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Well everyone, Magic Pixel finally got around to making Zaccaria have full cabinet support.  New update just announced that the game now has direct table launching and menu bypassing.


yes but gamenames don't equal what we were using before. The example they give is ``-skipmenu "Time Machine 2019"

basically it's the display name that is required so it means we'd have to update all our video's, and other media as well database.xml files

so i tested it.

steam.exe -applaunch 444930 -skipmenu "Time Machine 2019"

It does not launch the table immediately, you skip main menu's and end up on the game type selection etc you'd still have to press play etc to eventually start the game. doing esc and choosing main menu seems to close the game. so it's not really doing a full direct launch you still need to press the play buttons but it's better than scripts already I might switch to it but kinda lazzy to do all game name changing :x

Also it seems to be case sensitive "Time Machine retro" failed to load the table but "Time Machine Retro" worked

Also fun fact you can start zombie invasion mode with

steam.exe -applaunch 444930 -skipmenu "Zombie Invasion"

also it seems there also exists "-safemode" "-vr" "-rotate" commandline options not sure if the "-vr" one was known

Aslo check https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2545556227  i added the complete game name list

  • Like 1
  On 7/12/2021 at 9:44 PM, joyrider3774 said:

basically it's the display name that is required so it means we'd have to update all our video's, and other media as well database.xml files


Within Databasemanager there is an option to rename all your media of a table, if you change the table name. That makes life a bit easier

Thanks @joyrider3774for checking most things out already. 

  • Like 2

I do not understand this update.
If the table is waiting for you to press "Play", it is exactly the same as before.
When we used the Lannzador, the table was also opened by skipping the menus and you had to press Play.
When it became an integrated system in PinballX and the Launcher was no longer needed, the table was also launched by skipping the menus and you had to press Play.
Therefore, they have changed the names of the tables to leave it as it was ????
That database manager option is fantastic Mike, although as long as they do not generate conflicts, I have the averages named by the description and not by the name of the table, but I can rename the entire average at once is great.


No entiendo esta actualización.
Si la mesa se queda esperando a que pulses "Play", está excatamente igual que antes.
Cuando usábamos el Lannzador también se abria la mesa saltando los menús y había que pulsar Play.
Cuando quedó como sistema integrado en PinballX y ya no se necesitaba el Lanzador, también se ejecutaba la mesa saltando los menús y había que pulsar Play.
Por lo tanto, han cambiado los nombres de las mesas para dejarlo igual que estaba????
Esa opción de database manager es fantástica Mike, aunque siempre que no generen conflictos, tengo las medias nombradas por la descripción y no por el nombre de la mesa, pero podre renombrar toda la media de golpe es genial.

  On 7/13/2021 at 6:52 AM, PcTeknic said:

Mike, although as long as they do not generate conflicts, I have the averages named by the description and not by the name of the table, but I can rename the entire average at once is great.



  On 7/13/2021 at 6:52 AM, PcTeknic said:

Esa opción de database manager es fantástica Mike, aunque siempre que no generen conflictos, tengo las medias nombradas por la descripción y no por el nombre de la mesa, pero podre renombrar toda la media de golpe es genial.


Thanks. Thats why we save the media on "table name". That should be unique per system (and description can be the same)  this doesnt count for flyers and instructions. @scutters convinced me that this was the best way

  • Like 1
  On 7/13/2021 at 6:52 AM, PcTeknic said:

If the table is waiting for you to press "Play", it is exactly the same as before.


It is not exactly the same, you don't need scripts or changing the settings of zaccaria to launch "into a table". The reason they stop at the play screen is so that people can still choose gametypes / modes etc as they do not have parameters to select for example "lamphunter" or "90 sec" mode etc.

But i understand what you mean, would have been nice if they supplied all those parameters

  • Like 2
  • 5 weeks later...
Using the -skipmenu commandline correctly
To use the -skipmenu commandline correctly, you will have to provide this parameter through steam to the game. So we need to use the -applaunch 444930 parameter to launch the game and pass that to steam.exe and not zaccariapinball.exe! If you provide the parameters to zaccariapinball.exe and you supply extra parameters, like -skipmenu "table display name" steam will popup a dialog asking if you want to continue, if you supply the parameters directly to steam.exe as you should then steam will not show that dialog and continue directly

So for example to launch the time machine table, the correct way you would do that, is to run the following command in the directory where steam.exe is located:
steam.exe -applaunch 444930 -skipmenu "Time Machine"

Its also important to know that these table display names seem to be case sensitive. This means the -skipmenu "Time Machine Retro" and -skipmenu "Time Machine retro" to launch the retro version are not the same thing. The first example will succeed while the second won't. The game will immediatly quit after launching when providing a wrong table display info with the -skipmenu parameter.

It's also important in case the table display name consits of multiple words to always provide these between double quotes so that zaccaria pinball sees them as a single parameter and not multiple parameters which would make loading the tables fail.
Table display names list to be used with -skipmenu parameter
As shown earlier we can use the -skipmenu "Table Display Name" parameter to skip the menu and directly load that table. Below is the current list of table display names that should work with the -skipmenu parameter. So you just need to replace "Table Display Name" with one of the entries in the list below. For example -skipmenu "Aerobatics Retro"

Table display names with a year inside them are the remake tables, plain table names are the original tables, the others, like retro and deluxe should be obvious what they are.
  • Aerobatics
  • Aerobatics Retro
  • Aliens
  • Beast Master
  • Blackbelt
  • Blackbelt 2018
  • Blackbelt Retro
  • Caveman
  • Cine Star
  • Cine Star Deluxe
  • Circus
  • Circus 2017
  • Circus Retro
  • Clown
  • Clown 2019
  • Clown Retro
  • Combat
  • Combat 2017
  • Combat Deluxe
  • Combat Retro
  • Devil Riders
  • Devil Riders 2019
  • Devil Riders Retro
  • Earth Wind Fire
  • Earth Wind Fire 2017
  • Earth Wind Fire Retro
  • Farfalla
  • Farfalla 2017
  • Farfalla Deluxe
  • Farfalla Retro
  • Fire Mountain
  • Fire Mountain 2019
  • Fire Mountain Retro
  • Firefighter
  • Future World
  • Future World 2018
  • Granada
  • Hippie
  • Hot Wheels
  • Hot Wheels 2017
  • Hot Wheels Retro
  • House of Diamonds
  • House of Diamonds 2017
  • House of Diamonds Deluxe
  • House of Diamonds Retro
  • Locomotion
  • Locomotion 2018
  • Locomotion Retro
  • Lucky Fruit
  • Magic Castle
  • Magic Castle 2017
  • Magic Castle Retro
  • Mexico '86
  • Mexico '86 Retro
  • Moon Flight
  • Mystic Star
  • Mystic Star Retro
  • Nautilus
  • Nautilus 2018
  • Nautilus Retro
  • Pinball Champ
  • Pinball Champ '82
  • Pinball Champ 2018
  • Pinball Champ Retro
  • Pool Champion
  • Pool Champion 2018
  • Pool Champion Deluxe
  • Red Show
  • Red Show Deluxe
  • Robot
  • Robot 2018
  • Robot Deluxe
  • Robot Retro
  • Shooting the Rapids
  • Shooting the Rapids 2016
  • Shooting the Rapids Retro
  • Soccer Kings
  • Soccer Kings Retro
  • Space Shuttle
  • Space Shuttle 2016
  • Space Shuttle Deluxe
  • Space Shuttle Retro
  • Speed King
  • Spooky
  • Spooky 2017
  • Spooky Deluxe
  • Spooky Retro
  • Star God
  • Star God 2019
  • Star God Retro
  • Star's Phoenix
  • Star's Phoenix 2018
  • Strike
  • Strike Deluxe
  • Supersonic
  • Supersonic Retro
  • The Mummy
  • Time Machine
  • Time Machine 2019
  • Time Machine Retro
  • Top Hand
  • Tropical
  • Tropical 2019
  • Universe
  • Universe Deluxe
  • Universe Retro
  • Voyager
  • Winter Sports
  • Winter Sports 2018
  • Wizard
  • Wood's Queen
  • Wood's Queen 2019
  • Zankor
  • Zankor 2017
  • Zankor Retro
  • Zombie
  • Zombie Invasion (starts invasion mode table)
  • Like 2

@PcTeknic & others. Direct table launch without menu's has finally been added:


  • ADDED new launcher options: ‘skipmenu_gamemode’ and ‘skipmenu_player’. Here are variations of these commands to use:
    -skipmenu_player 1
    -skipmenu_player 2
    -skipmenu_player 3
    -skipmenu_player 4

    -skipmenu_gamemode classic_arcade
    -skipmenu_gamemode classic_simulation
    -skipmenu_gamemode classic_user
    -skipmenu_gamemode 90sec
    -skipmenu_gamemode targeteliminator
    -skipmenu_gamemode lamphunter
    -skipmenu_gamemode checkpoint
    -skipmenu_gamemode challenge
    -skipmenu_gamemode survivor

    Some examples:
    -skipmenu “Zankor Deluxe” -skipmenu_player 3 -skipmenu_gamemode classic_arcade.
    -skipmenu “Zankor Deluxe” -skipmenu_player 1 -skipmenu_gamemode targeteliminator.
    You need to use -skipmenu “table name” every time you would like to use the new ‘-skipmenu_player’ and ‘-skipmenu_gamemode’ options.

I updated my guide ... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2545556227

  • Like 2
  On 8/20/2021 at 2:31 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:

Nais work @joyrider3774!

I need to update all and check your ini file as well, as they have a lot of extra launch options.

didnt play for a lomg time, but maybe it is fun again

good work !


Thanks, been busy all night allready, also created the docklet images for the latest deluxe tables (it's in the other topic) and i just finished renaming all my media to use official zaccaria  (this was a pain in the ass but luckily database manager helped reduce the sheer amount of renames needed). I will upload all my files to ftp in a new folder under my user using the offcial required names

  On 8/20/2021 at 2:34 AM, joyrider3774 said:

Thanks, been busy all night allready, also created the docklet images for the latest deluxe tables (it's in the other topic) and i just finished renaming all my media to use official zaccaria  (this was a pain in the ass but luckily database manager helped reduce the sheer amount of renames needed). I will upload all my files to ftp in a new folder under my user using the offcial required names


Yes, saw your media. I like the plain logos

Do you also upload to the media/zaccaria/wheels directory ? So that the favorite game/database managers can download it as well ?

Welcome back !B)


  On 8/20/2021 at 2:37 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:

Do you also upload to the media/zaccaria/wheels directory ? So that the favorite game/database managers can download it as well ?


Not sure i have access to that folder ? also not sure how i can upload both versions if they are named the same (i mean plain logo and docklets)

  On 8/20/2021 at 2:44 AM, joyrider3774 said:

Not sure i have access to that folder ? also not sure how i can upload both versions if they are named the same (i mean plain logo and docklets)


Everybody has access for uploading. 

And 1 off the files needs indeed another name. I f I have some time in the weekend, I will grab your files and upload them


i just uploaded everything again using the real filenames the game now expects to be used when not using any scripts anymore to /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball official filenames

  • Like 1

That's great joyrider !!!! Thanks!!!
Is it necessary to use the launcher?
I suppose the -skipmenu parameter can be added directly in the PinballX configuration.

  On 8/20/2021 at 8:16 AM, PcTeknic said:

Is it necessary to use the launcher?
I suppose the -skipmenu parameter can be added directly in the PinballX configuration.


No definatly not needed, however only -skipmenu is not enough, if you only use -skipmenu, the game will show the game options menu. You also need to provide -skipmenu_player and -skipmenu_gamemode for it to completely skip all menu's. Here is example setup without my launcher:



if you rather play with arcade physics / settings use -skipmenu_gamemode classic_arcade

  • Like 1

Go to your pinballx directory -> databases and under there the system where you have zaccaria 
Rename the xml thats in that directory for backup (remove xml as pinballx will still use it) and copy the xml with the same name as your old xml has

This is how it looks for me now :


@joyrider3774, I uploaded your wheel images as well and adeed your name to it. Now they are easily to access via gamemanager and database manager :





I updated everything with your new XML and launcher settings, but it didn't work.
But noticed I didn't update Steam yet :P 


Working like a charm @joyrider3774
Can I do a request for you PinballXlauncher program ?
If a key is pressed for navigation (So not launching), can the timer be reset ?
Maybe it's because of me, but the menu is too big to navigate trough it (I also have it with FX3 ...) Maybe because I'm getting too old and not too quick anymore


I have 3 tables that I'm not able to launch from command line, but able to launch  via menu :

  • Shooting the Rapids
  • Shooting the Rapids 2016
  • Shooting the Rapids Retro

Should I use another table name ?
Anyone else with same issue?

  On 8/21/2021 at 9:56 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:

I have 3 tables that I'm not able to launch from command line, but able to launch  via menu :

  • Shooting the Rapids
  • Shooting the Rapids 2016
  • Shooting the Rapids Retro

Should I use another table name ?
Anyone else with same issue?


Try "The" not "the" i will verify my guide and pinballx database Correct tablenames are "Shooting The Rapids" not "Shooting the Rapids"


edit: yup my guide had the typo's i correct it, will verify the database tommorow, need some sleep now§

  • Thanks 1

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