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I wonder if it's the same mod that's been around for a couple of years now? Maybe my memory is warped but i think the one i'm thinking of looked even better. Still, any excuse to revisit this is a good one! Half-Life franchise is one of my all-time faves. I've played the original all the way through probably 10 times :P

I may download this and go chevo hunting - might even make me finish EP2 ^_^

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I'm a sci-fi enthusiast and the Half-Life games are amongst the best games I have ever played.

The atmosphere Valve has created in these games is simply amazing...imho only matched once by Mass Effect (1 and 2).

I'm still eagerly waiting for Half-Life 2 - EP 3 or Half-Life 3 of course....

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Love half-life + I was really interested in the vid, until I got there and it was like laod..pause..load...pause. Spoiled it totally. Sure I've had that before on the steam site. Common issue?

For me it happens with every single Steam vid on both browser version (FF) and the client itself. Maybe the vids are all on one server about 10,000 miles away from UK :huh: You can probs find the vid on youtube though, which always works for me (even on 1080p).

EDIT - Here you go (not official, from IGN):


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Nice one - especially liked the comparison vid. I remember playing this years ago - I got stuck at the bleedin helicopter. Think I ran out of any major weaponry - having to take it out with a pistol or something. At which point, I did one...

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I got stuck at the bleedin helicopter. Think I ran out of any major weaponry - having to take it out with a pistol or something. At which point, I did one...

You mean when it's chasing you through the open streets/roads? Yeah that's a tough bit on your first try. Using the cover is a good move although it gets destroyed pretty quick (your cover ie the car wrecks) so gotta be on your toes :) If i remember right, you can actually just leg it (when it circles back) and the copter will back off when you reach a certain point - but as i've disclaimed many a time - my memory is useless :P

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