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112 Zaccaria Pinball playfield videos + backglass screenshots + Deluxe backglass videos

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/-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball

/-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball official filenames


UPDATE 09/10/2020

  • Pool Champion Deluxe 2020 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass video + topper video uploaded to ftp all named pchampiondeluxe.XXX (was not uploaded before due to bug in game which is now fixed)
  • House of Diamonds Deluxe 2020 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass video + topper video  +table audio uploaded to ftp all named pchampiondeluxe.XXX

UPDATE 20/07/2020

  • topper video for treasure table thanks to logo created by @PcTeknic named a_treasure.xxx ( no video and no backlgass as i don't have this table unlocked.)
  • I also extracted game music, but they only exist for remake and deluxe tables /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball/Table Audio

UPDATE 04/07/2020

  • Cine star Deluxe 2019 Playfield video (recreated) + 1600x1200  backglass video uploaded to ftp all named cinestardeluxe.XXX
  • Red show Deluxe 2019 Playfield video (recreated) + 1600x1200 backglass video uploaded to ftp all named redshowdeluxe.XXX
  • Spooky Deluxe 2020 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass video uploaded to ftp all named spookydeluxe.XXX
  • Strike Deluxe 2020 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass video uploaded to ftp all named strikedeluxe.XXX
  • Universe Deluxe 2020 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass video uploaded to ftp all named universedeluxe.XXX

UPDATE 26/12/2019

  • Cine star Deluxe 2019 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named cinestardeluxe.XXX
  • Red show Deluxe 2019 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named redshowdeluxe.XXX

UPDATE 10/10/2019

  • Star God Remake 2019 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named stargod2019.XXX

UPDATE 24/08/2019

  • Time Machine Remake 2019 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named timemachine2019.XXX

UPDATE 24/06/2019

  • Woods Queen Remake 2019 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named wqueen2019.XXX

UPDATE 18/05/2019

  • Tropical remake 2019 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named tropical2019.XXX

UPDATE 29/04/2019

  • Fire Mountain Remake 2019 playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named fmountain2019.XXX (in the new directories see next item)
  • Recreated all backglass screenshots in 1600x1200 and 1920x1080 resolution. Because the game had received an update with newer, higher resolution and sometimes replaced backglass images. These are located in seperate folders in "/-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball/Backglass Images/New Version Res. 1600x1200 Aspect 4-3" and "/-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball/Backglass Images/New Version Res. 1600x1200 Aspect 4-3".
    New backglass images for future tables will always be placed in these new locations i only kept the original ones in case someone prefers a previous version of the backglasses or just for reference. Farfalla is one example that has been replaced  with a new backglass picture ingame and perhaps some others 
  • Database updated (on ftp)

UPDATE 03/04/2019

  • Devil riders remake 2019 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named devilriders2019.XXX

UPDATE 08/02/2019

  • Clown remake 2019 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named clown2019.XXX

UPDATE 20/12/2019

  • Pool champion 2018 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass + 1920x1080 backglass uploaded to ftp all named pchampion2018.XXX


I have created 97 video's of the playfield of the tables for zaccaria pinball. I have uploaded them to the ftp on the following location: /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball/Table Videos

They are created on my main pc system, using nvidia shadow play on a GTX 1070 and while recording i had zaccaria pinball setup to not show the arcade cabinet top glass as i find it looking kinda weird. (i also play like that)

Initially i had tried to use the media generator linked in a seperate thread in this topic but i could not get it working nor letting it launch the games correctly. 

so i modified the script a bit (hackery doo dah nothing release worthy) so instead of using obs it just sended a key event F9 and sleeps one minute and press f9 again. Then i assigned f9 button to recording functionality in nvidia settings and let it run. I did remove all the ffmpeg stuff as i can not provide a filename for the recording to be saved as and i did not want to spent a lot of time impleting all that (like detectng the filename in some predefined folder when a file gets added). I also modified the launching of the tables to make use of the direct launch for pbx linked in the topic below. So After it had recorded everything i renamed the files to match gamenames needed to be used using the launcher app available in this thread here (you need to use that system if you want to use the video's out of the box). 


I did call ffmpeg afterwards on the recorded video's to reduce its size and initally i had messed up the ffmpeg command so some of the video's are shorter that 60 seconds (some are 49 seconds, and one even 26 seconds) but not much happens in the attract mode of these tables so it should suffice. Most video's are around 59 - 60 seconds and they contain no audio.

The upload was still fairly big around 1.5 gig for 97 table video's. I'll post the ffmpeg command i used once i get home as maybe someone can give me a better command to make video's in the future or perhaps someone can recode them or limit playback to 25 or 30 seconds. to reduce size. 

I did verify all files in vlc and they all play correctly as far as i could tell, i also verified a few of them inside pinballx itselve. But i did not verify in my cabinet as it has not arrived yet and i have a beefy main pc so not sure if video's would play well on lower end systems.

I also uploaded my database file to use it's basically the same one as linked in the direct launch topic for zaccaria pinball with one extra table added (sphoenix2018)

also one playfield video of the treasure table is missing since i have not unlocked it yet in the campaign mode of the game (only bought the game with all dlc during the weekend).

Video's are recorded in 1920x1080 at 60 fps (in nvidia shadowplay settings) on high bitrate setting but as said before i pushed them through ffmpeg.exe to reduce size, and the orientation is also what pinballx expects them to be.

So in any case hopefully it helps someone and maybe they can be improved upon.


edit 1:

as mentioned here are the batch files i used to do the postprocessing using ffmpeg.exe i create a "conv.bat" file that will call ffmpeg on the video file supplied as parameter and save recoded video in conv directory. I also create a "conv all.bat" file that basically does a for loop over all the *.mp4 files in the current folder and then call conv.bat wich each found file.. it's in the attachement. (you need to place a staticly linked ffmpeg.exe binary in same folder as well i could not include as it made the archive to big)
But anyway the ffmpeg.exe call i'm currently using is this one :


ffmpeg -y -i videoin.mp4 -vf [in]rotate=0:bilinear=0[middle];[middle]scale=1920:-1[out] -map 0:0 -c:v libx264 -crf 26 ".\conv\videoout.mp4"


Does anyone know if that's good or if it could be improved upon ? I basically looked in one of the recording scripts to see how they called it and copy pasted but initially it also had some -ss 10 -to 1000 command and that made my video be cut off in time so i removed that

visual pinball recording ffmpeg.rarFetching info...


Edit 2: I also uploaded also some backglass screenshots of the game in 1600x1200 4:3 and 1920x1080 in 16:9. The black borders are added by the game itselve, so i can't make them fullscreen without distorting the backglasses itselve. It's avaiable here /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball/Backglass Images

  • Thanks 1

Use the -ss (seeking parameter) after -i 

As long as your recording, the input file, is reasonable length than -ss 10 -to 1000 is fine. The numbers are the number of seconds to seek ahead. So, if your ensure that the initial recording is, say, 90 seconds.  Then -ss 10 -to 1000 will retain all frames in your initial recording after the first 10 seconds and will complete when it reaches the end of the recording if it ends before 1000 seconds. Why ten seconds? It's time allowed to get past power up, any test screens/version screens on the scoring display. You only retain the table's main attract sequence.

I coded the original script before the app had native cab support including its own backglasses. I just used static images before. Now that there is native cab support and backglasses and if those backglasses are animated, the method I prefer would enable simultaneous recording of the playfield and backglass. The transcode step would use the same seeking parameters such that the resulting videos would show lighting in the attract mode synchronized between playfield and backglass. It's a nice effect in PinballX.


thanks for the explanation carny_priest, i understand it now. Also unfortunatly i was recroding on my main pc not in a cabinet using shadow play, my cabinet has not arrived yet and it would also only have 2 screens (1 playfield 1 backglass, no dmd monitor), my main pc only has 1 screen. now i understand why the script was using obs studio (for recording multiple screens at once), unfortuantly i could not get that working at all so i reverted to modifying everything to record (the playfield) using shadowplay (i'm not sure shadowplay can record multiple screen's, never tried). Maybe someone whose got it all can record them again using synced (to playfield) backglasses / dmd. although i'm not sure much happens on the backglasses (did not check) the playfield attract mode is basic in these tables. I'm also not sure if i would use video's or some static pictures for the backglass once my cab arrives for zaccaria pinball and to be honest i have not checked in zaccaria pinball what it looks like as i did not enable 2nd screen in the cabinet options.

The pc i'll be getting in the cabinet is probably much slower than my main pc and i'm not even sure it would be an nvidia card so not sure if i'll be able to record using shadowplay.

simultaneous recording would indeed be better even for zaccaria pinball on a multi screen setup. 

But still it might be a start for some people to use these playfield video's already


Since most zaccaria backglasses are static during attract mode sequence, i created screenshots of them using the same naming convention as with the playfield video's. I placed them on the ftp under /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball/Backglass Images. There are 2 folders one with images for 1600x1200 4:3 and 1920x1080 in 16:9. I think you basically need to check what your aspect ratio is and copy those images in the correct location in your pinball x folder and pinballx will do the rest. It's a start to see something on the backglass monitor inside pinball x that resembles what the game shows ingame. The black borders are added by the game itselve, so i can't make them fullscreen without distorting the backglasses itselve. 

  • Like 1

That's awesome! Thank you!

The are probably some backglass videos to be found in the VP recreations.



This is great,

I'm hoping to put this in Pinballx on my cabinet. It's in transit. arriving next week, I'm looking I'm just working on setting the software the way I want it and this will help very much.

If I can figure out how to set these into Pinballx. 

I have looked at a couple, great job.

Is there wheel art available on all these tables.

  On 12/1/2018 at 3:47 PM, designone said:


This is great,

I'm hoping to put this in Pinballx on my cabinet. It's in transit. arriving next week, I'm looking I'm just working on setting the software the way I want it and this will help very much.

If I can figure out how to set these into Pinballx. 

I have looked at a couple, great job.

Is there wheel art available on all these tables.


There is some wheel art available in the other thread as well on ftp from draco, also to set it up use the launch script from GAH1068 linked a few posts back. It also contains a screenshot from pinballx settings if i remember correctly on how to set it up. I placed it in a free spot in the other emulators sections

  • 1 month later...

Anyone doing Wheel images for Zaccaria?   I have the ones that Draco and BrandonLaw did but still missing quite a few and the generic Zaccaria ones I use look like crap.  I have zero graphic editing abilities otherwise I would take a stab at at.


  On 2/12/2019 at 2:56 PM, GAH1068 said:

Anyone doing Wheel images for Zaccaria?   I have the ones that Draco and BrandonLaw did but still missing quite a few and the generic Zaccaria ones I use look like crap.  I have zero graphic editing abilities otherwise I would take a stab at at.



i'm also missing a lot of them, i did create one for the fire figther table but it took me hours to get it like that. I'm also not that good in editing well not as good as draco and brandonlaw, theirs look much better



if you need tutorials

this is what I used to learn how to draw wheels

*you need a HS account to view this



I would of made a complete set  a long time ago if

1,  Full Cabinet support was available. no cabinet support not spending any money for this software,  and I'm not making wheels for a system I don't use

2.  at the very least,  I need a decent quality image so that I can trace the new HQ image.


so all of you who want the missing wheels you can either google for decent to HQ backglass images.


ask the developer for those images, I would assume they have them.


@32assassin what do you consider full cabinet support ? dmd repositioning and backglass repositioning ? like in pinball fx3 ? I have a 2 monitor setup and it works fine with the options they have at the moment for me. i can rotate the playfield using commandline option (not ingame) and i can see the backglass and dmd on my second monitor. I'm guessing you got a 3 monitor setup and want to reposition dmd ? or you mean launching tables using commandline options ?

here are the commands to prerotate the screen using commandline

  On 2/13/2019 at 10:59 PM, tdmobley said:

How do you program your cabinet controller?


not sure what you are asking but i use a small ahk script to remap my launch button (default key &/1) to enter and my nudge left nudge right to left key / right key flippers to shift left & shift right. And i use xbox 360 ce for analogue plunger. Most of the keys i set ingame except the enter button. for the rest i use the script from GAH1068 in the other topic to launch the games although i do use those rotate commandline parameters (added it to his ahk script)


hmm, i was trying to complete the campaign mode to unlock that extra treasure table to complete the video set but it seems that extra table does not even have flippers. I just found some screenshots of that extra table here https://steamcommunity.com/app/444930/screenshots/?searchText=treasure&browsefilter=trend&filterLanguage=default  so i think i'll stop trying as it's kinda hard and not worth the effort

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

UPDATE 29/04/2019

  • Fire Mountain Remake 2019 playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named fmountain2019.XXX (in the new directories see next item)
  • Recreated all backglass screenshots in 1600x1200 and 1920x1080 resolution. Because the game had received an update with newer, higher resolution and sometimes replaced backglass images. These are located in seperate folders in "/-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball/Backglass Images/New Version Res. 1600x1200 Aspect 4-3" and "/-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball/Backglass Images/New Version Res. 1600x1200 Aspect 4-3".
    New backglass images for future tables will always be placed in these new locations i only kept the original ones in case someone prefers a previous version of the backglasses or just for reference. Farfalla is one example that has been replaced  with a new backglass picture ingame and perhaps some others 
  • Database updated (on ftp)


  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Anyone know how to grab the table name for the latest table released "Star God 2019" ?   I'm guessing it could be stargod2019 or something like that and could do some trial and error but i honestly have been relying on just finding it here! :)

Thanks for everything so far


if they follow same convention it probably is stargod2019. If you want to be sure launch the new table exit the game and verify the settings ini / xml file (don't know exact location but verify the launcher code it knows the location as it changes that value before launching the game so it can be run). 

I did not buy it yet, did not have time yet to do the usual stuff on a new release. Maybe upcomming weekend

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