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Vpinball doesn't use the dmdext

Exe file. So yes. Put that in another directory with the dll and ini and you don't messup your vpx tables


So I can't just point the .dat to this location this is where my .DLL and exe is located C:\Users\GAME PC\Desktop\pinball project v1\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME

  • 3 months later...

Not sure if everyone saw but the latest release of Pinball Wicked now supports rotating the screen from a command line as well as moving the backglass and dmd to a different monitor.   Make sure you  opt-in to the Pinball Wicked beta and then go to the add-ons in the new menu in game and request a code.   Haven't got mine yet but just requested last night.


thanks did the same. It seems if they did not add commandline options yet for selecting number of players and pure or action mode that i will have to update my launcher to accomodate with the new menu. I'm awaiting a key as well.


@GAH1068 are there commandline options to select pure / action mode and or number of players (or preselect them ?)


They did not list that in the update notes.   I got my key shortly after I posted this and I was able to get the Backglass and DMD to display on my second monitor.   Didn't have time to 

play around with it though since It was over lunch.    I am using the rotate 90 parameter though and it is working well.


Now I just need to update my AHK file for DMDExt for new DMD Coordinates.    Glad they listened to our requests for cabinet support.


ok i think i got my launcher script working with the new menu's. I had to go and look in games ini file to figure out that the small buttons you can click on the mouse < and > have keybindings R for < button and T for > button. i can select action and pure mode again as well as number of players with the new menu in the beta. Will upload here later so you can replace it with the current launcher and be able if you used my other pinball x launcher utility to select it all again from inside pinballx 

  • Like 1

I still have not received my key but here is the updated launchpinballwicked.exe Autohotkey launch script which seems to work for me with the new menu introduced in the beta version

  LaunchPinballWickedNewBetaMenu.zipFetching info...

Replace the exe from first post with the one in above zip if you use the new beta. I did not add the -rotate 90 parameter if you want that edit and recompile the script using a recent autohotkey version.

Also same things apply you have to set the quit key (default ESC) as explained in my original post. if pinballwicked launches faster on your pc and you have to wait a long time on the  OK Nag screen edit the script to modify the waitformenu value default is 10 seconds. it's also possible you might have to increase it if it's not enough time

The parameters have not changed they are still the following

 LaunchPinballWicked.exe accepts as first parameter player nr (1 2 3 or 4) and as second parameter only "Action" if thats specified it will use action mode. If you don't provide any parameters it will launch single player pure mode.

LaunchPinballWicked.exe <- launch 1 player pure mode
LaunchPinballWicked.exe 1 Action <- launch 1 player action mode
LaunchPinballWicked.exe 2 <- launch 2 player pure mode
LaunchPinballWicked.exe 2 Action <- launch 2 player action mode

it will start the game automatically for you, do not press any buttons until the table has started

@GAH1068 did you use my launcher before ? If so can you test it out on your end. I'm still waiting for my key before i can test everything on my cabinet.

Once this beta menu has become the standard i will update the zips in the 1st post as well as how to set it up (basically no more dmd ext, imagemonitorview and autorotate needed as pinball wicked supports everything now by itselve)

  • Like 1

@Outhere can you record your screen to a video from the moment you start it so i can trace down whats happening in the menu. I dont seem to have this problem which options had you selected action, pure, how many players.

The new menu is more off a pain the ass to control. I thought i had it going correctly as it worked on my setup on main pc but could be something is not working.

Also you did not press any buttons or clicked with mouse on a button, i'm not even sure if moving mouse is allowed well if it can mess it up. Did you select lime ball or did it hapoen using the launcher?

If I used the files exactly like you have them it works

The old file run this 5 seconds -- waitformenu value

Apparently This one will not work at 5 seconds But at 7 seconds it works

Sorry for the confusion


Ah yeah so you decreased the value too much and it was probably already trying to send keypresses while the ok button on the initial nagscreen was not completely loaded first so some keypresses got lost.

Glad its working, btw you probably decreased the old one to 5 seconds yourselve as the original one was also set at 10 seconds. I also noticed it takes a bit more time before the menu was visible ready to receive input. So for some people even the 10 seconds might be too low.

  • Like 1

just got my key and have everything setup. everything works don't need autorotate, dmdext and imagemonitor view anymore. they seem to have options for both 2 screen and 3 screen setup although i'm not 100% certain as i only have 2 screens. But it looked as if you could set a different display for dmd and cabinet. I placed them both on same screen. They do use different way than pinball fx3 it seems they rotate inside windows for you now but it's also the reason why temorary the loading screen is obscured / messed up (as pinballx gets rotated also due to that) but it fixes itselve as soon you see ingame backglass.  the dmd and backglass autopositions themselves on your backglass and if dmd is shown on same screen it is centered but you can change these settings so unlike in pinball fx3 you don't have to mess think about resolutions and X, Y coordinates etc here

I only added -rotate 90 parameter inside my launch script now and edited for the PinballWickedLauncher.ini the rotate parameter to 3 instead of 0 so i can get my in between launcher to show up correctly. Reason i have to change that is because previously the launcher was shown while the screen was already rotated now the screen is not rotated yet so you have to rotate it 270 degrees (equals ROTATE=3) parameter.

They also seem to allow other backglass images than the default but i have not tried that, you have to place them inside %localappdata%\PinballWicked\Images 

i did notice that when i run cabinet mode and i try to run the benchmark of try to change certain graphics settings that my screen got derotated sometimes. Fullscreen setting for main game is not working for me i have to use fullscreen windowed mode but it might depend on the system.

They did a great job, but i got a feeling once they release it it might be getting a payed option but not sure why else would they added an addons sections or perhaps it's also for future possible tables they might make


There are a few bugs but overall it is working well.  I think some of the camera views are a little funky now but view 7 seems to work well in cabinet.    Use to be two that looked good now this is the only one.   Tried changing camera to static/dynamic and as well as the aspect ratios too.     I tried to get to work on three screens but no matter what I did when I selected different screens I got both the backglass and dmd on both monitors no matter what.   

 I spent about 15 minutes messing around and have the DMD mirroring to my PinDMDV3 again with the DMD moved to the backlglass.        



@GAH1068 did you disable backglass dmd option when trying the multiple screens ? that options links the dmd to show inside the backglass. But as i don't have 3 screens i can not verify it. see hint on the right about this setting


Yeah i used to use camera 8 but also had to change to camera 7. Camera 8 is zoomed out way too much. I'm glad they added this could give them some new sales as a lot of people are put off from doing it all manually  

  On 10/24/2019 at 6:55 PM, ganjaman25 said:

Dude i cant work out how to turn the playfield in the settings lol just got my key backglass is mint thoe 


launch the game with "rotate -90" parameter. If you use my launcher you have to edit the AHK file and add the parameter. Then right click the AHK file and choose compile (need to have a recent autohotkey version installed). if you only run from steam and not pinballx / use my launcher etc you can add the parameter in properties of the game

  On 10/24/2019 at 6:59 PM, joyrider3774 said:

launch the game with "rotate -90" parameter. If you use my launcher you have to edit the AHK file and add the parameter. Then right click the AHK file and choose compile (need to have a recent autohotkey version installed). if you only run from steam and not pinballx / use my launcher etc you can add the parameter in properties of the game


Yeah i dont use pinballx no more i use pinup popper but thanks for info on changing the monitor :)

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