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sorry for late reply but i'm not as active anymore, currently more busy with setting up my modded arcade 1 up

GameName is universedeluxe, also check the docklets topic for new wheel / logo images also available on ftp. On ftp topper video is also available (in my directory)

	<game name="universedeluxe">
		<description>Universe Deluxe (Magic Pixel 2020)</description>
		<manufacturer>Magic Pixel</manufacturer>


1 hour ago, joyrider3774 said:

sorry for late reply but i'm not as active anymore, currently more busy with setting up my modded arcade 1 up

GameName is universedeluxe, also check the docklets topic for new wheel / logo images also available on ftp. On ftp topper video is also available (in my directory)

	<game name="universedeluxe">
		<description>Universe Deluxe (Magic Pixel 2020)</description>
		<manufacturer>Magic Pixel</manufacturer>


ha ha ha me it's the opposite since i started on my vcab i did no t touch my moded 1 UP

  • 2 weeks later...

Launcher works great, thanks.

The Game hide the DMD Image from PinballX.

I use joyriders ImageMonitorView.exe to show logo image in DMD and work fine.

I have modified the Launcher with this for send image to my DMD: (My DMD works as 2)

;--------Run Before (Need to be compiled)----End------

;From here run your zaccaria

RegRead, SteamDirPath, HKCU, Software\Valve\Steam, SteamPath

Run, "%SteamDirPath%\Steam.exe" -applaunch 444930 -rotate right

WinWait ahk_class GLFW30, , 20000
if ErrorLevel
    MsgBox, WinWait timed out.
Run, "C:\Zaccaria Pinball\Image_Monitor_View.exe" 2 "C:\Zaccaria Pinball\DMD.png"
Sleep, 10000

And this for close DMD Image:

;--------Run After (Need to be compiled)----Start-----

;Write the last game played to the PBX INI
FileRead, xmldata, C:\PinballX\Databases\Zaccaria Pinball\Zaccaria Pinball.xml ;change to your pinball arcade database
doc := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
doc.async := false
table = //game[@name='%1%']/description
Node := doc.selectSingleNode(table)
description:= Node.text
IniWrite, %description%%1%System_5, C:\PinballX\Config\PinballX.ini, Internal, lastselected
Run, taskkill /IM Image_Monitor_View.exe


NOTE: My Zaccaria Pinball system is custom system nº 5


With Run, "C:\Zaccaria Pinball\Image_Monitor_View" 2 "C:\PinballX\Media\Zaccaria Pinball\DMD Images\%1%.png" i can use DMD Images from PinballX Media folder and work fine

  • 2 weeks later...

New Table released Pool champion deluxe. Game name is pchampiondeluxe

<game name="pchampiondeluxe">
        <description>Pool Champion Deluxe (Magic Pixel 2020)</description>
        <manufacturer>Magic Pixel</manufacturer>


  • Like 2
25 minutes ago, Mike_da_Spike said:

Thanks Joyrider. Do you already have a wheel image and dmd videos :)

check other topic about zaccaria docklets. I did not create any videos yet but did create the wheel already and uploaded table audio

  • Thanks 1
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just in case anyone needs it. PS media is on ftp as well (backglass, toppper, playfield video + audio etc also for pool champion deluxe, they fixed the bug i was having preventing me to record the backglass)

	<game name="diamondsdeluxe">
		<description>House of Diamonds Deluxe (Magic Pixel 2020)</description>
		<manufacturer>Magic Pixel</manufacturer>


  • Like 2
  • 1 month later...

Nice ! I have a big backlog of a couple of systems and Zaccaria is on of the. :P

Is there a way to identify new tables, so I can built it into Database manager ?

27 minutes ago, Mike_da_Spike said:

Nice ! I have a big backlog of a couple of systems and Zaccaria is on of the. :P

Is there a way to identify new tables, so I can built it into Database manager ?

i extract games using extractor tool (files are encrypted) then the dir names resembly the game names mostly, another option is to run the game and check name inside settings ini file. None of these 2 otpions can be used in database manager. 

15 minutes ago, Mike_da_Spike said:

I missed you lately on the forum. You still ok ?

yeah not as active anymore, interest has currently shifted away to Playnite been making some plugins customn themes etc for it. It's a launcher mainly for pc games but not strictly, it has emulator support. But i mainly use it to be able to launch any game in any of the known launchers (steam, origin, battle.net, epic games etc) ... one launcher to control them all :)

  • Like 1

Hey everyone! Thanks for putting this together. I'm reading through the first post in this thread and trying to make sure I understand everything before diving in.

The initial post shows PinballX configured to launch an executable called LaunchZaccaria.exe. But I don't see any mention of creating that file. Am I missing something? Does the .ahk file get renamed with a .exe extension?


1 hour ago, topper-2k said:

Hey everyone! Thanks for putting this together. I'm reading through the first post in this thread and trying to make sure I understand everything before diving in.

The initial post shows PinballX configured to launch an executable called LaunchZaccaria.exe. But I don't see any mention of creating that file. Am I missing something? Does the .ahk file get renamed with a .exe extension?


You need to download the ahk file, modify the parts for your setup and compile it with auto hotkey (it's free). This will generate the exe file

2 hours ago, Mike_da_Spike said:

You need to download the ahk file, modify the parts for your setup and compile it with auto hotkey (it's free). This will generate the exe file

Gottcha. I'm new to AHK. That makes sense. Thanks.


Unfortunately this isn't working "out of the box" in PinballY. I know it's meant for PBX, was hoping that X and Y had enough in common that this would work. PBY seems hung up on the Table Type field. It doesn't seem to recognize the types specified for Zaccaria. It only likes it's defaults and I can't seem to add other options. I'll seek some help in PBY forums and see if I can find a work around.

7 hours ago, topper-2k said:

Unfortunately this isn't working "out of the box" in PinballY. I know it's meant for PBX, was hoping that X and Y had enough in common that this would work. PBY seems hung up on the Table Type field. It doesn't seem to recognize the types specified for Zaccaria. It only likes it's defaults and I can't seem to add other options. I'll seek some help in PBY forums and see if I can find a work around.

If you can get it to work outside your front end (so from the command line), you must get it to work in other front ends as well.

Only not sure why you post a question for pby on the pbx forum.

Same if you asked an android question on the iphone site :P

9 hours ago, Mike_da_Spike said:

If you can get it to work outside your front end (so from the command line), you must get it to work in other front ends as well.

Only not sure why you post a question for pby on the pbx forum.

Same if you asked an android question on the iphone site :P

I did get it to work. And I realize this is a PBX forum. There's usually enough similarity between them that a solution for one can be adapted for the other. There just aren't many people doing anything with Zaccaria. The only resources that I could find were for Popper and PBX. I'm posting this solution on a PBY forum so others can find it in the future.


  • Like 1
On 11/18/2020 at 6:02 PM, joyrider3774 said:

yeah not as active anymore, interest has currently shifted away to Playnite been making some plugins customn themes etc for it. It's a launcher mainly for pc games but not strictly, it has emulator support. But i mainly use it to be able to launch any game in any of the known launchers (steam, origin, battle.net, epic games etc) ... one launcher to control them all :)

Looks like a nice front end and potential big competitor for Launchbox.


Zaccaria support is coming very soon.

  • Thanks 1

@topper-2k i have a modified version of the script that can go all the way up to the play screen where you can just press play and a launcher app. In theory the launcher app and modified script should work in pinbally as well but i have never tried. The script if you want autoplay capability might require changes per setup on the timings needed. It was explained here


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