic steps:

Is the teensy added to the dof configuration for pbx ?(as pbx uses own xml for dof)

If teensy is attached and you disable the plugin, is pbx launching ?

If you enable the log for swisslizard plugin, does it shows anuthing in the log ?

Is teensy board working with vpx. ?

Do you have a realdmd as well (as the pindmdv3 is based on teensy board and could have issues)


I havent got teensy to work yet still a work in progress here. Teensy is added to the dof config, not sure how to disable the plugin, dont know how to enable the log for swisslizard, and no teensy is not working for vpx, i have a dmd in my cab but im just testing everything on a bench with one screen now. 

18 hours ago, Rpags7474 said:

So I just figured when the teensy is connected to my pc usb it won’t open PBX when I disconnect the app will open?

UPDATE so I removed these files from pinball X plugins and now I can get pinball x to open with the teensy plugged in. I don’t remember what these files are do you guys know? 






In the download section, there is is a modified swisslizard dof plugin that is optimized.

Download this version, put the dll in the plugin directy of pbx.

Launch the plugin manager, abd check the dof ugin. Click configure and you are able to create a log file(on top of my head)

Launch pbx and check whats in the log file.my assumption is that teensy is not configured propperly yet.


to get DOF working within PBX, you need to have  in your DirectOuput\config folder a GlobalConfig_pinbalLX.xml
This is specially for using DOF within PBX


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Global configuration for the DirectOutput framework.-->
<!--Saved by DirectOutput Version 3.1.6863.36690: 2018-12-15 15-17-15-->
  <TableConfigFilePatterns />

I pointed my cabinet config pattern file to a file especially for PBX, as my flashers worked in the opposite direction (clicking on left, showed a scroll to right)
But thats up to you. You can also point it to the original cabinet.xml that you use for the whole DOF setup
As the teensy board can contain 8 channels, I decided to spli my channels across my 2 Ethernet cables.

Led Matrix on 1 Cable and rest on the 2nd one (Not sure why, but had some issues when putting all on 1 cable)

From the DOF config tool, you need to setup your teensy as well
My setup is on channel 1 I have my LED matrix (384 leds)

On channel 5 I have my left side leds above my screen (144leds) and on channel 6 I have my right side leds above my screen (also 144 leds)
Also have undercab LEDs, but disabled it as it was a bit too much (214 leds is not recommended to use as underlights)


With this in Mind, you need to setup your Cabinet(pbx).xml as well
You need to setup your TeensyController with the ammount of leds and the ports, define the ledstrips how they are setup and what the purpose is and also very important is the 'LedWizEquivalent 30'
this needs to be set to the port where your LED is started in the dof config tool.
This is my setup (you see that the undercab is in the config file, but not in the DOF config tool, so to enable it , I only need to enbale it in DOF tool and download the config)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This config file will set up two addressable LED strips orange on the right and blue on the left.  Each is 53 long and have the distal LED as the first in the array -->
<Cabinet xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/20...chema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <Name>Virtual Pinball</Name> Virtual Pinball
      <Name>PF Left</Name> 
      <Name>PF Right</Name> 
      <Name>PF Back</Name>
       <Name>LedWizEquivalent 30</Name> 
          <OutputName>PF Back</OutputName>
          <OutputName>PF Left</OutputName>
          <OutputName>PF Right</OutputName>

The com port, you can check in device manager :

As I have a Pin2DMDV3 , I have 2 com ports, but mostly you should have just 1 com port

I hope this make sense

btw. I highly recommend you to use the following Plugin : PinballX DOF PLUGIN (Small Swisslizard modification) - Plugins - Spesoft Forums (gameex.com)


Just trying to test a back matrix for now, I’m on port 9 on my cpu, I have the files but still no dice. I have my sainsmart set up with contactors still no luck with the teensy.

1 hour ago, Rpags7474 said:

I think I’ve already done this Mike, is this correct?

If you flashed the teensy board with that firmware, i think it is correct. Its a couple of years ago that I setup the led strips

48 minutes ago, Rpags7474 said:

Not sure if this matters but I can’t find my device on the teensy strip controller, but it shows on the arduino 1.8.19

I dont know anymore, I flashed once and never checked further.


Are you sure your cabinet.xml is correct ?

You define 256 leds on port 0 (on com 9 ?)

But your firstled numbers for most of your rections are above the 256

Whats your exact setup ? Are all the leds in 1 line ?

As you have 8 ports, try to split them, to get it tested

Or, only try to setup your first led array, just for yesting (so max led to x and only have the first lefstrip defined



Is my port supposed to be on 9 that’s what the teensy is using port 9. I just want to test that dot matrix for now so Just 1 line. The cabinet file is from major frenchy.


You need to adjust the cabinet file according to your setup, otherwise it will never work.

I tested your cabinet.XML on my system. PinballX starts, but  (as expected) Led's doesn't show anything.
Best way for you, is to get your DOF working correctly . If that is fine, you can add it to PBX.
I don't think you have a PBX issue, but more a dof/Teensy issue

I assume you followed this thread already How to Set Up Addressable LED Strips - Virtual Pinball Cabinets - VPForums.org

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