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[THEME] >>> GameroomEX v2 Discontinued!!! <<<


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Excellent. Looking at the EVO preview video, you are going to be able to do a lot with your theme when it comes out. In the meantime the more themes you have, the more you can do with the new EVO when it comes out. Not at home right now but will be back sometime Sunday. I'll then install theme pak 7 and anything else you have done. I made about 40 placeholder system themes until you have yours done. Took my setup to a friends house and they all ooh and aaada about your themes. Then complained about how bad, my placeholders looked compared to yours. LOL. Told them in time you would have new systems done to replace mine. Keep up the good work.

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@Starbuck I have never set ZiNc up in GameEx before and I hear it's best to setup as a seperate emulator however I am having no luck doing so. How do you have it setup on your system? If you are using a loader I can't seem to locate such a loader.


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Well I am currently working on my next theme which is .... Fijitsu FM-Towns Marty. :)

Nice seeing other community members taking interest in my work. Alot of these systems myself I have never seen or heard of. I just do alot of google and youtube searches and see what system I can create next that is being emulated. Also some of these systems I get request from other members asking me to create a theme for them.

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