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Pinnacle Game Profiler on Sale


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I've been curious about Pinnacle Game Profiler for a while. I'm a diehard Xpadder fan, but we have a few vocal supporters of PGP here on the forums (Krak I'm looking at you here), whose comments have piqued my interest on a few occasions. Namely I've long been interested in mapping the home button on my controller, which as you may know Xpadder does not (and likely will not ever) do.

So as luck would have it, I happened to check out the PGP web site tonight and noticed that the profiler is currently 50% off. 20 bones always seemed a bit steep to me, particularly when Xpadder had me covered, but for $10 I'm more than willing to take this profiler for a test drive. I enjoy trying new tools and integrating them into my system, so who knows, maybe PGP will become my go to controller mapping software!

At any rate I figured I'd pass it along for anyone else that was curious but like me was scared off by the price. I should note that the software is also available for free on a 20 day trial basis.

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So far I've had one huge score with it although admittedly it solved a problem that's fairly unique to my own setup. For a while now I've had Assassin's Creed II earmarked to start playing after Halloween. I use a Logitech F710 as my preferred controller. Among other things the F710 can change seamlessly between DirectInput and Xinput. At any rate, Assassin's Creed II would not recognize the controller as an Xinput device. And not only would the game not register the analogue component of the triggers, it wouldn't recognize the triggers at all. Even had that not been a huge issue, the default in-game mapping for the F710 was an absolute nightmare (and an irreconcilable one given that the R2 and L2 triggers are rather crucial to the gameplay in this game). So here I saw the perfect opportunity to put PGP through it's paces. PGP offers a larger number of pre-configured profiles, that ostensibly are supposed to auto-magically configure your controller for a given game. So I downloaded the Assassin's Creed II profile, and well ... it worked perfectly! Like beyond perfectly, I didn't have to remap anything within the game, and the triggers were even mapped as analogue inputs. So I gotta hand it to PGP, I was extremely pleased on that front.

I'm still learning the ropes of the software, and I haven't spent a lot of time with it, but so far so good. The one thing that I'm still on the fence about is that I often prefer software that is weighted towards increased user control as opposed to automation. I probably just need to work in the program some more, and it really is a small knock, particularly when everything is working the way it should (which it currently is).

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That's the one thing that consistently crops up in conversations with PGP users - modern games. And the fact that if a game is even slightly less than obscure, then there is likely a solid PGP profile already available. This i must admit entices me!

As you know, for health reasons i cannot use a KB and mouse for any lengthy period, and so i use my pad any chance i can. But there are some games out there that are a frikkin nightmare to get working with Xpadder. It's doable, but ultimately too much of a PITA :P

Two games off the top of my head that i own - Mass Effect and KOTOR. I'm a massive fan of KOTOR and completed it many times on my original Xbox, so i got giddy when i saw it on Steam. Imagine my horror when i loaded it only to find it had ZERO pad support! I was so upset i didn't even try to get it working with Xpadder. Same thing with Mass Effect although i never completed it on 360 as i borrowed it for a few days.

Hmmmm, you have piqued my interest ^_^

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  • 7 months later...

I just found out about Pinnacle Game Profiler because I'm searching for the best joystick to keyboard mapper to use. At first I came across XPadder which doesn't have a trial and owners paypal account seems to have problems now also. I looked further and there was PGP after coming across this website which contains a comparison. BTW, it contains a coupon code for 5% extra discount making it $8,99 !!! :D

It looks very promising. I tried searching on the forum here but this is about the only place I could find a conversation about it. Do you perhaps have pin profiles available for gameex itself and various emulators? Or know where I can find such?

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I took the plunge and bought Pinnacle Game Profiles. Still testing and trying out with it but I'm very impressed. I've already started with creating some custom profiles during trying out for GameEx itself as well as some emulators. When this is done I'll post them on GameEx forum.

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Thanks Draco1962, I'll be posting my first profile, which will be for GameEx, once I've finished it up there. Should be tomorrow or day after. Would be logical to start with GameEx itself :P

I've got the standard navigation covered. Now all the advanced keyboard input. So for this to work somebody would have to keep the GameEx input settings to default, disable gamepad detection and enable advanced keyboard input.

Anybody know what Paging "C key" does? That and Volume "D" don't seem to do anything.

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