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  On 1/27/2014 at 1:50 PM, Censored said:

Auto Update, like in GameEx would be nice.

I think this is extremely important, especially for cabinet users, since the program won't even run until it's updated once it has detected a new version. A simple solution would be to keep your cabinet disconnected from the internet most of the time, but considering the new internet-enabled features that were just released in beta, that's hardly desirable.


I'm sure this will be added along with the new online features. At least I'm pretty sure he's mentioned it. :-)


is there a way to show multiple instruction cards. It works fine for 1 card/table, but I would lik eto have more. tabledesc, then tabledesc 1, then tabledesc 2 etc

Can this be done now?


Are we talking PBX in general or on the new GameEx Online screen?

Instruction Cards need to be named the same as the table so for example:

Big Game (Stern 1980).swf <--- First instruction card

Big Game (Stern 1980) 1.swf <---Second instruction card

Big Game (Stern 1980) 2.swf <---Third instruction card

etc. etc.

Flyers need the same name as the table but each page goes in a different directory:

For example copy the Bad Cats (Williams 1989).jpg pages to:

Front page to Flyer Images\Front

Back page to Flyer Images\Back

Inside 1st page to Flyer Images\Inside1

etc etc.


edit: NM I misunderstood the question....I would think we need a central repository of Flyer, instruction cards, wheel icons, BG's since it doesn't seem like that stuff is pulled from the local users machine but rather the GameEX DB.


On the information tag at the top of the screen while browsing tables you have your name and type and mfg and rating. I have changed my font and it seems that the table names go right off the tag and out the side of the table. I didn't change the size but I did change to sci-fied font. For tables that have longer names we need to fix that please ie: most Zen Marvel tables, Creature from the Black Lagoon, ect ect

Also when using the pause button the top selection should be return to table and not exit, as it is now if you double tap or the button push registers 2 inputs you loose the game.

Thank you


Hi Im sure im not the first to request this! Id like to have a main menu wheel eg visual pinball, future pinball, Mame.... then have the table wheels for that system displayed after selecting the main wheel if thats possible? No biggie if not because I love and appreciate the effort gone into this front end Thanks so much to everyone involved! :D


Not sure this is a feature request or bug report ... lol

If I am playing VP without PinballX and I exit the program using the mapped exit key (in my case it is "Q") all the led's and toys shut off. If I am playing from PinballX and I exit VP back to PinballX the Led's and toys will stay on if they are running at the time of exit.

I have tried all of the different key mapping that I can think of both in VP and PBX.

In my research on this it seems that DOF might not be exiting properly (which kills all the LedWiz on proper exit) thus leaving on whatever was running at the time of table exit back to PBX.

In VP on the first press of the exit button a box appears that says return to game, debug, and exit to editor. When I press the same button a second time the table exits to editor and DOF shuts down and the Led's and toys are turned off.

So I am not sure how PBXis shutting down VP but it is not allowing DOF to exit properly.

I know about ledoff.bat and running it after VP closes but for some reason I can not get any of the .bat files to work on my computer even though they worked with HP before I converted to PBX. New downloads of the files don't even work and no errors are given.

Sorry for the long winded post


Feature Request

Support or Plugin to utilize XDMD or other DMD emulator to display the following in the launcher:

Table name, highscores and other information such as time played.

First screen shows name, second highscores and finally table time played.

This would work well even if using DMDs movies since EM games would also use the third screen / PinDMD. The information is already retrieved and showed under Information for the tables. Perhaps a template based sysystem would allow further customization.


Tom would it be possible to have an option in the setup wizard to enable/disable the mouse pointer because if we run the table the first time thru PinballX we need to move/setup the position of the dmd on first run. This way wouldn't need to do it in VP first before running PinballX.


Is there an option in the Game Manager to move the DMD on my backglass monitor and put it at a certain position on the correct monitor???? Hmmmm I'm confused......

I am using a 3 monitor setup but I don't see that option in the Game Manager as I am using that to setup my tables. I am talking about after you run the table Tom. If you have a DMD that needs to be moved on first run as the dmd will be on the wrong monitor and I need to move it to the correct backglass monitor. If that is in the Game Manager where is it at??

I have to do it in VP first then I am able to run the table perfectly in PinballX. The first time you ever run a VPinMAME table you need to move the dmd and size so it looks correct on the backglass that is if the table has a dmd unless it's a directb2s type of table. I hope that explains a bit more why I requested that feature. :)


Online Highscores. An option to compare your Scores with other PinballX users(e.g. Showing a Top5 on the playfield monitor in table selection screen)

  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Tom,

Request: Ability to assign a button that directly launches the table (like HyperPin), instead of the Select screen.

Nothing on the select screen applies to how I've set up my cab, so I'd rather not see it. I don't have flyers, instruction cards, etc, nor have I bothered to classify tables into genres/manufacturers. In HyperPin, I was able to disable these things from the exit menu (it just becomes a "Pause" logo). I might think about using a favorites list but even then, it just doesn't take long to find the game I want to play. I just want to keep it simple. Thanks, this UI is otherwise very slick!

  • Like 1

2 things that me and my friends would like to see in the future releases.

1.an option to set information screen when loading a table instead of the loading screen. (Usefull to see scores and playtime).

2.a timer to see the total playtime you played on your cabinet.

Hope these 2 usefull things can be implemented.




I'll second the request for a key to launch directly rather than go through a menu. *BUT* I would like to have both options available at once - one key to directly launch and another to go through the menu. Not just a checkbox for "launch directly."


Still really, really, really would like to see options for attract mode... alphabetical, chronological and IPDB top 300.

Please, please, please! (If it sounds like I'm begging its because I am!)

  • 2 weeks later...


I would like to know if it would be possible to have the possibility to skip the introduction video by pressing a key.

Because at the moment, we have to choose if we want an introduction video or not, but if we choose to have, we can never skip it ...

I don't know if it's easy or not, it's not very important but if it is possible to add ...

Thanks !

  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a limit of xml's? My setup won't show one which has been working all along. I'm guessing with all the 70's,80's, etc it got bumped off? I have not added any new lists.

I have xml's for





Cocktail Tables



What about another Media option "Tutorial Video" which can be played on the backglass? Since there are quite some videos on the FTP and perhaps even more on Youtube etc. This could be a nice thing to add. :)

If it is already implemented never mind this post. I just haven't found it yet. ;)

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