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[THEME] >>> GameroomEX v2 Discontinued!!! <<<


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Nice seeing other community members taking interest in my work. Alot of these systems myself I have never seen or heard of. I just do alot of google and youtube searches and see what system I can create next that is being emulated. Also some of these systems I get request from other members asking me to create a theme for them.

This has displaced my favorite theme on my Arcade Cabinet. VERY well done and the work is appreciated! :)

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What was your fav theme btw? If you don't mind me askin' ;) I'm glad you guys like it even more knowing that someone out there in the GameEx world is actually using it on there HTPC or Arcade Cab. Makes it all worth it. :)

@Starbuck btw I'm working on the Sega SF-7000 theme next!

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Looking good. I see that PM I sent you helped. Did you finish the FM Marty theme yet and I just missed it ???????????? I see from some of the posts here, as you make more themes, more people are switching over to your theme. I want to work on installing some of the MESS systems, that I haven't installed yet. There are a few in their list that look promising. :lol:

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It's pretty much done I've just never announced that I finished it. The Sega SF-7000 theme is also just about done as well. Will have pics to follow soon with a release soon. I'm suprised you didn't catch that I slipped in Alice32 theme in the last release.

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What was your fav theme btw? If you don't mind me askin' ;) I'm glad you guys like it even more knowing that someone out there in the GameEx world is actually using it on there HTPC or Arcade Cab. Makes it all worth it. :)

Ever since I started using GameEx I have been using Draco's Space Invaders theme. The only change I made to that theme and yours was the intro.wav is swapped out to Sinistar's "Beware, I live!".

EDIT: The sound file above was downloaded from the Digital Press archive. They have quite a few files I have used here and there. I used the Space Spartans "Hello Commander. Computer reporting." for a Windows XP bootup for at least 10 years.

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I seen the Alice32 which was a new system for me. But don't remember installing the FM Marty. I remembered the PC-FX. Must be getting old and missed it. Have you tried any of the games on the new systems yet. I was amazed when running CLRmamepro how many no-intro games there were for the sega systems. And they seem to find new ones all the time. Working on some new systems right now, so I may have a new list of systems for you in the near future. Still have a number of systems that I made placeholders for that pale in comparision to yours. ( Jaquar CD, HBMame,Playstation 2, Odessey, " The origional:, Phillips CD-I, etc.)

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I know that I am still missing quite a few. Alot of the remaining systems I don't even run on my setup reason why I have never got around to creating a theme for them. I know there are quite a few out there that people do use so eventually I will get around to doing them. ;)

Btw Playstation2 theme has already been released so you should have that one already best you double check that one.

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First of all > what an amazing theme this is !! I've said it before but great work Krakerman :)

I'm trying to make use of the different system themes you've created. Up until now I've not been able to get the Steam theme and GameEx Hi-Score competition theme to work.

I use the integrated Steam setup. No seperate emulator. When I select Steam the default GameroomEx theme is showing.

Mame - GameEx Hi-score Competition

I'm using custom menus and have created a custom mame list called "GameEx Hi-Score Competition" which is the same name as the theme file you've created...GameEx is showing the Mame theme you have created instead of the hi-score theme when selecting the hi-score gamelist. What is it I am doing wrong ...?

Files are attached. Any help is appreciated ;)




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@GimmeClassics I'll look into your issue soon as I don't have everything back up and running as of yet. I am in the middle of upgrading my system. Just wiped clean Windows 7 and doing a fresh install of Windows 8.1 Pro and I don't have GameEx setup yet.

Just got Windows 8.1 Pro installed and updated. Now to re-install all my software ... fun part! :rolleyes:

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Like I said before I am still in the middle of upgrading and installing reinstalling everything which I don't have GameEx installed currently so I can't look into your issue as of yet but rest assure I should be back up and running by tomorrow in which case I can then look at it. So please be patient I will look into it as soon as possible. Right now for whatever reason Win 8 just seems not be happy on this PC so once again I am reinstalling Win 7 tonight

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What kind of issue are you running into with 8? Would be cool if you can get it resolved as I have found my experience with 8.1 to be pretty decent and actually better than 7.

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For one thing my nVidia 3d glasses emitter keeps turning off but under Win 7 it stays on. I have a few apps as well that don't work well under Win 8. With that said it really not that big of a deal because next to my main pc is my touch screen arcade pc and it is running win 8.1 so I have the best of both worlds. If you see my man cave it looks like a NASA command center with 5 monitors and HDTV on the wall at my desk. :)

There are a few other quirks that just irritates me under win 8 so I am switching it back to Win 7.

I like both Win 7 and 8.1 just not on main pc for now.

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Like I said before I am still in the middle of upgrading and installing reinstalling everything which I don't have GameEx installed currently so I can't look into your issue as of yet but rest assure I should be back up and running by tomorrow in which case I can then look at it. So please be patient I will look into it as soon as possible. Right now for whatever reason Win 8 just seems not be happy on this PC so once again I am reinstalling Win 7 tonight

No need to rush anything Krak ;) ...I've only updated my question because I thought it would better explain what it is I am running into...

Thanks in advance :)

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@GimmieClassics 1st thing when setting up Steam with GameEx if you use the built -in feature it will use Gameroom default layout this is an issue with GameEx. If you want to use my STEAM theme then you need to set it up as a seperate emulator. Nothing I can do about that as it is a known issue with GameEx currently that is.

Second you need to setup the Gameroom Competition theme as a seperate emulator not thru MAME. If you did that then in your Custom Menu config make sure you point to the Competition setup not MAME. Looks like you have it pointing to MAME not to the Gameroom Competition emulator per say.

I think that will fix your issue. Then make sure in the Gameroom Competition you also add your Gameroom Competition map file which I take is your MAME list. ;)

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@Draco I found one issue I was having with Win 8.1. I was overclocking my motherboard to high for starters it would work fine under Win 7 at those speeds but Win 8 was not doing so well so I have reverted back to the default speeds and it is running smooth so far :) Will give more test in the morning.

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Sheesh it's now 3:08 in the morning and I am just now finally getting Win 8.1 Pro installed and updated and so far everything is working and I even have this running with 2 different nVidia cards (Non-SLI) installed a GTX670 (HDTV) and a GTX760 for my secondary and third monitor. Off to bed now maybe tomorrow I'll have time to get GameEx back up and running. ;)

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Update: I managed to fix my Visual Pinball ball stuttering that so many have been complaining about as well even on the Higher end tables. I put my Backglass on my GTX760 and my tables w/PinballX are on the GTX670. Took alot of tweaking with the help of Display Fusion but everything runs very smooth. The table are on Monitor 2 and the Backglass is on monitor 3 While monitor 1 is my Desktop HDTV and I don't use that since monitor 2 actually is a nvidia 3D ready monitor that rotates so I can have the table in portait mode. Hope this helps anyone else that was ever having these kinda issues with VP.

How I manage to use Display Fusion if your wondering was to creating monitor profiles to arrange my monitors and have PinballX call the Display Fusion monitor profiles before running PinballX and after to restore my desktop. PinballX will launch on monitor 2 where the tables are run and the backglass is on monitor 3. I can even use my main HDTV to display custom art for each table if I wanted to with the help of Display Fusion and Adulterys plugin Quicklaunch. So essentially I had Display Fusion change my default monitor as well as how the monitors were arranged because the DMD would no stay on the correct monitor for the backglass unless I had them in a certain order probally due to me having 3 monitors. 2 are 1920x1080 and 1 is at 1280x1024 and I think nVidia drivers have an issue with that but I managed to figure out a way around all that. :)

Note: So to those that say you can't run 2 different manufacturers and model of video card well they would be wrong as I have it running on my system without a hitch. The only thing that you need to make sure of not to have any issues is that both cards need to use the same drivers meaning you need to also make sure that both cards are nVidia or they both are ATI ...not mixed. I have PNY Nvidia GTX760 and the other is a EVGA GTX670 on my setup.

Now that I got PinballX all running smooth on Win 8.1 Pro time to move on to GameEx and settting everything back up. This is gonna take awhile. :rolleyes:

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