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[NEWS] - Multi-Site Comp - Represent us!

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Fellow Hi-Scorers,

We need you! There has been a new cross-site competition announced and we'd like to get a team going to represent GameEx. The "Challenges" comp is still a go go, it will just be delayed for a little bit while we put some effort into proving that GameEx members have what it takes to compete on a worldwide scale.

If you want to fight our corner and represent us then just leave your details in this thread.

By the way, this comp is open to any GameEx member that wants to represent us. You don't have to meet certain criteria, you don't need to prove yourself in any way. You just gotta want to kick some ass for the sake of kicking some ass :P

I dunno bout you guys, but i feel it's about time we got noticed :)

Just reply here to show some support ;)

The following is for the "challenges comp"

Hey folks!

We've decided to go with the 'Summer Challenges' theme as it seems the right time to try something different. It will have an overall time limit and we'll most likely release all challenges (at least most of 'em) at once to give you the maximum amount of time for each. Also, it will be console only as we have plenty arcade goodness in the official comp. Real consoles and emulators will be fine for this. Don't worry about it for now though as we'll provide quick guides to setting up the most popular emu's so everyone can participate.

No other specifics have been decided yet and so we would like you to put your own stamp on it!

What challenges would you like to see? It doesn't necessarily have to be a timed run. It can be any thing you like as long as it can be accurately measured. If you know of any crazy mini-games for instance that feature a timer, a death count... a kill count, something less morbid, anything, let us 'av 'em!

Anything else you can think of that might make the comp better, just lay it down - we'll consider all options.

~The HS Team

Proposed Ideas

Mario - Level 1-1 speedrun (link)
TMNT - Dam Level speedrun (link)
Credit based All-Clears' (link)
SFIV Tourney (link)
Sonic 1 Megadrive/Genesis - Greenhill Zones (link)
Sonic 2 Megadrive/Genesis - all zones (link)
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I wouldn't mind a SFIV competition, but to be honest since SSFIV AE no longer uses GFWL and now uses Steamworks the game is kinda broken, ie. very laggy online, random freezes and out of sync sound. Please fix this Steam! :(

Oh and by the way, Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition is on sale on Steam for £3.74, well it was the last time I checked a couple of days ago.

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Also, I would like to see more console based competitions in the near future.


Super Mario Bros (Nintendo NES) Level 1-1 speedrun, basically see who can finish in the fastest time etc... Just take a screenshot when Mario hits the Flagpole.

There doesnt have to be a leaderboard for this either as its just friendly and not as fierce as the MAME comp.

I think these sort of competitions are fresh and are not as time consuming as getting hi-scores on MAME games.

What you think?

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This is just off the top of my head.

Currently all the games we play are 1 quarter entries, which is fantastic. Well what about we vote on a beatable game(TMNT, Knights of the Round, etc) with ending and all and we are allowed to use as many quarters as we need to beat the game. Whoever uses the least amount of quarters is the Summer Comp Champ.

I think it would be ideal to find a game that says how many quarters we use in the high score table(Ex: Shinobi) but I'm not sure how many games do that. So Video recording would be the next option...or the honor system.

Just a thought...

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Also, I would like to see more console based competitions in the near future.


Super Mario Bros (Nintendo NES) Level 1-1 speedrun, basically see who can finish in the fastest time etc... Just take a screenshot when Mario hits the Flagpole.

There doesnt have to be a leaderboard for this either as its just friendly and not as fierce as the MAME comp.

I think these sort of competitions are fresh and are not as time consuming as getting hi-scores on MAME games.

What you think?

Very nice idea KRC :) This was kind of the reason we started the Arena Forum > adding other platform / console games to our Hi-Score competition ;)

I'll discuss with Darren if we'll add this game as part of our Summer Comp or maybe add this as a seperate game thread to our Arena Forum.

Question > what NES-emulator do you use / recommend ?

This is just off the top of my head.

Currently all the games we play are 1 quarter entries, which is fantastic. Well what about we vote on a beatable game(TMNT, Knights of the Round, etc) with ending and all and we are allowed to use as many quarters as we need to beat the game. Whoever uses the least amount of quarters is the Summer Comp Champ.

I think it would be ideal to find a game that says how many quarters we use in the high score table(Ex: Shinobi) but I'm not sure how many games do that. So Video recording would be the next option...or the honor system.

Just a thought...

Another great idea !! However...I'm not sure either how many games will show us the amount of quarters / credits being used. I will have to look into this.

I've tried recording Mame gameplay sessions...but this screws up my in-game hi-score tables....I'm using a compiled version of Mame with hi-score support. Recording sessions is a no-go for me at this point. But maybe other ways of recoding video will be possible. Any ideas ?

Keep those great ideas coming guys :)

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So you're taking ideas for a special summer competition, like the shmup one we had earlier this year?

I'll discuss with Darren if we'll add this game as part of our Summer Comp or maybe add this as a seperate game thread to our Arena Forum.

Question > what NES-emulator do you use / recommend ?

I would keep a console-based high score thing in the other forum (The Arena) myself.

NEStopia is probably the best NES emu out there now.

Another great idea !! However...I'm not sure either how many games will show us the amount of quarters / credits being used. I will have to look into this.

No problem. Many arcade games (especially shmups) add a 1 to the end of your score every time you use a continue/credit, so a running total of credits used can be seen in the score. I think this idea would be good if only because I'd like to see a lot of games to completion, yet seeing how few credits we can use will still maintain an element of competition.

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Also, I would like to see more console based competitions in the near future.


Super Mario Bros (Nintendo NES) Level 1-1 speedrun, basically see who can finish in the fastest time etc... Just take a screenshot when Mario hits the Flagpole.

There doesnt have to be a leaderboard for this either as its just friendly and not as fierce as the MAME comp.

I think these sort of competitions are fresh and are not as time consuming as getting hi-scores on MAME games.

What you think?

I really like this idea. I think running little "challenge" competitions would be pretty cool. Like the fastest one to complete the Dam level in TMNT on NES. Or the first one to obtain the Hadoken in Mega Man X (Just spit balling ideas here).

Trying to set an easily identifiable metric that was usable by everyone could be a bit of a challenge (FRAPS would be one option, but I imagine only a few people have or use it), but I think this idea really has some legs.

Nice one KRC!

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CR - I agree in game movie captures usually kill the game play so I figure everyone has smart phone now a days...recording the video with that would be easy to do and share. Might be too much work for some and I understand...

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Here's an example


Super Mario Bros. (World)

System: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Challenge: Level 1-1 speed run

Comments: See how fast you can finish level 1-1, when you hit the flagpole at the end of the level the timer stops, now take a screenshot before the timer starts to reduce to 0 (when it's calculating your score)


Time: 301 Remaining

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That's a great example KRC :) We'll definitely add Mario Bros. level 1-1 to the our Summer Comp !! Thanks !

Little challenges would be pretty cool indeed B)

What do you guys prefer ?

1. Add all of these challenges to a Summer Comp (with a deadline obviously) or add them as seperate threads to our Arena Forum which could than be played continuously ? I really like the idea of a Summer Comp. I think the best idea is to start a Summer Comp and add the most popular challenges of the Summer Comp to our Arena as seperate threads when the comp is finished. What do you guys think ?

2. Should we have weekly challenges during our Summer Comp or start off with multiple contests / games you can choose to play during the entire period of our Summer Comp ?

Thank you guys :)

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So, it seems a "Summer Runners" comp is what y'all want, which i also like the sound of! Would you agree? Anyone have any other ideas to add? We want to hear anything you guys have in mind!

PS: To ease your minds this will be a tournament type competition totally separate from the official MAME comp, so you've no worries of it interfering in any way with all your hard work ;)

EDIT - to answer Den's previous post i would prefer to have multiples with an overall time limit of the whole comp, this is favorable to those that have commitments at certain times or may not be able to attend for some periods.


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I like the way this is going, I can pretty much come up with hundreds of different competitions with plenty of variety for all players.

Thanks KRC ! We'd love to receive your suggestions !! Keep em coming.

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I like the way this is going, I can pretty much come up with hundreds of different competitions with plenty of variety for all players.

Yeah man let's hear em! ;) Here's an obvious one but thought i'd put it out there - Sonic 1 Megadrive/Genesis Greenhill zones.

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I may be a little late to the party here, but an idea just struck me so I figured I'd toss it out for some discussion. I know there's been talk from time to time about getting some of our illustrious pinball brethren involved in some high score competition action. Perhaps a couple one-off pinball competitions over the summer might be just what the doctor ordered!

It would be interesting to put out a general question to the PinballX forums as to what tables might make for interesting high score competition, and then compile the suggestions into a poll similar to what is used for the current GOTM voting. Top 2-3 votes will be turned into the "PinballX Hi-Score Summer Camp" or something along those lines.

Any thoughts on this? Any pinheads in the house?

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Actually i think you're right on the money! I've spoken with Dennis about this, briefly in the past. But the bottom line is neither of us are experienced in the Pinball department. So it is hard to come up with a competition that would appeal to pinballers. If you know of any wizards that want to get in on some action then let us know!

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I think it would be a kick to run the competition across multiple systems. I really like how how this competition kind of has almost a "scavenger hunt" sort of vibe insofar as it has you going to a bunch of different places to do different things (maybe that would make it more like geocaching ... I dunno :huh:). Any hoo, I think the addition of multiple systems would really enhance the vibe of "round the world and back again".

OTOH it also increases the amount of planning and administration, so do with that what you will.

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I'd prefer our summer comp to have challenges on multiple systems / consoles. It' s an ideal way to see how many are interested in playing hi-score games on other platforms than Mame.

If we generate enough interest it's our idea to maybe even start other platform hi-score competitions in our Arena forum. For example a NES comp, a Sega comp, an Atari comp etc. with possible its own Game of the Month competition or other console challenges. There should however be enough interest to play in comps like this. I'd be more than willing to mod something like this if there is enough interest. A multi console summer comp is ideal to give this a kind of test run.

Thank you for your ideas NP and Draco :)

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