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Posted (edited)

This Plugin uses the statistics.ini file, database xml files along with High Score text files to display System data (summarised) in the System Menu screen and / or Table data on the Table selection screen in its own window (not visible after a game is selected to play). Some of the information is the same as you'd see if you open the Information screen on the Table menu, but is displayed as an overlay so is more readily available. Note, If you have changed table names in game manager you may have duplicate entries in the statistics.ini file - this may lead to incorrect information being displayed (e.g. total games per system).

The data can be displayed on any screen and the plugin allows a selection of font, colours and transparency to be used to suit preferences. The text will scroll upwards line by line if it doesn't fit into the window size selected.

Example Table and System Menu display information (with black background for clarity here but could be transparent to show a backglass image etc behind. or resized to show only the top x rows and scroll, with text centred etc - this is just to show what type of information can be displayed as you probably wouldn't display it like this);



And optional attract mode summary;


The Configuration Screen 



Display Options

Display options control how the information is displayed. 

  • Classic Window - Displays as a windows form. This allows use on any screen with rotation and background options.
  • XDMD - For virtual DMD users only. Displays an UltraDMD style window using the XDMD library that is installed with PinballX (note the 'Preview' will not work if using PinballX Core V5.39 and later for this option)
  • FlexDMD - For virtual DMD users only. Needs FleXDMD installed, along with freezys dmddevice files (if using 64bit PinballX also install 64bit dmddevice). Game name used by the plugin in dmddevice.ini is PBX_STATSPLUGIN.

Extra Options for virtual DMD users;

  • Use VPM Colour - when set for visual pinball tables for the DMD font colour will match the vpinmame primary colour for table data display. This option needs the rom information set in database xml, and 'colorize' option set in vpinmame.
  • Add DMD Drop Shadow - adds a drop shadow to virtual DMD displays.

If using the XDMD or FlexDMD virtual DMD options then you should turn off options like 'use pinmame in front end' in PinballX display settings.

Display Window Details Section

Use the options in this section to change the location and appearance of what is displayed. All sections are enabled for the 'classic window' display option, some options are greyed out for the virtual DMD options (Background image/colour options are disabled for both DMD diplays, FlexDMD also has position disabled as is controlled by drag drop). The Display Font button is left enabled for both virtual DMD options but is used only to select the forecolour used on the DMD's.

Use same system menu display settings for table menu display - If selected only one style of display window is used by the plugin, the system menu display.

System Menu Display & Table Menu Display Options - If 'Use same system menu display settings for table menu display' is not selected these options allow you to change the settings of the two different displays. Select the one you want to change.

X Position, Y Position - Top left co-ordinates for the window to be displayed from

Width, Height - Display window size. If you set a screen size too small to display all lines of the selected data then the text will scroll upwards. This is useful if you want a single line displayed with changing text, in that case size the window according to your selected font and Preview the window to fine tune sizing.

Rotation - Use the up/down arrows to rotate the displayed window (0,90,180 or 270 degrees), useful to display on Playfield screens (note that if doing so this will not be compatible with PinballX running in exclusive fullscreen mode)

Display Font - Font type, colour and size used. Note that if using the XDMD or FlexDMD display options the colour selected here will still be used as the default DMD colour (but the font will be ignored).

Display Text in Upper Case - Make all text displayed appear in CAPS. Note that some text like high score information will always be in CAPS regardless of this setting.

Centre Text Horizontally - Centre align text in the display window

Colour, Transparent, Image - Set background Colour, to Transparent or use Image (note that images are stretched/squeezed to fill your selected display window size)

Opacity - Overall opacity of the displayed window

Ticker Style Text - Choose to scroll text right to left on a single line instead of multiple lines scrolling upwards (note - for smooth scrolling this option is best used with fixed width / monospace fonts)

Scroll Speed - Set how fast scrolling occurs (text will scroll when it doesn't fit in the display window)

System Display Data Section & Table Display Data Sections

What data to display, check the boxes for the information you want displayed. You can also set the number games shown for most/least played in the System menu. Note that the Play Count options display how many times a game has been launched from PinballX, not how many times it has been started in game. Some data will only be displayed if it is available in the database xml (e.g. IPDB table information fields which can be populated using Database Manager - see https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/23840-app-pinballx-database-manager-2211220-supports-touch-play-and-pbx-w7vista-version-as-well/?do=findComment&comment=210359)

Section Spacer Lines - If checked blank lines will separate the data sections selected (or add more space between them if Ticker Style display is selected)

Enable For System Types

Use these options to disable (hide) the display for systems by type. Note, this only affects the 'table' level display. Attract mode and System level summaries will still be visible.

Attract Mode

Check this box to display summary information in Attract Mode (unchecked and the display will continue with system or table data displayed). Summary information will be displayed using settings for the current PinballX wheel (system or table) and will only summarise sections you have selected in System Display Data.

Display Text

Change the default section header text to something more to your liking, e.g. Change 'Play Count' to 'Games Played'


Click to preview the display location and selected font and colour options


Extract the contents of the zip file into your PinballX\Plugins folder, unblock the dll files if required (https://www.limilabs.com/blog/unblock-dll-file) and then enable the Statistics Display plugin in PluginManager. Make sure you change the display config to match your setup and preferences.

From version 2.0 two dll's are included in the zip file and the plugin will appear twice in plugin manager. You do not need to activate both, two are provided so that you can split what data is displayed and where if required by having two instances running (can be on different screens with different fonts etc).


If you have any issues then please attach the PinballX.ini, Log.txt & statistics.ini files as well as the all the plugins PBXStatsDisplay.ini & PBXStatsDisplay_log.txt files along with a description of the problem.


Thanks to Mike_da_Spike for testing, ideas and generally giving me more to do than I'd planned with this, Tom Speirs for PinballX and sound advice along the way with this plugin, Adultery for the plugin template and Dna Disturber for high score data.



22/09/19    V1.0.0    Initial release

23/09/19     V1.0.1    High scores now prefixed with place

29/09/19    V1.1.0    Added more optional display items. Fixed issues with pausing and game count for last entry in statistics.ini

02/10/19    V1.1.1    .Net 4.0. No need to update from V1.1 if that was working for you (.Net 4.5)

12/10/19    V1.2.0    High score data now uses data from high score text files (more game special score information), allow text centre alignment, allow use of background images. Also change all display text to uppercase for consistency. See https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/23213-plugin-pinballx-statistics-display/?do=findComment&comment=190215 post for more info.

24/11/19    V1.3.0    Added rotation option, attract mode summary, fix to regional formatting in ini and now also refresh system level data in PinballX attract mode (rather than just at startup). See https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/23213-plugin-pinballx-statistics-display/?do=findComment&comment=190993

16/02/20    V1.4.0    Added Table Author / Version and Comment opions. Note that your database xml needs to include these fields to be populated.

22/10/20    V1.5.0    Added support for PINemHi Leaderboard data see https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/23213-plugin-pinballx-statistics-display/?do=findComment&comment=198823. If updating from previous version copy only the dll file from the zip, don't overwrite your ini file.

01/05/21    V1.6.0    Added XDMD & FlexDMD display option for virtual dmd users. See https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/23213-plugin-pinballx-statistics-display/?do=findComment&comment=201882

17/07/21    V1.6.1    Small update for Application Menu (Added in PinballX 5.15).

13/03/22    V1.7.0    Fixes compatibility with .net core for PinballX V5.39 and later for XMD & FlexDMD virtual DMD displays and xml reading. Add vpinmame colour and drop shadow dmd options, upper case text choice (was default before) and Display Text options See https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/23213-plugin-pinballx-statistics-display/?do=findComment&comment=206521

06/09/22    V1.8.0    Added 'Enable For System Types' options. Thanks @davy33 for the suggestion and doing some tests.

08/12/22    V2.0.0    Added IPDB data display options, news ticker style display option, scrolling speed setting, virtual dmd drop shadow colour changed to use the pinmame 33% colour when VPM Colour selected, and zip now includes two instances of the plugin which can be enabled and run simultaneously or individually via Plugin Manager.

09/02/22    V2.1.0    Fixed issue where display could be blank if game name not selected as a display field. Added padding to first entry of ticker style display, so stays on screen longer and doesn't scroll off before it can be read. Added code to handle display window placement on screen after a resolution change and restore (as part of game launch and exit scripts)

02/08/23    V2.2.0    Added compatibility for FlexDMD V1.9 (currently in beta) as well as FlexDMD V1.8 as some functionality changed which could cause crashes.


PBXStatsDisplay V2_2.zipFetching info...


Edited by scutters
  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1

Create work @scutters !
Here's a little video demonstration (sorry for my bad camera recording)

I set up the systems as a "2" liner and table as a "1" liner 
I use the font "DigiFace" as Scutters has in his screenshot (Digiface is not standard on the os. just download this Digir___0.ttf and hit install)
The positions of the displays, is a bit of try out. My playfield is 4K (3840x2160) and my backglass is HD (1920x1080)

This is how my INI file looks :

Maybe a small request .. The high scores does't show the ranking. maybe pre-fix it with 1), 2)  or 3) ?


  • Like 1

Nice!.. still not settled on my final settings. At the moment i'm trying a one line semi transparent all across either the bottom or top of backglass.

  On 9/23/2019 at 5:57 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:

The high scores does't show the ranking. maybe pre-fix it with 1), 2)  or 3)


Ha, it had that for a while, but was taken out. Useful to have if displaying on one line though. I'll add it back.


I suppose it could be.. but, I made it so you can have the background as transparent, so you could have an image on the screen behind it via pinballx (as topper/backglass image/video etc) as it is now?

Let me know what you're thinking. Cheers!

Edit. If you don't want fully transparent background you can also lower the opacity value in config. Example of 50% yellow background (note that the opacity setting also affects the text);



Updated to V1.1. Added number selections for least and most played, system/table name, total plays & play count selection options. Also fixed issues with reading data from last game in statistics.ini file and in game pausing issue (stats would be on screen after game resumption).

Notes in first post amended to reflect changes.

  On 9/29/2019 at 5:07 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:

Is it a possiblity for people who want the info on playfield to have it rotated?


With the way the code was written not at this time. Workaround would be to change orientation of playfield in windows and reflect that in emulators and pinballx, probably more pain than it's worth though.


I have a problem with this plugin, i have put the two files in the plugin folder, but when i launch the plugin config there Is not a display stat plugin line in there, Just the default 4 plugins. Any idea? Thanks.

  On 9/29/2019 at 4:54 PM, killa7977 said:

I have a problem with this plugin, i have put the two files in the plugin folder, but when i launch the plugin config there Is not a display stat plugin line in there, Just the default 4 plugins. Any idea? Thanks.


My guess is that the plugin is blocked in windows. Did you check that?



Doesn't look blocked. What version of pinballx are you running, what version of windows, defender & UAC enabled?

Can you attach the log.txt and pinballx.ini files.


edit - also can you try the loading image derandomiser plugin too (https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/23127-plugin-pinballx-loading-video-image-changer-de-randomiser-v2/), copy the files across the same (you can leave as disabled if you don't want to use it, but if that's visible in plugin manager that'll help narrow it down)


Posted (edited)

Now It shows up on plugins, but when i click configure nothing happens. (In the while i have updated Pinball x to latest build)


And It shows up on playfield monitor, but since i can't configure It, It Is rotated at It takes half the screen ahahah

Edited by killa7977
Posted (edited)

Does a config screen open for the loading image plugin?

I think the issue might be with .net runtime, i don't think you have 4.5 so the last test version of the plugin was 4.0 but will still work.

Can you advise what .net framework you have installed? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/how-to-determine-which-versions-are-installed

But try a reboot first if you haven't already (just in case :))

Edit -  just seen your last edit!. Not sure why the config screen isn't working, make sure the plugin is highlighted when you click Configure (checking the box next to the plugin name to enable it doesn't highlight it automatically), if that still doesn't work then it is possible to edit the ini file directly in notepad. 

Edited by scutters
  On 10/2/2019 at 1:36 PM, killa7977 said:

Thank you all guys, now It Is working. 


Awesome!, hope you like it. It was originally written with displaying data summarised on the System menu in mind - which you'll now have after updating PinballX as well.

I'll release your test version as V1.1.1


Thanks scutters for you work. I really appreciate this plugin, and thanks for helping me out. Could be cool to sort out how to rotate and put this cool plug-in on the playfield monitor

  On 10/2/2019 at 2:13 PM, killa7977 said:

In the video above from Mike da Spike, in system menù he has tables videos cycling. How can i do this?


Have a look at Joyrider3774's thread;


Basically you need videos named "- system -.extension" in your Pinballx\Media\systemname\Table Videos folder

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