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minimize upon initial startup


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You may want to provide us with some information, copy of your pinballx.ini and log files. Would be good to know what OS and codecs you have installed. Same as with GameEx, we need these to review. Thanks!

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ini file attached as well as list of codecs added

os is win7pro, log file below..

14:48:58.7 12/6/2013: PinballX - Version 1.70
14:48:58.7 12/6/2013: Loading Settings
14:48:58.8 12/6/2013: Initialize Component
14:48:58.8 12/6/2013: Initialize Display
14:48:58.8 12/6/2013: Loading PlugIns
14:48:59.1 12/6/2013: Created DirectX BackGlass Window
14:48:59.2 12/6/2013: Hiding Cursor
14:48:59.2 12/6/2013: Hiding Taskbar
14:48:59.2 12/6/2013: Load Game List
14:48:59.2 12/6/2013: Loading Database: Visual Pinball
14:48:59.2 12/6/2013: Finding and matching artwork and videos
14:48:59.4 12/6/2013: Loading Game Statistics and Scores
14:49:01.1 12/6/2013: Initialize Audio
14:49:01.1 12/6/2013: Set Keyboard Controls
14:49:01.1 12/6/2013: Initialize Joystick
14:49:01.2 12/6/2013: No Joysticks Attached
14:49:01.2 12/6/2013: Started
14:49:20.2 12/6/2013: Launch System
14:49:20.2 12/6/2013: Waiting for threads
14:49:20.4 12/6/2013: Disposing display
14:49:22.2 12/6/2013: C:\ARCADE\Visual Pinball\VPinball915.exe /play -"C:\ARCADE\Visual Pinball\Tables\Champion Pub, The (DB2S).vpt"
14:49:22.2 12/6/2013: C:\ARCADE\PinballX\vpauto.exe
14:49:30.1 12/6/2013: Found PinMAME ROM: cp_16.nv
14:49:52.5 12/6/2013: Exit System Control Pressed
14:49:58.4 12/6/2013: C:\ARCADE\Visual Pinball\pinDMD-CLR.exe
14:49:58.5 12/6/2013: Created DirectX BackGlass Window
14:50:04.2 12/6/2013: Exiting
14:50:04.4 12/6/2013: Showing Taskbar
14:50:04.6 12/6/2013: Unhiding Mouse Cursor
14:50:04.6 12/6/2013: Disposing Plugins
14:50:04.6 12/6/2013: Saving Settings



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You may want to provide us with some information, copy of your pinballx.ini and log files. Would be good to know what OS and codecs you have installed. Same as with GameEx, we need these to review. Thanks!

Have you had a chance to look at this yet? thanks.

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I don't run PinballX on any of my machines (yet) so I am not able to test what you are encountering. If it is happening on one machine out of several, is it possible that there is something different about the install on that one machine that isn't quite the same as the others? Have you checked out Event Viewer to see if there is any warnings of an application or driver that isn't behaving properly?

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I don't see any problems in your log file, I loaded the same table and attached my log below. You said the program minimizes after initial startup, are you using the start with windows option or clicking on the PinballX icon on your desktop?

I would post your pinballx.ini also to see if we see anything in there.

09:15:45.3  12/9/2013:  PinballX - Version 1.7009:15:45.3  12/9/2013:  Loading Settings09:15:45.3  12/9/2013:  Launching Startup Program: ledset.bat09:15:45.3  12/9/2013:  D:\PinballX\Scripts\ledset.bat 09:15:45.4  12/9/2013:  Initialize Component09:15:45.4  12/9/2013:  Initialize Display09:15:45.5  12/9/2013:  Loading PlugIns09:15:45.7  12/9/2013:  Created DirectX BackGlass Window09:15:45.8  12/9/2013:  Hiding Cursor09:15:45.8  12/9/2013:  Hiding Taskbar09:15:45.8  12/9/2013:  Loading Font09:15:45.8  12/9/2013:  Load Game List09:15:45.8  12/9/2013:  Loading Database: Future Pinball09:15:45.8  12/9/2013:  Loading Database: Visual Pinball09:15:45.9  12/9/2013:  Loading Database: Pinball FX209:15:45.9  12/9/2013:  Loading Database: Future Pinball-BAM09:15:45.9  12/9/2013:  Loading Database: Pinball Arcade09:15:45.9  12/9/2013:  Loading Custom Database: FP Favorite09:15:45.9  12/9/2013:  Loading Custom Database: FP Only09:15:45.9  12/9/2013:  Loading Custom Database: VP Favorite09:15:45.9  12/9/2013:  Loading Custom Database: VP Only09:15:45.9  12/9/2013:  Loading Custom Database: Zen09:15:45.9  12/9/2013:  Loading Custom Database: FP - BAM09:15:45.9  12/9/2013:  Finding and matching artwork and videos09:15:46.1  12/9/2013:  Loading Game Statistics and Scores09:15:47.2  12/9/2013:  Initialize Audio09:15:47.2  12/9/2013:  Set Keyboard Controls09:15:47.2  12/9/2013:  Initialize Joystick09:15:47.3  12/9/2013:  1 Joystick Attached09:15:47.3  12/9/2013:  Started09:16:04.9  12/9/2013:  Launch System09:16:04.9  12/9/2013:  Waiting for threads09:16:04.9  12/9/2013:  Disposing display09:16:06.3  12/9/2013:  D:\VPinball\VPinball.exe /play -"D:\VPinball\Tables\The Champion Pub (Midway 1998).vpt"09:16:06.3  12/9/2013:  D:\PinballX\vpauto.exe 09:16:11.8  12/9/2013:  Found PinMAME ROM: cp_16.nv09:16:29.8  12/9/2013:  Created DirectX BackGlass Window09:16:31.8  12/9/2013:  Exit System Control Pressed09:16:34.6  12/9/2013:  D:\PinballX\Scripts\ledset.bat 09:16:34.7  12/9/2013:  Created DirectX BackGlass Window09:16:37.6  12/9/2013:  Exiting09:16:37.7  12/9/2013:  Showing Taskbar09:16:37.7  12/9/2013:  Unhiding Mouse Cursor09:16:37.8  12/9/2013:  Launching Exit Program: ledoff.bat09:16:37.8  12/9/2013:  D:\PinballX\Scripts\ledoff.bat 09:16:37.8  12/9/2013:  Disposing Plugins09:16:37.8  12/9/2013:  Saving Settings
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I'm at a loss, I can only think of two other things to check:

1) Under the properties on the shortcut make sure the run is set to normal and under the actual pinballx.exe properties set it to run as admin. (I think PBX disregards the shortcut setting and opens full screen/maximized no matter what)

2) Are you running any programs like ultramon (or similar)? It almost sounds like you see it minimized, on monitor #1 but it's actually running full screen in win 7 on "another screen". Once it starts minimized and is in the toolbar, what happens if you RIGHT click and select it, does it open full screen? (***This was my initial theory)

So many variables.......when you say "problem happens first time i run.....", if you close and start it again, does it open maximized? Possible something is still booting/loading in win7 that is causing it to minimize.


Update: Just for kicks, also try selecting a NON-aero windows theme (so one of the basic themes) in win7 if you didn't do this already. (Should be disabled anyway because VP doesn't like windows 7 Aero). Also right click the taskbar --> properties --> taskbar ....uncheck - Use aero peek to preview the desktop.


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attempted your idea # 1 and answer to idea # 2 is no, also turned off aero. Still getting same behavior. yes, first time only after a computer restart this happens, after second and consecutive pinballx startups no problem.... i guess i'll have to write a stupid startup batch file to start pinballx once, kill it, then startup again. Looks like i'm not the only one... according to delta6014.

anyone else? regardless.... thanks for the response zeenon... if, that is, your real name? :=)

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draco... curious... if you don't use the software why are you on these forums?

First clue would be the Admin under my name. That title is all-encompassing for the Spesoft forums, of which GameEx and PinballX are subsets.

Second, part of my responsibilities as an Admin are to help create, organize, and manage the forums, help keep spammers at bay that make it through, and deal with any thorny member issues (i.e., personal attacks or conflicts, etc.) as needed.

Third, encourage member participation, especially in the areas of content submission (graphics, documentation, plug-ins, etc.) and troubleshooting,

Last, while not actively using the software, there are some aspects of it that are similar to GameEx with which I can help guide users towards more effectively troubleshooting their issues (like asking them to provide their pinballx.ini, log.txt files, providing OS and codec information, etc.).

Hopefully that addresses your question or concerns regarding! :)

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anyone else? regardless....

zeenon, hey there, any thoughts, appears i'm not the only one having this problem. draco... curious... if you don't use the software why are you on these forums?

Dude hopefully you don't take offense to this, but after being a bit dismissive of one of our most helpful PinballX members and questioning the credentials of our longest running admin, there could be a diminishing number of people jumping at the chance to devote time and effort to your issue. I mean you catch more flies with honey and all that. Any hoo ... lecture's over ... carry on.

So ... Have you set the program to run as Admin? Have you tried running it directly from the command line (or batch file)? Is this stock standard Windows or some crazy nLited version? Have you shelled the machine, and if so what processes have been deactivated at startup? I guess my biggest question is what else is running at the time? Is there some other application that is fighting for focus (and winning apparently)?

Where ever the answer lies you can pretty well bet it's an environmental issue. I mean your own experience bears that out. It's working on one machine but not the other. What's different about that machine?

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You're lucky these guys are patient. I would have told you to get bent if you'd have come at me sideways like you did to Drac back there, or the others trying to help you for that matter.

Consider that your verbal warning, I'm not as unwilling to drop the hammer as these guys are. We're here because we live what we do, not for money. And it's really not your place to question the authority figures around here, he's an admin, and that's all you need to know. Keep it in mind before you run one next time.

/end slap on wrist mode

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The problem with emails, forums, and the like, things can be taken out of context or greatly exaggerated. I thought my question to Draco was valid however my wording was obviously not thought out well enough in my quick reply. Apologize to all those offended.

I am not running anything out of the ordinary as it pertains to the OS... Win7Pro 64bit, this is not a lite or hacked version. I agree it does sound like something to do with environment but was hoping i wasn't alone and someone out there may have run across this as well as a solution. Yes to running as admin and the other potential solutions/tries suggested by zeenon.

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One or two members reporting the same or similar issue still doesn't rule in favor of a bug with the program and against a system environmental issue.

You may need to note the time of the occurrence and check it against entries within Event Viewer (as a start) as I previously recommended to see if there is something else causing this to happen.

Edited by Draco1962
Locking topic as issue may be deprecated - Install lastest version of PinballX
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