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Problems since update to PINBALL X 5.40 - during the loading screen you will briefly see the Windows desktop

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I have since an update to FrontEnd PINBALL X 5.40 the problem that I no longer come back to the interface of PINBALL X after the start of a table (the button has suddenly no longer function) (must test in the afternoon times whether my FrontEnd AdminRechte has....before it ran without problem (under Pinscape the function of the button is available...only when running a table under PINBALL X it does not go suddenly

what I also noticed is that I see the Windows/Desktop interface on my playfield for a short time when starting a table during loading...I didn't have that with earlier versions last 5.37...only since 5.40

does Pinball X need administrator rights ?


2 hours ago, timblo said:

does Pinball X need administrator rights ?

By default, no. But when you run an emulator with highest (admin) privileges,  you properly need pbx also start.

For myself, I dont have pbx running as admin and all is working like a charm

Post your log file and your settings file to check if you missed something 

When you revert to 5.37. Is all working for you fine again?


Hello---after I assigned Pinball X admin rights it works again.

But what I noticed negatively is that now when I start a table after the "LOADING" screen briefly see the Windows desktop on my playfield. It affects not all but some tables...see my video about it

see it 21 secends Position


[SETTINGS].log log.txt PinballX.ini


Try adding 'Extra wait for show desktop' in Settings under Visual Pinball, try a value of 30 to start with and see if that helps if it does you can then reduce extra wait value to find your best value.

26 minutes ago, timblo said:

hello where can I find this setting in visual Pinball ?

I search but can not find it


It's in the settings for PinballX, under the visual pinball system


  • Like 2

Hello - I tried your tip....but without success. I even set it to 30 seconds.  Unfortunately I still have this short Windows overlay...hmm




Try adding the -minimized flag to you VP launch parameters, e.g.

-minimized /play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"

And make sure VP is set to use full screen exclusive


Open visual pinball in editor mode and go to the screen settings. Check full screen exclusive mode as well.

Not at the cab for a screenshot, but try that one as well

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, Mike_da_Spike said:

Open visual pinball in editor mod go to settings and check full screen exclusive mode as well. Not at the cab for a screenshot, but try that one as well

Yes, sorry @timblo i was unclear, my fault.

I meant the launch parameters in PinballX settings, and as Mike says the full screen exclusive option within Visual Pinball itself (VpinballX.exe)


Not sure why the 'extra wait for show desktop' desktop setting isn't working for you, with those settings everything should work. Maybe @Tom Speirs has an idea.

As a workaround you could try the XP/Vista version of PinballX https://forums.gameex.com/forums/files/file/2534-pinballx-windows-xpvista/, don't be put off by the name - it just uses .net framework so is effectively the same as the regular PinballX version up to V5.39 and works fine on win10/11



I suspect that the error has crept in with me by the fact that I have installed before the installation of 5.40 the XP version.


Then I must have got the Windows 10 version.


since this accidental change I have the described problem...

would try today to uninstall PINBALL X and reinstall it (what do I need to backup so I don't lose my settings (MediaFiles folder I backup completely to an external USB SSD




I don't think that PinballX will delete any media.
Upgrade and de-grade versions of PinballX can be done without removing the old version as well.
(see PinballX documentation)

If you want to be 100% sure, make a copy of your pinballX folder . This will include all your media /databases and config files
(I assume you didn't move any directory with a junction point to another folder/drive)



Goid question.

I know database manager can see which version(s) you installed. Go to settings and there is a select box which shows the version you imstalled. Changing that will restart the program and will show rhe pinballx full path in de action log pane

If you only got 1 edition of pbx, it will give you the type in settings and in action log



  • 2 weeks later...

have now tried the XP and also the Windows 10 version of PINBALL X...unfortunately no success...at some tables I see during the LOADING screen jurz the Windows desktop on the playfield...what is the reason for that ?


  • timblo changed the title to Problems since update to PINBALL X 5.40 - during the loading screen you will briefly see the Windows desktop

Looking at the original log file it looks like PinballX thinks your table has loaded after 15secs at which point it will show the VPX player window;

18:00:23.26  11.03.2022:  D:\Visual Pinball\VPinballX.exe /play -"D:\Visual Pinball\Tables\Tron Legacy (Stern 2011) VPW Mod v1.0.vpx"
18:00:23.29  11.03.2022:  D:\PinballX\vpauto.exe 
18:00:27.17  11.03.2022:  VPX Full screen exclusive mode detected
18:00:37.66  11.03.2022:  PinMame Not detected. Potentially loading DMD image/video
18:00:37.66  11.03.2022:  Checking pixels.
18:00:37.70  11.03.2022:  Detected all black pixels
18:00:38.41  11.03.2022:  Found PinMAME ROM: trn_174h
18:00:38.49  11.03.2022:  Visual Pinball Player window foreground: 15

When compared to the video approx 15secs after the table launch you see the VPX editor still loading the table. 

I do not know why PinballX shows VPX too early in your case, at this point all i can suggest is turning off the Auto Show Media option in PinballX settings in case that is a factor somehow (this option is the middle section of the log above)

Set this to No;


edit - if that doesn't fo it then i think the only thing left is to update drivers and VPX (if not on latest) , make sure you don't have either pinballx or vpx set to run under any windows compatibility modes and maybe try enabling the exclusive full screen hack setting for visual pinball in pinballx settings.

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