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Maybe this is a stupid question, but if I don't ask it, I will never know it.

I know the differences between 32 and 64 bit operation systems and applications.

But what about pinballX ?

It is in 64 and 32 bit available. Some people says that you definitely should use the 32 Bit version if you use B2Sserver or addin in the front end.

I don't use the b2s server in the front end (just video's) , but use the led plugin and switched that sometimes for the DOF plugin.

I see for my own cabinet that the 32 bit (that I'm using right now)  can load multiple XML files with a lot tables and it is pretty fast. Switching 4k video's is not delayed.

Is there any advantage to use 64 bit ?


32 bit application can not load 64 bit dll's, and 64 bit can't load 32 bit dll's in windows (well not to execute code at least) so in case of plugins that pinballx loads your (pinballx) plugins needs to be same bitness as the host application (pinballx)

My guess (but have not verified) b2sserver is 32 bit and you need 32 bit pinballx to make it work or something 

in general also :
32 bit application can only address a maxiumum of 4 gigabytes (2^32) of memory and thats only when it was compiled with largeaddress aware flag. If not done so it will only be able to address 2 gigabytes of memory max. a 64 bit application can address much more memory and does not have this limitation. If an application tries to allocate (in total) more memory than it can address you'll get an out of memory exception and the application will crash.

Usually sticking to 32bit gives more compatiblity because most of plugins are 32 bit or don't always have 64 bit counterparts.

I'm using 32 bit as well just to be safe. If you are using 32 bit on your cabinet and don't have any problems don't switch and especially not mingle versions or you'll cause problems (with plugins for example) 

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