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Thin table display issue


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Actually I wouldn't mind an answer on this one as my cab is sandwiched between two other pinball tables and having the pc display in landscape is a royal pain, but as devorin points out if I rotate my desktop to face the lock down bar and change the Pinballx settings from 270 to horizontal everything works other than the table images and I cant for the life of me see when the are sized to match my 1080p screen why they show as thin. It's not the driver as the table manufacturer still shows happily in the corner as does the menu - just the playfield images.

I'm sure I'm probably doing something basic in error so if anyone would like to help by showing me to be daft please fire away...

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Not sure I follow the problem.....are you saying that when you rotate the display the tables are not full screen?

Did you try my settings in the user guide? I'm running 1920x1080 on my cab.


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So far, and I have no idea why this isn't build into pinballx when it's widely used in cabinets, but pinballx doesn't want to run in vertical mode if you have your desktop as portrait.

I got mine working after a lot of work by manually editing my pinballx Config file. I couldn't do it within pinballx setup. The images would always show up squished sideways so they were thin.

It's a bug imho. Not sure why you'd want to run a cab in landscape.

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Hi Zeenon, nope I'm saying when I rotate my windows desktop to portrait AND rotate the PinballX menu to display correctly in this setting everything is fine apart from the table images in the PinballX menu which as I described are half width.

Thanks frodus, yep I've been at this all day it certainly looks to be a bug, Do you recall which line you changed in the config fil?e

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I flipped my screen to portrait in Windows and that made my new resolution 1080x1920 and I set that as the resolution within the ini file. Also helps so I don't have to do weird flipping within nukepa and nukelauncher. I had to rotate all my table images. I haven't flipped all of my table videos yet.

attached my pinballx.ini


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Face it. VP and FP work in landscape because most of the installed base run in desktop mode. Historically there was only desktop. It was that way for years and years. If you want to have Windows in portrait outside of PinballX then you can run a little script or bat file to rotate to landscape at launch and another little script to rotate back to portrait upon exit. There are settings in the wizard that allow you to do this easily. Far faster to do it this way than to rotate all your media.

TPA is the only one that requires a portrait configuration. You run a little script to rotate your screen when you launch TPA and rotate your screen back to landscape when you close TPA.

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Thanks all, fixed now thanks to the ini and the fact I already run a script to kill windows explorer when PinballX starts and restart so a quick hack and slash and it was done.

Frodus, not sure of the odd on this but the last table we both played was the same :-)

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Face it. VP and FP work in landscape because most of the installed base run in desktop mode. Historically there was only desktop. It was that way for years and years. If you want to have Windows in portrait outside of PinballX then you can run a little script or bat file to rotate to landscape at launch and another little script to rotate back to portrait upon exit. There are settings in the wizard that allow you to do this easily. Far faster to do it this way than to rotate all your media.

TPA is the only one that requires a portrait configuration. You run a little script to rotate your screen when you launch TPA and rotate your screen back to landscape when you close TPA.

If I understand you correctly, the OP and others with this issue are actually fighting against the display rendering of the underlying applications (i.e. VP and FP) and not PinballX proper, so not a bug in PinballX as originally assumed.

Thanks for your clarification and assistance!

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Draco and Carny,

Granted, a large portion of the user base is desktop, but many users of pinballx use the main screen in portrait mode for their pinball cabinet. My desktop is in Portrait so I don't have to rotate my head sideways when navigating my desktop or constantly have to rotate the display with a key-press. I just run everything in portrait. Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with what application I'm launching, as I can get all of my games to launch and run in portrait mode without having issues.

This issue is this: Within pinballx setup, there's an option to run horizontal, 90 or 270. When I set windows7 desktop to portrait, and in pinballx I set to horizontal, pinballx doesn't render any of the table images as expected, they're squished sideways. The same thing happens with videos. I would expect that if I set to portrait within Windows7, that pinballx would render all images and all videos to fit the full screen. Instead of rendering them full screen, they look like the attached image.

I CAN get around this by faking out pinballx within the ini, by rotating all of my media and setting the following:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, solved this in the end. It's to much hassel to reprogram all the pinball elements of my cabinet to have the screen vertical for when I want to use it for adding tables and so on so I decided that a rotate shortcut was the way to go. Unfortunately the Nvidea drivers do not seem to support the arrow key shortcuts that exists in Catalyt Control Cente for AMD Radeon cards but I've found a simple solution for Nvidea cards using the little Display.exe program here: http://noeld.com/programs.asp#Display

Once installed it's easy to set up a little batch file in the same folder with a shortcut on the desktop to flip the screen with a single click at will, here's the commands ( if you run display /? From a command prompt these are listed):

Download Display.

Extract the Display.exe to a location of your choice (e.g., C:\Display.exe).

Create a .txt file and place one of these line in in, they are pretty self explanatory, and save the file the rename it to something like 'rotate.txt' , then change the extension to .bat so you have a rotate.bat file containing your choice of one the following lines:

C:\Display.exe /rotate:0

C:\Display.exe /rotate:90

C:\Display.exe /rotate:180

C:\Display.exe /rotate:270

C:\Display.exe /rotate: display /device 2 /rotate (rotates screen 2 rather than the default screen 1)

C:\Display.exe /rotate:90 /toggle (my choice as each time it runs it toggles between the default rotation and rotated one)

Use the [right-click] -> New -> Shortcut dialogue to create shortcuts for the batch file and drag it to your desktop.

Now you can choose how to use the shortcut, I'm now running it in the close program section of PinballX to flip my table vertically as PinballX closes.

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I am glad that you got this sorted out for yourself and shared your "fix" for the issue you encountered. I am sure that it will be of help to others with a similar issue. The unfortunate thing is that the frontend can only do so much when it is being hamstrung by legacy programs that don't want to "play nice." Becuase there are a handful of graphics card companies, there are a multitude of GPUs and configurations that would have to be supported. Workarounds such as this are inevitable. I applaud your tenacity in finding one that worked for you!

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Thanks, I applaud all the others in the scene with more knowledge who have done so much for the rest of us.......

.....sadly She Who Must Be Obeyed does not share that opinion....

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Mine worked by doing the following (and I have a hunch this should work for everyone):

Set desktop to vertical/portrait

Edit the pinballx ini file so that the width is 1080 and the height is 1920

Set pinball x to desktop mode

Flip all of the images for the tables to vertical

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