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[ATTN TOM] Pinball Arcade GUI Change


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HI Tom - I will attempt to give this a try. Other than popping in here and there to check out the forums I haven't had time for much else. Thanks for responding to the issue.

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22 hours ago, Tom Speirs said:

Thanks. The video helps tremendously. I "think" from that I can nail down where it is overshooting.

Here is another one to try. If it does anything differently another video would really help.



PS: If I can get it working for everyone I will try to optimize the long delays.



Righto Tom,

As I was stuck in due to the rain I've managed to give the new file a run out, the only hiccup was that steam updated Pinball Arcade so I had to revert to the earlier 1.52.8 version so we are not dealing with a moving target. Here are the results.

Note: 'WaitFor' is set to '0' in the [Pinball Arcade] section of PinballX.ini


Random selection of Addams Family, I believe related to the error below: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ao6k3CIlgOqjm819AF-wzNPhfU3HaA

Correct selection of tables only providing they are on screen and scrolling is not required to reach them, otherwise the selection is incorrect by one step too far down, the extra step seems to happen as the cursor moves down onto the table selections: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ao6k3CIlgOqjm81-QgpZoTIgAP-ZZA


Works!: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ao6k3CIlgOqjm81__FZEB_sjB1tASw


Not working, the selection is incorrect by one step too far down, the extra step seems to happen as the cursor moves down onto the table selections: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ao6k3CIlgOqjm84AAcLbseeAZOpXMA


Not working, the selection is incorrect by two steps too far down, again the extra steps seem to happen as the cursor moves down onto the table selections: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ao6k3CIlgOqjm84BfnzESlwHDfR6Ug

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Hi Tom,


I'm working away until Sunday but I gave it a quick spin before I left. Unfortunately it seemed to start sending the key presses too quickly after the first click on the opening screen so the last game panel gets clicked and then after a short while PinballX crashes with a error.


I tried replacing the latest version with the previous .exe but the same thing carried on happening? Is there a PinballX entry other than the .ini, say in the appdata folder that could have been changed by the latest version? If not I need to restore back to one of the saves.



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I tested a little last night and as with the previous test versions, I hear the sound of key presses in the background, but cannot get past the initial start screen prior to the menus. Not sure why I can't even get as far in failing as others.

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27 minutes ago, Draco1962 said:

I can't provide a video unfortunately. Not sure it will help because the screen doesn't ever change from the initial Pinball Arcade start screen.


Maybe you have it setup as an external system rather than the specific. Could you post your latest ini and I will load it in the setupwizard here.




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I'll rebuild things when I'm back Sunday evening and shoot a video for you Tom. Re my post above could you confirm that none of the config files are changed by swapping the .exe please.


Draco, apologies in advance of you've already tried this but have you tried going into the TPA set up app and swapping the windowed/full screen windowed/ full screen setting? It makes quite a difference on my set up?

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1 hour ago, Tom Speirs said:

Did you see what I said about running as Administrator? If you don't what you described is exactly what will happen.


Yes. Have been running as Administrator all along. This has not changed since I first installed the program.

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PinballX is set to run as administrator under the Compatibility tab for the application Properties. I have also done the right-click - Run as Administrator. Same results.

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48 minutes ago, Draco1962 said:

PinballX is set to run as administrator under the Compatibility tab for the application Properties. I have also done the right-click - Run as Administrator. Same results.

Just a thought but the other thing that may be worth trying is ticking the Disable desktop composition' box under the same tab Draco. That was the only way I could get Zaccaria Pinball to recognise the .ahk I made to automate the start up to menu for that game. If not it just sat there, I could hear the clicks but they made no impact on that program.

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OK, I am actually making very positive progress but have discovered another issue. First, let me say that by changing to Medium delay it is now working and changing the settings in TPA to Fullscreen Windowed. YAY!


Here is the big BUT...




The issue I am running into at present is that the table listing under A-Z does not fit my .xml because of two recent additions to the tables that they have inserted that I do not have. This offsets the selection by 1 or more tables, depending upon where FarSight has the tables in the list.


The integrated support would probably work better with the current UI if it selected the list from My Tables instead of A-Z so that it only picks up tables the user has actually purchased.

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The new UI is awful, if they were trying to prevent cab owners running TPA they could not have done a better job of it. I've locked the build by blocking steam updates to TPA in the firewall rules just to stop the UI expansion of tables, every one they add makes for a painful .xml update to keep the cohesion of the interface. If only we could call the tables directly everything would be fine as the community have solved everything else, nut every update breaks TPAFreeCamMod too.

I get that the legions of Android players are far more important to the programmers for income but the wider pinball community have also supported the game and kept it front of mind and they would do well to look at the example set by PinballFX2 and Zaccaria Pinball....

......sorry rant over.

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Hi guys

I am new to this topic and it does not work at all for me.

Maybe someone can answer some basic questions.

- Does it work with the CURRENT version of Pinball Arcade on Steam? Or do I really need an old version?

- Does this send mouse inputs to the game or keyboard presses?
- If it is keyboard, does it require specific keys defined in Pinball Arcade for the directions and select?


My Problem is it always jumps to the recently played pinball and starts it. It will never go to the grid view.

Any advice?

If it helps I can record a video.

Thank you



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Have you tried the file that Tom provided and tested the different delays? 

I recommend using the latest Steam version. 

Tom will probably continue working this issue and will probably look into changing the inputs to select from My Tables instead of the A-Z menu option as the latter includes all tables while the former is only the tables that the user has purchased and aligns the grid with the user's pinball arcade.xml files.

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I have tried both,

I have tried the "official" newest release of pinballx.exe

With it, it goes past the Start Screen and then selects the recently played table and starts it.

If I take the newest "beta" posted above, it does not even go over the start screen.

I have also tried different timings but always the same result, it does nothing or starts the recently played one.

As posted above by Mace i have set Waitfor to 0.

And I am running in windowed fullscreen.

There was also no difference between running as admin and running as regular user.


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