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Battle Damage - Unofficial Star Wars Hype Thread


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I think he could handle the womanizer and smuggler role quite easily. His role in "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" is what made me think of him. It'd be a shame if they didn't take a look at him, he's more than capable of the role (having done Antwone Fisher).

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I had 4 Ralph McQuarrie posters hanging in my room for years (Docking Bay 94, The Trench Run (camera behind Luke), Hoth Battle (with the tow cable), and the light saber battle with Darth and Han Solo (yep, he's wearing a breathing mask, but it's him he has a gun and blood stripe pants...), before I learned the value of proper mounting.  The first was just thumb-tacked in place, and the other 3 were just taped.  I was an ignorant kid.  Had I known, I would have framed them.  Even posters are valuable to some people.  I even had a "Revenge of the Jedi" marquee poster from a legit theater my uncle gave me for Christmas one year because he knew I liked Star Wars.  It was rolled up and inside a cardboard tube.  I only took it out once to look at it.  Shame it was destroyed in the "fire".  I lost so much stuff.  That marquee poster has got to be worth a LOT since they changed the name to "Return of the Jedi".  Now that I think about it, I also had the 3 VHS box cover posters hanging over my bed, and the Return of the Jedi poster was the one with the color error in the light sabers (where Darth's was green and Luke's was red).  Nobody recognized the importance of it till I pointed it out to them.  And I had 3 posters (still shrink wrapped) in a trashbag in the basement that got all molded from the fire suppression that were Mosaics.. each poster was scene and if you got up close you would see it was a whole bunch of cut up frames from their respected movies.  I remember Darth Vader and Yoda, but can't remember the other one.  GRRRRRR.

EDIT... Here's those:

And here's the best photo I can find on the internet of the Return of the Jedi poster with the wrong color light sabers:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Seen it... like a month or so ago.

I have a feeling Saw Gerrera doesn't make it through this movie..  lol!

I also don't have the chills I get like when I see the 2nd trailer for Force Awakens.  I dunno, I just don't "feel" it.. ya know?

Check these out for what I mean!

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I was mainly posting this because I was on vacation when it released on 10-13-16.  More or less trying to keep things on somewhat of a timeline than anything else.

I dunno, to me this movie looks more promising than TFA (now that I've seen it).  It doesn't have anything to live up to; character wise, but still has the story line.

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This article over at screenrant sort of touches on what I'm getting at.


Many viewers will be pleased to hear that there are some twists and turns in store for Rogue One. A common criticism of last year’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens (even from those who thoroughly enjoyed it) was that the movie stuck a little too close to the story beats of the original trilogy films.

We shall soon see :)

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I agree to a point.  I was so super amped to see The Force Awakens.  I got chills with their trailer.  Then I stood in line waiting for the theater to be cleaned the 2nd day, for 45 minutes.  Then I watched the movie.  Saw a couple of nods to some previous movie events, then the whole "made for children" stuff started creeping in like the Rathars.  Then the movie started going downhill.  By the time I left the theater, I was pretty pissed it was just a reboot using pretty much the same story as the first one, just remixed.  Rogue One, however, is a completely different beast.  This will be a movie taking place prior to A New Hope, but after Revenge of the Sith.  So the Empire is in full swing.  The rebels are struggling.  There is so much uncertainty happening in their universe.  Now the story is fleshing out that there is a rebel whose father is majorly important to the creation of the Death Star, and they recruit her to go undercover to stop her father and find a way to destroy it.  It doesn't look like a spy movie, but it definitely could have been written that way (James Bond in space (and yes, I know that was done - Moonraker)).  Since none of the characters seen (so far) in the trailers (besides Mon Mothma and Darth Vader) exist in any part of the timeline after this movie, it allows the creators to drop made up characters in place, and kill them if need be for more impact.  The only problem I see with this tactic though is character development.  Is the movie going to be long enough and written well enough that you have a sense of care for them?  Or are we just going to go in knowing everybody can die (think George R.R. Martin), and possibly see a droid be the hand off to get the plans to Princess Leia?  The only thing we know for sure is that the Empire is building a Death Star, and somehow plans get "leaked" to the Rebellion.  Only time will tell.

I gotta ask though, when we add this move to our collections, where are you going to place it?  :) I mean, does it belong in line with 1, 2, 3, R1, 4, 5, 6, 7 or should R1 and the next movies (Young Han Solo, etc) be split to a different shelf?  I have my Clone Wars DVD's (Gennedy Tartakovsky's) and BluRay's (Dave Filoni's) separated even though they could easily go between 2 and 3, and the new Rebels show could go between 3 and 4 with R1 after that.

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3 hours ago, hansolo77 said:

I gotta ask though, when we add this move to our collections, where are you going to place it? 

haha, good question!

To me The Force Awakens did manage to pull the franchise out of the nose dive the prequels masterfully sustained. Then again it wasn't anything super special either.  

If Rogue One doesn't change the consistent below average to average run of releases that the prequels and The Force Awakens have been able to muster up, then I'll start waiting for all of these to come out on Blu Ray, if at all.

The main accomplishment of the last four Star Wars releases has been to show how really good the original trilogy was, while at the same time sort of tarnishing the entire franchise, IMO.


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For me the prequel trilogy was difficult to watch in most of e1 and some of e2, but I actually don't mind e3. That one I actually want to watch again in a star wars marathon. I would defiantly put Rouge One before e4. E4 itself was the most self contained story and blew open the Scify genra to the masses, but I actually find the acting lacking at times. It's not a perfect movie, but one that we love so much we forgive its faults and don't hold them against it (It's the same with people we love, at least it's supposed to be). It's hard to follow that.kind of success, but for me at least, e5 was the best sequel in movie history. Empire is easily my favorite of them all (I love Hoth). The acting picked up and the cast really hit a grove that, combined with possibly the greatest movie cliffhanger, propelled them into e6. Now IMO e6 was the weaker than e3. E7 actually holds it's own, but as mentioned before it caters to a younger generation than the generation e4, e5, & e6 hooked. That may not fly with the die hards, but when you really think about it, the jovial elements and comedic relief were always in star wars to appeal to kids and adults. Your just the adult now, not the kid. I think that shift is responsible for the change in our perception of where these new movies rank, at least as much as the actual content is (excluding e1 & e2, they actually cater too much to the kids. I don't feel embarrassed to have liked R2-D2 as a kid now that I'm and adult, but I would if I liked Jar-Jar. The writing defiantly missed big with that character, but it's hard to gauge that kind of thing beforehand. It's kinda like pokemon, I'm ashamed to admit I collected them as a kid now that I'm an adult. To a lesser extent I even feel that way about Star Trek, and I still like it).

IDK, If you step back and marathon the movies thus far, then think about the movies still to come, I think there is more than enough to keep you excited. And frankly, taken holistically, Star wars (even with the sappy e1 and difficult to watch coming of age e2) is still my favorite science fiction screenplay series (includes TV franchises, edging out even Stargate and BSG).

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22 minutes ago, RIP-Felix said:

I actually find the acting lacking at times

Compared to Haydn Christensen and Natalie Portman in the prequels, the acting in "Star Wars" was exceptional.  This is of course my opinion, but the acting in all of these post original trilogy movies has nearly been reason enough to never release them.  Rogue One is already hinting at more of the same.  It's almost like "look, I'm finally in a Star Wars movie", and then they forget how to act.

I found episode 1 extremely disappointing, but after sitting through the rest of them, the pod race and Darth Maul trumped anything the next two did.  I remember being so disappointed with Revenge of the Sith, after all the rave reviews. More stiff acting, insert big battle scene, stiff acting, big battle scene....oh, oh, there's Darth Vader :rolleyes:  

Great CGI, decent story, all blown by atrocious acting.


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Manage your expectations. I'm hoping the acting improves in episode 8, like it did in episode 5, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm more interested to see what drove Kylo to betray his family. Rogue One looks to be interesting, beacuse we already know it's going to be a gritty tale of heroism. Plus it might fill in som gaps and hint at episode 8, so there's the potential to add fuel the the speculation out there. I always like to speculate. As for the acting, who knows.

I agree though, the acting in the prequel trilogy was...um...from a different school of drama than the originals (to put it euphemistically). It's really only 3 I can actually watch without cringing most of the way through.

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I still think Natalie Portman and Ewan McGreggor did an excellent job with their roles.  Hayden Christiansen was probably the worst casting decision EVER.  That guy can't act.  He ruined the best character there ever was.  Casting is everything.  I'll tell you what though.. if all you wanted was somebody to look like a child who wines and argues about not getting his way.. he did a pretty ok job of that.  If you want to cringe for him, you got it.  But feeling tied to his character and wanting to see what happens?  Nope, I'd have been happier if he died in the podrace, and that Rodian buddy of his turned into Darth Vader.  At least he was played by a real actor (Warwick Davis)!

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There was a contest at my local (literally 2 blocks away) casino to win one of these.  I entered, but haven't heard back.  Either I lost, or the drawing hasn't happened yet.  It would be awesome if I won though, cause I'm desperate for a car!

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