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The Day That Never Comes


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They're too busy raking in the doh from steam to be bothered with the idea of developing a real game again. Half-life may have been their cash cow to start with, but it was trampled to death. Another casualty of mobile apps, the bane of real gaming. I think the loss of the sole writer of half-life tells you all you need to know. Hl3 is dead.

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I played Half-Life.. Loved it.  Played Half-Life 2, enjoyed it but not as much as the first one.. got too confusing.  Then they started coming out with these "Episodes".  My purchase of HL2 gave me the first Episode free.  That was the extent of my play.  I moved on and never really came back to Half-Life 2.  The new render engine was awesome to play Counter-Strike Source in, but aside from that.. I moved on.  I always wanted to go back and play it again with the latest episodes.  Not even sure where it left off.  I didn't read that whole article.  Just enough to see it was about Half-Life and and the fact that 3 is kinda gone.  It's a real shame.  Why spend all that time and money writing a great script to get you into a game and have feelings for characters, then cut them out with a cliff hanger ending with you expecting more?  That's why I hate today's TV.  A show can get cancelled any time, and the FANS are the one's who suffer.  Fringe, Star Trek Enterprise, and Firefly are all examples of this.  Sure, sci-fi doesn't fit well in today's society.. but there are enough people at Comic-Con each year to bring in enough money for them to at least finish the series on a different network.  Look at Stargate... It lasted a few years on Showtime, then SyFy picked it up and it did GREAT.. so well in fact they're wanting to reboot the movie with a sequel, regardless of the fact there is like 15 years of post-movie content already out for it.  Sort of like they did with Star Trek.. to hell with the fact that they rebooted the franchise, destroyed a main character's home planet and rewrote the timeline, and ignored the pre-existing continuity.  Some of these guys just don't get it.

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They don't want to fit into that universe and add to it without disrupting it. They want to do their own thing without being bothered by fans who say, "in episode # (something) Kirk said (something) that makes your whole premise ridiculous."  I get it, With as many movies and tv episodes star trek has enjoyed, there is very little room for creative ingenuity...unless we set our new movies in a different timeline! Anything that would have happened, had Nero not disrupted the timeline, simply won't now. That should shut up star trek fan! In case you're wondering...this is science fiction for "I don't give a $h!t."

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