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Connection problem to gameex.info


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Had anyone ever had trouble connecting to gameex.info specifically? Seems tied to my router, Internet service.  Direct IP address won't work.  Any machine through that router won't work.  Using my cell for this.  Works fine on cellular connection.  If I switch cell to router wi fi it won't connect.  Gameex.com is fine gameex.info is not.

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Aw man, didn't we block this guy back in 2013?!?!?!    I'm kidding. I'm kidding. It's a joke (and probably a bad one at that...yeah, bad Red, bad).   ;)

More often than not when you cannot get to a site you know is active, something between your PC and the site is blocking you. It rarely is the site itself unless sometime in the past you were a naughty boy/girl and they decided to block the IP address you are using. Here are some suggestions to consider starting from the PC side:

  • If your PC is running anti-virus or other security software, check to see if it has a function to block access to sites and see if gameex.info is on it.
  • As a test, bypass the router by plugging a PC directly into the modem and reboot the PC. See if you can connect. If you can connect, check your router to see if access to the site is being blocked there or set it back to factory and set it up again. If you cannot connect, it probably isn't something on the router.
  • On the off-chance your IP Address is blocked somewhere along the path, release and renew the IP Address of the modem so it will aquire a new address. Most routers allow you to do this from within their GUI if you have it connected or you can do it from the PC if it is plugged directly. Sometimes you have to release/renew several times before a new IP is assigned. If you are not sure how to do this or if it is being stubborn, your ISP is usually willing to help you.
  • Contact your ISP and ask them to help you troubleshoot it.
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I addition to RedDog's excellent advice, I'd recommend you consider looking at your DNS as a possible cause.  Many of the big providers; at least here in the states, Comcast, TimeWarner and Charter for example, don't have the most robust DNS.  Most of the time  they are okay, but I typically use Google and OpenDNS servers, and manually input them into my router or network interface card settings.




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