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All of my Daphne games work perfectly with GameEx with the exception of Dragon's Lair 2.

The game works perfectly in DaphneLoader and running straight from the command line in Windows, but it wont work in GameEx. What the hell?

It flashes a window that says something about a bad command line, but as I said that same command line works perfectly in windows and daphneloader.


  • 1 month later...
All of my Daphne games work perfectly with GameEx with the exception of Dragon's Lair 2.

The game works perfectly in DaphneLoader and running straight from the command line in Windows, but it wont work in GameEx. What the hell?

It flashes a window that says something about a bad command line, but as I said that same command line works perfectly in windows and daphneloader.


I am having the same issue..any suggestions??

  • 1 year later...

same issue here guys! ive been trying to fix this for months now maybe someone has an insight on how to fix this! :huh:


Thanks Tony, Here's my ini, like others have said works fine with daphne loader, but when I try to run dragons lair 2 through gameEx I just get a black screen and then back to gameEx menu, much like if full screen isn't selected on emus if that helps ?.GameEx.zip

Thanks Tony, Here's my ini, like others have said works fine with daphne loader, but when I try to run dragons lair 2 through gameEx I just get a black screen and then back to gameEx menu, much like if full screen isn't selected on emus if that helps ?.GameEx.zip

Who's Tony?


I think its a bad config file...

around line 690-something (for Gargoyle)



GameName_13=Dragons Lair 2

GameOptions_13=-framefile D:\Daphne\mpeg2\dlair2.txt

-framefile d:\daphne\mpeg2\dlair2.txt


note the "-framefile.." line.. Not sure if this affects how GameEx parses the config ini file, but it doesn't look right. (Sorry, can't test it atm)

hope this helps...!



edit: maybe not. walmartman's config for that game is totally different. Have either of you tried turning off the "hide desktop" (or turning on the "Show Desktop" - whichever it is) option for that game, to be sure there are no errors showing up in the emu?


@mightypeniz, Thanks for looking, but as I said all the other games work, and dragons 2 works in daphne, I think it may be something to do with the video as it loads a whole lot faster than the other games in daphne. Maybe some delay option is needed, gameEx may not be shutting down quick enough for Dragons 2 ? just talking off the top of my head here to try and sort why the it's not loadin in gameEx :blink:

@mightypeniz, Thanks for looking, but as I said all the other games work, and dragons 2 works in daphne, I think it may be something to do with the video as it loads a whole lot faster than the other games in daphne. Maybe some delay option is needed, gameEx may not be shutting down quick enough for Dragons 2 ? just talking off the top of my head here to try and sort why the it's not loadin in gameEx :blink:

Not to be contradictory but I think MightyPeniz is right. Look at that line again, it looks like its pointing to the same framefile twice, sort of. In walmartmans case, I would start with getting rid of all those extra comments and see if it will start without them. In other words remove -blank_searches -min_seek_delay 1000 -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -homedir . -sound_buffer 2048 -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 from the GameOptions line in config and see if it will start without them. You already have -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -nohwaccel set up on the DaphneOptions line, why tell each game to do it again when GameEx is already going to do that by default due to this setting? I have most of those games up and running good and do not use any extra commands in the game options line, other than to point to the frame file. Take a look at the daphne section of my GameEx.ini that I copy and pasted and posted here to see what mine looks like. Maybe this will help you guys.

Jay T



# (http://www.daphne-emu.com/)

# Daphne is a an arcade Laserdisc emulator, that allows playing of

# games such as Dragon's Lair and Space Ace.

# The following options enable GameEx to act as a Daphne front end

# and presents a list of Daphne games that can be selected from the Start

# Page. DaphnePath, and DapnheSnaps should contain the full path to where

# the Daphne ExE is located (path only), and the path to snaps to use.

# Daphne EXE is the daphne executable file (without the path).

# DaphneSnap is the location of Snap Images

# DapnheOptions are the global command line options applicable to all games.

# Set UseDapnhe to true to enable Daphne support in GameEx





DaphneOptions=vldp -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -nohwaccel

# Set up the following options for each Daphne Game. Suffix the end of the

# option with an underscore and a number between one and 30. With Each

# game having a seperate number.

# ROMName is the ROM filename

# GameName is the friendly name shown in the GameEx list

# GameOptions are the specific command line options for each game

# Enabled is true or false and whether the game will appear in the list.


Enabled_1 =True

ROMName_1 =lair

GameName_1 =Dragon's Lair

GameOptions_1 =-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\dl_framefile.txt


ROMName_2 =sae

GameName_2 =Space Ace

GameOptions_2 =-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\spaceace_framefile.txt


ROMName_3 =astron

GameName_3 =Astron Belt

GameOptions_3 =-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\abelt.txt


ROMName_4 =cliff

GameName_4 =Cliff Hanger

GameOptions_4 =-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\cliff_framefile.txt


ROMName_5 =cobraab

GameName_5 =Cobra Command

GameOptions_5 =-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\cc.txt



GameName_6=Dragon's Lair II

GameOptions_6=-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\dlair2.txt



GameName_7=Galaxy Ranger

GameOptions_7=-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\galaxy_framefile.txt



GameName_8=Esh's Aurunmilla

GameOptions_8=-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\eshframe.txt




GameOptions_9=-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\interstellar.txt



GameName_10=Mach 3

GameOptions_10=-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\mach3.txt



GameName_11=Dragons Lair Enhanced

GameOptions_11=-framefile c:\daphne\framefile\dl_framefile.txt




GameOptions_12=-framefile C:\Daphne\framefile\badlands-pc-mpeg2-framefile.txt




GameName_13=Begas Battle

GameOptions_13=-framefile C:\Daphne\framefile\bega_Framefile.txt



GameName_14=Road Blaster

GameOptions_14=-framefile C:\Daphne\framefile\rdblaster_framefile.txt



GameName_15=Thayers Quest

GameOptions_15=-framefile C:\Daphne\framefile\tq-framefile.txt



GameName_16=Us VS Them

GameOptions_16=-framefile C:\Daphne\framefile\UVT.txt


































BTW I'm using daphne 99.7.


Thanks for taking the time to reply jay,

I don't know why my ini file shows "-framefile d:\daphne\mpeg2\dlair2.txt" twice as in gameEx it only shows the line once :blink: , Jay I take it you have dragons Lair 2 running ok through gameEx, If you have can you post your dragons 2 frame file so I can take a look at it <_< , Thanks :rolleyes:

@mightypeniz, Thanks for looking, but as I said all the other games work, and dragons 2 works in daphne, I think it may be something to do with the video as it loads a whole lot faster than the other games in daphne. Maybe some delay option is needed, gameEx may not be shutting down quick enough for Dragons 2 ? just talking off the top of my head here to try and sort why the it's not loadin in gameEx :blink:

I don't have any Daphne games in my cab, so I can't be sure either way... but the config file I was referring to was the GameEx one - not the Daphne one... You mentioned DLair2 was the only one giving you grief, and its the only one with some excess fur in the gameex config file. You'll need to edit the gameex config file with a text editor to get rid of that offending line.

Thanks for taking the time to reply jay,

I don't know why my ini file shows "-framefile d:\daphne\mpeg2\dlair2.txt" twice as in gameEx it only shows the line once :blink: , Jay I take it you have dragons Lair 2 running ok through gameEx, If you have can you post your dragons 2 frame file so I can take a look at it <_< , Thanks :rolleyes:

Here you go.

Jay T


I don't have any Daphne games in my cab, so I can't be sure either way... but the config file I was referring to was the GameEx one - not the Daphne one... You mentioned DLair2 was the only one giving you grief, and its the only one with some excess fur in the gameex config file. You'll need to edit the gameex config file with a text editor to get rid of that offending line.

Yes I agree, or set DL2 up on a different line (game number) in the config and disable the bad one. The text I posted came straight from my GameEx.ini file.

Jay T

Thanks for taking the time to reply jay,

I don't know why my ini file shows "-framefile d:\daphne\mpeg2\dlair2.txt" twice as in gameEx it only shows the line once :blink: , Jay I take it you have dragons Lair 2 running ok through gameEx, If you have can you post your dragons 2 frame file so I can take a look at it <_< , Thanks :rolleyes:

Oh yes I forgot to tell you that, yes its running just fine on my system.

Jay T


Thanx Jay, The only thing I can see is that my version of DL2 has .Ogg files as well as .m2v duno if this makes a difference ? I'll have to try and snag another copy of DL2 and try it out.


Just as a side note, I can't seem to find the option to change the backdrop in gameEx for daphne for my custom dragons lair wallpaper.

  • 2 weeks later...

hi guys i was still having a problem with getting this game to work in game ex has anyone found a solution yet?

thanks again for your time

jester ;)

hi guys i was still having a problem with getting this game to work in game ex has anyone found a solution yet?

thanks again for your time

jester ;)

Did you try my suggestions I posted earlier? If not, I'm not real sure what to tell you as I can't think of any thing else right off hand. DL2 works OK on my end.

Jay T

  • 2 months later...
Can't get it to run in Gameex under beta version of DaphneLoader. Any thought? All other games are working in Gameex. Just not DL2

Do you have it working in Daphne loader outside of gameex? What is the error say when you put in the command? or Check the runlastgame.bat in the gameex program group.

You might want to check if there are any spaces in the GAME OPTIONS

Example -framefile C:\daphne\Dragons Lair II\Dragons Lair II.txt Should be changed to -framefile "C:\daphne\Dragons Lair II\Dragons Lair II.txt"

This fixed another user earlyer today.

I read in the daphne forum there is a patch to fix DL2. :) Ill see if I can dig up the link

BTW: This is quite an old post you dug up... :) The version of daphne you have is 1.0 These issues belong to an older build and its reason for not running are more than likely wrong framefile info or missing roms. You have the real DVDs and works slightly diffrently.

Maybe this will breathe new life into these (UNRESOLVED?) issues.

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