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Been out of the loop


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Hey, I just wanted to make public my apologies for being scarce around here for the last week or so. I had a major return of my diverticulitis and was in the hospital for 3 days. It started as the usual cramps, but it got really bad, with the bloody stool again, and I went to the hospital emergency room cause I was scared and concerned that MAYBE it wasn't what they said it was. Since it was my 3rd time in the ER this year for this reoccurring problem, they decided to keep me for observations. While I felt fine everywhere else, they were concerned about my lack of appetite and loss of fluids. I tried telling them my appetite was gone because of the pain in my gut, and I didn't really want to eat the food they were offering me. So anyway, after a few days in a room, they just decided to let me go. I haven't gotten the bill yet, but I imagine it'll be huge. Luckily, the last time I went to the ER I was able to fill out a patient assistance form for coverage since I only work part time. Far as I know, it should all be covered by that. Anyway, when I returned home, the place I work at was more concerned about their coverage than they were about my health. So the next day after I got home, I got a call saying somebody called off, and they needed help. They offered me 3 10-hour days. I don't know if it was because they really wanted me, or if they were trying to "be nice" like they said to help pay the hospital bill. All I know is that I was at work, and they didn't really need me, and it was a waste of time. But that being said, my paycheck should be half way decent. The bad/down side to all this is that they still are 'undetermined' about what my cramping stuff is. Apparently they did some tests with the MRI and said there was no obvious indication that diverticulitis was in fact the cause. They assured me though that it wasn't cancer or a tumor or anything like that. I told them I had a colonoscopy back in February because of all this, but that the doctor saw nothing wrong. The only thing I can figure is that I must have eaten something that caused a weird reaction in my intestines that makes it clench and contract unnaturally, like having hiccups. I'm keeping a food diet now to try and see if I can identify the culprit.


I haven't been much help here in the Hi-Score board because of all this. Haven't really felt like getting on the forums to do much of anything rather than lurk and see what's going on. Hopefully now that I'm starting to feel better again, I'll be around a lot more. I wanted to create this post to express my regrets and apologies for not being around as much as I was.

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Han, I'm really glad to hear you're doing ok ! Your health is so much more important than helping me modding our Hi-score forum. Take as much time as you need. I'll keep our scoreboard up-to-date :)

It's however great having you back around !

Thank you for informing us about your situation. Take care and glad you're back buddy :)

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Feeling like crap with nobody able to tell you why is a horrible place to be man, it happens regularly to me so i feel ya brah. It's good to have you back though boss and hopefully on the mend :) As eveyrone has said you never need to apologise for any absence and hope you did out of politeness or something rather than really feeling a need to. If things did get real crazy round here in your absence don't worry - we'll just break out the whips and work Den to death! :lol:

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Sorry to hear you are down, Han. I hope you get to feeling better soon and are able to figure out what caused the latest bout. If it is any consolation, I get to have my over 50 "anal probe" this Friday. I don't understand why they want to shove a garden hose up my perfectly healthy arse, but to each his own. I've a good mind to write with a Sharpy on one of my cheeks "If you see tonsils - STOP!"

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I misread your comment, I thought you said your having a 50" Anal Probe.

That is pretty much what he said. :)

Thanks for the kind words guys. I wasn't posting this thread because I felt I needed too. I just wanted to alert everybody who cares enough to maybe wonder where I was and let everybody know I'm doing better. I wish there was something that could be done for me. In the end, they said there wasn't anything identifiable, and gave me another prescription for Vicodin to take for the pain. Trouble is, when I take that stuff (even though it DOES help) it plugs you up like crazy, and then you have cramps of a different kind. It is weird though, so far this year it's happened pretty much every 3 months without a hitch. So I don't know if it's diet related or not. I eat pretty much the same stuff all the time, don't really try new things. Oh well, I'm sure with enough time and research it'll show itself eventually.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks helpman! I'm doing much better right now, but I'm in the lull. It all seems to flare up like every 3 months. And now that I think about it, it gets worse each time. This last time, with the blood, and the stay over at the hospital should be a fair sign something serious is going on. But right now I feel fine and dandy, so I don't know what to do. When they check it NOW, they don't see anything at all. When I'm experiencing the problems, they find numerous things and can't make up their minds what it is. Oh well, as I said; least I'm good now and that's all that matters.

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