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Fifth 'Indiana Jones' Movie


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I always want to replace the "s" with "zzzz"....

"Dizzzzney" - it always sounds more contemptuous. They're just a corporation really aren't they - riding off a talented artist and innovator's name. 

Always feels a sad day when Disney swallows something (Pixar, Star Wars). It's like the ticking of a clock...

Beware Tom - when Disney offers to buy you out, GameEx will have seen its day...

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Heh ... you guys are talking like Legend of the Crystal Kingdom isn't an actual thing that happened.  I say more power to them!  It's not like they can do any more damage to the franchise ... and with any luck it might help to redeem it (if only ever so slightly).  :)

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I'm kinda "eeeeeh" about it.  I mean, yeah, I want to see a new Indiana Jones movie.  But Harrison Ford?  Yeah, he IS Indiana Jones.. but can he really pull off a good movie?  He's getting kinda old.  The last Indy movie kinda stank.. like a lot.  And I'm not just talking about Shia either.  The story idea had potential.  The acting was just horrid.  There was unnecessary humor where it didn't need to be, the lines were drier than a desert, and the use of CGI practically killed all sense of reality the previous 3 films had going for them.  To do a new movie any kind of justice, all of these things need fixed.. NO CGI (or very minimal like Star Wars 7's use of real puppetry, none of that killer ants eating a human body like they're acid or something [i'm pretty sure acid isn't even that fast]), NO COMEDY (except for maybe some adult humor that only grown ups might get, no jumping in a fridge to avoid a nuke), NO DRY ACTING (more emotion, like in Temple of Doom!), NO SHIA (ok fine, it's in the canon he's the son, but that ship sailed...), maybe bring back Sean Connery?  I mean, both father and son there DID drink from the Holy Cup, so he should still be alive.  They need to have a story where NAZI's are the bad guys, not a crystal skull (sure, there was a NAZI in that movie, but her part was hardly necessary).  How about an Indy story with something to do with Leonardo DaVinci (I'll admit, I've never seen The DaVinci Code).  Or maybe Indy retires on some uncharted tropical island which turns out to be the location where Amelia Earhart crashed and he discovers her wreckage and a story unfolds about NAZI involvement (I think her story takes place before Hitler though (disappeared 1937, Hitler/WW2 was 1939-45, so they couldn't do a live interaction between Indy and her, but they could do opening credit footage of her flight and crash, then pan out to show Indy on the same island.. Oooh that's getting good!).

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Hah, that uncharted island scenario is a good one.

IMO nothing touches the first one, but they progressively had more and more unbelievable scenes as the series continued.  Even though the others all pale in comparison to the ROTLA, I still liked the first trilogy, and was stoked for the last one, but we all know how "out there" that one was.  I'll hold out hopes that Disney will put out a flick that is somewhat redeeming for the series.  As much as I hate to say it, the magic Harrison Ford brought to Han and Indy just isn't there anymore. 

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On 3/16/2016 at 10:19 AM, nullPointer said:

Heh ... you guys are talking like Legend of the Crystal Kingdom isn't an actual thing that happened.  I say more power to them!  It's not like they can do any more damage to the franchise ... and with any luck it might help to redeem it (if only ever so slightly).  :)

I have to agree. Ok, I get the intrigue, however novel, of ancient astronaut theory and aliens on the moon, but in keeping with the old guy next door's logic, HEY YOU KIDS GET OFF MY (Insert "Indiana Jones Franchise")! Bring it back to earth and write a story about archaeology. Oh, what? Not aliens? Excuse me, they were "interdimensional beings." Like that makes it any less absurd!

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I think that's why a story like Amelia Earhart would work.  About the only other thing they could do that would fit that time frame would be make something completely up.  I mean, they did the Cup of Christ and Ark of the Covenant. Maybe another Biblical treasure, or they could Atlantis or something.  Or maybe he could find whats on Oak Island.  :)

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I'd like to see them come up with something Stargate hasn't already done. A tough task, I know, but I must believe there is still room for imagination in Science fiction. I think they did Amelia Earhart, obviously they did Atlantis, they even did crystal skulls. I like the Oak island idea, actually I thought that could be the premise for the 3rd National Treasure Movie, but what treasure could live up to Nick Cage's ad-lib ("Life changing" or something like that), I don't know. Apparently that's the problem the writers are having too.


My show hole for syfy was deep after Stargate SG-1. I felt like everything had been done and that everything after that would be derivative. That one was like falling hard for someone you can't be with, it sucks.  I just bought the series and imported into Kodi (my first time with XBMC), way cooler than WMC! Now I'm reliving SG-1, Netflix be damned for dropping stargate. I waited and waited. I got tired of waiting and finally bought the series. Now I can watch it whenever I want without fear of contractual agreements!

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On 3/25/2016 at 8:30 PM, tthurman said:

Interesting, to me Stargate started and ended with the movie, which is one of my favorite flicks btw

That's how I used to feel.


Once upon a time when there existed video rental stores, I was paroozing the isles when I came across a shiny new VHS of Stargate SG-1:lol:. Thinking it was a sequel to the original, with full movie production and cast as the original, I was excited to watch it. Needless to say my illusions were shattered when I realized it was a TV series, with a different cast. Not the sequel I thought I had rented. This has happened before with the sequels to Starship Troopers, Tremors, and many others. If you weren't expecting this, then you will be disappointed. I was and it kept me away from the series for something like 10 years. I had an aversion to it having been alienated by this experience.

Quite a few years back when I got Netflix I decided to give it another shot, since I had exhausted most of the other Science Fiction franchises available to sream (Dam, Firefly would have been an awesome series had it continued). I quickly saw I was simply a victim of my own expectations. Taken for what it is (a TV series), Stargate SG-1 was exceptional. I just had to overcome my bias from a bad experience.

I shall hijack this thread no more. Sorry OP

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Stargate SG-1, if given the time to watch by anybody who's into the genre, is one of those shows that really took advantage of being televised.  When you look at it, the movie was awesome for it's time.  It opened a whole new idea of what the pyramids could have been used for, the idea of the "Gods" truly existing as flesh (although with robotic masks), and just the premise of being able to travel vast distances through a gate was epic.  Then came the show.  It could have been cancelled right away.  But the network execs gave it a chance, it blossomed, and I think is actually BETTER than the movie.  Sure the movie was big budget, mostly paying for actor's wages and special effects.  But when you look at the show, they were able to go different planets all the time, and more fully develop the whole "gods are actually aliens" bit.  Then because it's a drama series too, you could build better characters and have more emotional attachments to them.  I was sad when it was cancelled.  But when Atlantis was still going strong, it was just as good.  A new cast, more like a "Deep Space Nine" type show where the action happened THERE rather than going out looking for it (although SG-1 became more of a protect Earth type show later).  What I was really shocked for was the cancellation of SG-U.  They didn't give it the chance they gave SG-1.  I think it had the potential to be even greater than the other 2.  Here we have a story that involved a derelict ship, out in the middle of who knows where, that is crewed by people that don't know how to use it that shouldn't even be there.  The discovery of using 9 points on the gate and an alien attack caused the people to jump through the gate to escape death.  Then once they get there, they find a device that allows them to switch bodies with people back on Earth, so people can "stay in contact".  They're looking for a power supply to get home (like ST. Voyager).  But somebody on board doesn't WANT them too and has a secret agenda.  What stunk on the show was the poor casting with people that couldn't act.  The story was good, a typical sci-fi idea.  I just felt like it wasn't given the opportunity to run a decent story like SG-1 did (hell, SG-1 spawned 3 tv movies..).

Anyway, don't get me started on SG-1 (and Stargate in general).  I own the DVD's of the entire run from all 3 shows.  It's a great bit of sci-fi.  But like I said, only if given the chance to be watched.  Sure it's recasted, but honestly.. I think the new cast was better anyway (except for the control room guy, he was in every episode and even the movies, and was the only person not recast although I don't think he had a name until nearly the end of the series).

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Thanks guys, I didn't know what I was missing it would seem.  Growing up with RDA playing MacGyver followed by a later time when I really wasn't much into TV shows (much like today even) I never gave SG-1 much more than a "pass on by" when I caught it while flipping channels.  When I did catch it you can bet it was mid-way in, and so I just keep surfing.  I'll keep an eye out for a dvd collection.

I enjoyed Firefly BTW, shame they let it go so quickly!

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I just picked up all 10 seasons of SG-1 for about $70 on amazon. You can get each season for less than 10. The box sets cost more than the individual seasons. Alternatively, if you have amazon prime you can stream it since they have a deal with MGM (Netflix lost out). If your a Sify fan and enjoyed Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Babylon 5, Doctor Who, and etc., you will be kicking yourself for missing Stargate. Honestly, I think it's responsible for creating a receptive audience for the History Channels Ancient Aliens. It's crazy how influential Stargate has been on the Genra, perhaps just behind star trek (but way cooler to admit fandom of).

I should say, Stargate is by far my favorite Television Sify franchise. I think it rivals Star Wars for me in overall science fiction, but that is apples to oranges. They are great in their own respect and I have a hard time pining myself down to one or the other.

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