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So I copied my settings from FX2 for the most part and updated the applaunch number to 442120. At this point I can get the app to launch but no game is selected or launched. Another minor issue is a few tables had their filenames changed slightly such as STARWARS_Episode_7 is now STARWARS_Episode7, but 4-6 are the same as they were...  I got cabinet mode going on FX3 as well.



WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam


Parameters=-applaunch 442120 "[TABLEFILE]"

Process=Pinball FX3.exe




TablePath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX3\data\steam


I assume by the ? in the title it is not working. Can you please attach copies of you pinballx.ini, log.txt, and Pinball FX3.xml files for Tom to review? Do not copy & paste them! thanks!


Ok I got a response from the support at FX. looks like command line now must add


in front of the filename so the parameter should read

Parameters=-applaunch 442120 -table_"[TABLEFILE]"

but yeah more and more I'm finding the table names have changed and I don't know what they all point to. Haven't figured out First Order yet.

  • Like 1

Tables show loading and then go back to the wheel menu. I'm still getting:

9/29/2017:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX3\steam.exe -applaunch 442120 "-table_"MARVEL_Ant-Man"
17:04:25.5  9/29/2017:  The system cannot find the file specified
17:04:25.5  9/29/2017:     at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
17:04:25.5  9/29/2017:     at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
17:04:25.5  9/29/2017:     at PinballX.Main.q()

Can someone post their log file who HAS FX3 working?

1 hour ago, hlr53 said:

Tables show loading and then go back to the wheel menu. I'm still getting:

9/29/2017:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX3\steam.exe -applaunch 442120 "-table_"MARVEL_Ant-Man"
17:04:25.5  9/29/2017:  The system cannot find the file specified
17:04:25.5  9/29/2017:     at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
17:04:25.5  9/29/2017:     at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
17:04:25.5  9/29/2017:     at PinballX.Main.q()

Can someone post their log file who HAS FX3 working?

I’m working, but can you post your what your settings look like in the pbx settings .exe?


These are the settings I am using and most of the tables load fine from PinballX ..there are a few I found that go to the main menu. Still checking to see if there are any others.

Plants vs Zombies

MS. Splosian Man

South Park Butters Pinball

South Park Super Sweet Pinball

The 8 Football tables also only go to the main menu



Here is my log file if you would like to look at that too. Hope this helps


50 minutes ago, Fulltilt said:

These are the settings I am using and most of the tables load fine from PinballX ..there are a few I found that go to the main menu. Still checking to see if there are any others.

Plants vs Zombies

MS. Splosian Man

South Park Butters Pinball

South Park Super Sweet Pinball

The 8 Football tables also only go to the main menu


Yep, Storm is right. Those tables are no longer available. :/ Have you tried any others?


Still trying but everything else seems to work in PBFX3. 

Also ..it seems all tables I try and load up from PBFX2 now only go to the main menu. I have read that the command line loading of tables was removed for some reason in PBFX2 ..that true, and why if it is?



Thanks Fulltilt. It was a path problem. I had:

9/29/2017:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX3\steam.exe -applaunch 442120 "-table_"MARVEL_Ant-Man"

I must have changed it jacking the settings around.

I re-pointed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam and I can launch tables now.

Out to the garage to rebuild my cab top.....

  • Like 1

I've seen a small bug.

When doing the direct opening of the table from PinballX, the backglass goes black, we can leave the table to the main menu, then Pinball FX3 load the backglass and run it again.

2 hours ago, PcTeknic said:

I've seen a small bug.

When doing the direct opening of the table from PinballX, the backglass goes black, we can leave the table to the main menu, then Pinball FX3 load the backglass and run it again.

What are your table settings in your pinball fx3.xml file for the backglass?

  • Thanks 1

I have my settings for FX3 exactly as shown in Fulltilts post. When I launch a table in PinballX it launches the Pinball FX3 program and I have to go through the menus to start a table. Any ideas??  Thanks.

14 minutes ago, gthax said:

I have my settings for FX3 exactly as shown in Fulltilts post. When I launch a table in PinballX it launches the Pinball FX3 program and I have to go through the menus to start a table. Any ideas??  Thanks.

Can you attach copies of your pinball fx3.xml, log.txt and pinballx.ini files please? Thanks.

  • Like 1

Tomorrow I can attach it, although they are the same as for FX2 with the exception of the app and the command line. 

Ihave also seen that the tables do not work well, if you pull them from PinballX there is as a pixel strip delayed in the middle of the playfield and the game is not 100% fluid.

However, if you play the game directly, without PinballX, it's perfect.

I do not know what the translator will have put, if there is something strange in what I have put, tell me and I try to write it in another way.


I have put the version 2.41 and after the configuration, I have edited the PinballX.ini to put -1 in "WaitFor" for FX2 and FX3


Hi, I just wanted to make it clear the in built support is designed to work with "Cabinet" support from Zen. So if no tables are selecting you likely do not have "cabinet" mode enabled.

See here:


12 hours ago, gthax said:

Here are the files. I appreciate any help.

Pinball FX3.xml



Just to make it clear, I have a pinball cabinet and cabinet mode is enabled. My FX2 tables load in PinballX fine without going to the menu. FX3 tables takes me to the menu.


41 minutes ago, Tom Speirs said:

Might be a silly question but do you have cabinet mode enabled in FX3 too?

Yes, all settings from FX2 carried over to FX3. It plays in cabinet mode when I start the game. I just have to go through the menus to start a table through PinballX.

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