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Hi there!

I'm trying to load basic gameex from a backup small hard drive I had, so I just installed it fresh, no older settings, nothing at all.

When I try to launch it, it crashes with an error of non valid characters.

My log in spanish...


11:35:52.8  13/10/2016:  Initial Emulator Load
11:35:53.0  13/10/2016:  Loading Custom Emulators
11:35:53.0  13/10/2016:  --**--
11:35:53.0  13/10/2016:  Error: Caracteres no válidos en la ruta de acceso.
11:35:53.2  13/10/2016:     en System.IO.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars(String path)
11:35:53.2  13/10/2016:     en System.IO.Path.GetFileName(String path)
11:35:53.2  13/10/2016:     en System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(String path)
11:35:53.2  13/10/2016:     en GameEx.GameEx.MainForm.dz()
11:35:53.2  13/10/2016:     en GameEx.GameEx.MainForm.a(Boolean A_0, String A_1, Boolean A_2)
11:35:53.2  13/10/2016:     en GameEx.GameEx.MainForm..ctor()
11:35:53.2  13/10/2016:  Closing database connection
11:35:53.3  13/10/2016:  Disposing Plugins
11:35:53.3  13/10/2016:  GameEx is exiting with errors
11:35:53.3  13/10/2016:  Deleting search cache
11:35:55.5  13/10/2016:  ERRORS DETECTED: EXITING
11:35:55.9  13/10/2016:  Bye


the only spanish text is the 4th line, "Error: non valid characters on access path"

verified the setup with the setup wizard, and the only invalid paths reported are from default setups that I don't use (videos, jukebox, daphne...) all of them disabled.

what can it be?


HI, can you attach a complete copy of your log.txt and gameex.ini file in reply to this thread please?  Thanks!


It's currently applying snes content pack,  I'll contar and create a new log file to attach.  It doesn't matter if path files have spaces on them right?  When I added custom emulators gameex suggested and created folders with spaces on their names for roms and assets

  On 10/13/2016 at 12:27 PM, Tom Speirs said:

Hi Helpman,

It shouldn't crash like that but I am pretty sure it will be down to a bad path somewhere.


Which is why we need to see a copy of the gameex.ini file to view the paths. ;)


Thank god for that! God knows why I was recommending the gameex.ini file when it's obviously the gameex.ini file that's needed. Please ignore my previous advice, helpman and post the gameex.ini file instead...

(one cannot over-labour an over laboured gag by its very definition. Just hope helpman forgives you all for not taking his post seriously - whereas I am the epitome of sensibility and sincerity)


LOL anticipation? :D

I just took a peek on the gameex.ini file... I see on the last build that Tom left his personal settings there :D




Anyway, here is it. Weird thing is that it's a clean install, so I don't know where those invalid characters might come from :?

GameEx.iniFetching info...


Your Emulator 1 ("Nintendo NES") has some weird asset paths. E.g:

ManualPath=G:\resources\Nintendo NES GameEx System Pack\MEDIA\Nintendo NES\\-Matched-\Manual
(line 1416 for anyone else looking)

Not sure, but it might be the double "\" - try checking these in setup wizard. 



I'v run it through the translator for the obfuscation and it can't find the routine you have. It might be on my end but you didn't post the whole log so I can't know. Please do that.

PS: Joking aside but its a good example of the time that can be saved when folks post the ini and log immediately when posting an issue.

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Checked, deleted the double slashes... no errors about it on the verify option on setupwizard (besides missing paths for inactive emulators like daphne and some media folders which I don't use and are disabled too)... aaaand same error when loading gameex

sorry for not posting the full file on the first post :D I just checked the ini and couldn't find the error either...




I tried your ini here and it works for me. Looking at the code it might be failing trying to get the temporary folder in windows which would mean your windows install may be a little screwey.

What do you get if you put the following into the windows explorer address bar?





%Temp% = C:\Users\arcade\AppData\Local\Temp

and that's the file.


I don't know what could be the problem. maybe something with my computer being in spanish? something with spanish names or something like that? I mean the error is the ONLY line on the log that is written in spanish :?


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