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Hey there,

I'm adding arcade systems to my pinball cab to play vertical games on the the big tv screen.

I'm running into a strange issue when trying to run the Demul emulator (for Sega Naomi).

I'm starting games by running AutoHotkey scripts that in turn start the emulator.

Everything is working perfectly. Stange this is, I'm getting no sound when starting from PinballX. When I use the exact same AutoHotkey scripts outside of PinballX, changing nothing, the sound is there.

Anyone any idea why this would happen only when starting from PinballX?


Not sure if this is something that will be addressed officially by Tom, but you may want to provide copies of your pinballx,ini, log.txt (right after the issue occurs), and your .xml files for this setup. I am sure that someone may try to take a stab at it.


That's a good point, thanks.

I attached my PinballX.ini and log.txt

As you can see I'm calling an AutoHotkey script "start.exe" that in turn calls another AutoHotkey script that starts the game. This construction is needed, because Demul needs the romname without file extension in it's command line call and PinballX doesn't have an option for passing that to the command line. The second script also does some other stuff like setup an ESC key and hiding the mouse pointer.

As you can see in the log, PinballX throws up an error and crashes in the background while the game starts up correctly. The game then doesn't have any sound, strangely. The windows sound is still on, because I can hear the bleep when I disconnect an USB device for example. When I start the second script outside of PinballX, sound works fine. When I run "start.exe ikaruga" from a command line outside of PinballX, it works as well.

This is the first script (start.ahk/exe)

#NoEnvTable = %1%Run, C:\Demul\proxys\%Table%.exeWinWaitActive, DemulExitApp

This is the second script for the rom ikaruga (one script per game/rom)

#NoEnvRun, C:\Demul\demul.exe -run=naomi -rom=ikarugaSleep 5000MouseMove 9999,9999,0$e::{Process, Close, demul.exeExitAppreturn}



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